Mister and Miss Eyes on Final Fantasy

- Current Status -
Shlup is counting the final votes...

Voting Rules~!
  • *Note: These are the general voting rules. Check the post of the current round for more specific voting rules, such as how many people to vote for at a time.
  • Votes will be submitted by PMing me (ShlupQuack) and only me.
  • Please include the word "votes" and the round number in your PM title.
  • You may not vote for more contestants then is stated for that round, but you can vote for less (ie, If I say vote for 5 people, you can vote for 1-5, just as long as you don't vote for more then 5).
  • All I need as your votes is the numbers of the contestants that you're voting for. You may, but do not have to, include the person's answer, or even the word "contestant". All I really need is a list of numbers.
  • Contestants may vote for themselves (why the hell wouldn't you?) under the condition that, if a contestant votes, they must vote for the full amount (ie, if I say to vote for 5 people per question and there are three questions, you have to vote for 15 people for any of your votes to count).


Ahem... And now for the contestants for this time around... We ended up with 9 females and 30 males. Same number of males as last year! Four less females though... How sad.

So, uhm, here they be.
*Note: These tables will not change to reflect which contestants have been eliminated. To see who's still in the competition at any time, you'll have to check the current post.

The Ladies
Chaos Daryl Divina eternalshiva Halan
Leeza Misfit Skye-chan valetine_4_ever  

The Gents
Advent Child Agent Proto Baloki Bill Burtsplurt
Citizen Bleys Del Murder eestlinc El Mariachi Flying Mullet
Heath Here Comes Big Mik HOOTERS Jayren Marque Joel
Levia Loki Loony BoB m4tt Mystery Contestant
Pee Gee Psychotic Radje Sarbles Shrunkin Master
Skogs The Warrior This Guy Goat Thungor the Great Tsukasa IV