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Thread: FF2 the hardest FF

  1. #1

    Default FF2 the hardest FF

    Scuse me if you don't understand me,but I'm French and i don't speak very well english!!!
    I think FF2 is very difficult,I'm at Mysidia tower(I have FFOrigins),I have 2500hp,120mp but I can't go on the last floor,boss are too difficult!!!

  2. #2


    concentrate on hitting only,i finished most bosses so easily with this (Borgan 1 hit he he)

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  3. #3


    Yes FF2 is hard and is the hardest FF for me. Nearly every boss is trouble, they don't have the leveling up system and magic is usless ecexpt for healing. This is also my leat favorite one, becuse it is so hard.
    Lets Biltz

  4. #4


    Thank you,but a last question,if i win the first boss,and i use the magic:Warp,i go to Altair to restore my HP's character i save and i come back to the tower,is the boss will be there?(this i already fight and win)!!!

  5. #5


    If I remember correctly those defeated bosses won't be there. I'm guessin you're refering to Fire Gigas, Ice Gigas and Thuder Gigas? I remember Fire and Ice beeing relatively easy, but Thuder Gigas totally kicked my sorry behind.

    ~So, if we happen to fall down, we'll get instant halos.~

  6. #6


    Thank you very much,i'll try to win this boss tomorrow!!!

  7. #7


    how interesting i'm at the same place right now

  8. #8


    I actually thought this game was average in the difficulty level, ff1 was much harder for me, the only hard boss in ff2 was thunder gigas, the rest was fairly easy though

  9. #9


    Yesterday,i finished Paramekia castle,i'm at the end of this game!!!

  10. #10
    Hotter than lava SpikingZero's Avatar
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    Yes, it's hard. However, in my humble opinion, FFIII is the hardest.
    I prefer the term "Treasure Hunter".

  11. #11


    FF3 is most difficult than ff2,I hope there is a better system,because in ff2,it's too long,but ff3 hasn't yet come to France!!!

  12. #12


    Actually ff3 hasn't been released in the US either, the people that have played it used an emulator or actually played it on the famicon in Japanese

  13. #13



    FF2 was the EASIST FF. I had more problems with mystic quest! (Which i died alot in that game...thank god you can restart the battles) you can over train SooOOOooOO easily in FF2, im only about 15 hours into the game and I already have my Frioniel and guy with over 3000 HP, and like 50 MP, at the part where you just get gorden, but i like many rushed to Mystdia to train the powerful enemys and get amazing axes for Guy.

  14. #14
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Genji_Fujiwara444

    FF2 was the EASIST FF. I had more problems with mystic quest! (Which i died alot in that game...thank god you can restart the battles) you can over train SooOOOooOO easily in FF2, im only about 15 hours into the game and I already have my Frioniel and guy with over 3000 HP, and like 50 MP, at the part where you just get gorden, but i like many rushed to Mystdia to train the powerful enemys and get amazing axes for Guy.

  15. #15
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    FF2 certainly wasn't the easiest, but I don't think it was the hardest, but it was definitely one of them. The Blood sword made battles against relatively tough monsters/bosses easier, especially the final boss.

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