For the past three years and two months (or was it three?), I've been a member of Eyes On Final Fantasy's staff. It's been a hell of a ride, but honestly, I'm feeling a bit past my Best Before date as an administrator, so I'm just going to go ahead and step down now. I think it's for the best for the old guard to leave the running of things to newer faces. Three years is a sod of a long time, and this is a big step for me, so I'm hoping that the staff will indulge me this small conceit of a sticky thread as I pass over the reigns. There are a few things I'd like to say on the way out.

First of all, to the staff, past and present: We may have had our rocky times--a lot of them, even--but all in all, we've been through a lot together--lost jobs, lost families, relocations, and a sod of a lot of message board drama. In three years, I've seen staffers come and go and come again, and taken my share of stress leaves. Through it all, we've stuck together, maintained a (mostly) friendly and open atmosphere in staff, and in between, still managed to run the greatest Final Fantasy message board on the internet. It has been an honour and a privilege to work with most of you. Well done. If you ever need a hand with anything (You probably won't), I'm here for you. I've already switched over the site control panel to Roogle's email address, and am in the process of backing up and deleting my home folder now, so I think everything is taken care of for the time being. Good luck with everything in the future.

And to the regular members of Eyes On Final Fantasy: When I first got knighted--and even when I was promoted to admin--I'll admit that I accepted the position because I was honored to have been chosen by Sean Robinson and not really for any other reason. Initially, it may have been the staff that drove me and inspired me to do my best as a staff member--but lately--over the past year moreso--it hasn't been the staff that has kept me going. It has been you, the regular average-joe members of Eyes On Final Fantasy. Whatever the staff may do, *you* are the ones who drive the community, by coming back time and time again and posting. Without you, the community cannot continue to function. The contribution of the general membership is often overlooked publically, but I assure you, it is not unappreciated. When the going got tough in staff, it was people like eestlinc, Doomgaze, halan (less so in the past year, since she hasn't been here), Raistlin, Aaron, and Kane who made me want to stick with it in spite of the problems I was having.

So thanks again to everyone for sticking with me for these past three years as a staff member, and here's to three more as a regular member.