Well, the Staff got together during the Ciddies and decided we should start up a Staff-voted Lifetime Achievement Ciddie. This will be a regular occurance now on during the Ciddies, where we show our gratitude to those who have helped EoFF along it's way. You can only win this Ciddie once.

Since this is the first time we've done this, we'll be giving away two of them. Staff got together and have voted the following two members for these highly prestigious awards:

Citizen Bleys and Dr Unne

Citizen Bleys and Dr Unne have been around for a huge time now, and have become reluctant celebrities within Eyes on Final Fantasy (and sometimes outside of our lovely site, too). The two former admins have helped EoFF grow up through the years, with their leadership, humour, justice and of course the odd technical skill. Bleys and Unne are arguably the two most well known individuals in EoFF.

Eyes on Final Fantasy is proud to have these two former administrators as regular members - should they be on Staff or not - helping us all along the way.

And now, a few words from some of our Staff...

From m4tt:

Why Unne is so great
By Matt Kolek

Unne is a great man. I remember one day when I asked him, "Unne, why are you so great?" And do you know what he said? Well he shook his head, first off. Then said, "My young friend, you could not comprehend the greatness that is Unne, so I suggest you stop thinking about it." So I did.

The End.

There once was a man named Bleys
By Matt Kolek

One could not put the greatness of Bleys into just words. You need emotions. Emotions like and and not to mention . He is a wonderful creature, that Citizen Bleys. Not anyone can post their crotch up and have people fall in love with it. I know I couldn't. My crotch does not compare to his. I mean, he has his on freakin emoticon for cryin out loud! :banbleys. I love Bleys, and you should to.

The End.

From Agent Proto:

A Tribute to Unne.
A poem
He was a humble man;
Never to be needy,
Never to be greedy.
He was an honest man;
Never lying to all,
Never trying to fall.

His greatness lies there;
Just waiting to be revealed,
Only because it is concealed.
Unne was always full of care;
Caring for his friends,
As if there were no ends.

Unne had one kind of a mind;
He was smart,
He had heart.
His heart was one of a kind;
His friends he truly care,
For he was always there.

We appreciate the work you've done;
From being part of this staff,
To just making us laugh.
And this is something you've won;
This award: we reserved it,
Because, you truly deserved it.


"Bleys' Crotch is the best." ~Agent Proto

From ShlupQuack:

Bleys is a great Canadian. I don't know about a great man, but a great Canadian none the less. He's been my guidance as a staff member, and has made me the administrator I am today.

From Sean:

Eyes on Final Fantasy really wouldn't be what it is today without Dr Unne and Citizen Bleys.

From Daryl:

Everyone has heard of Dr Unne!

Dr Unne is without a doubt one of the most wonderful administrators I have had a chance to work with. I really wish he had stayed on Staff longer after I joined, but I am glad he has at least stayed on and been an active poster all this time. He's a pleasure to have around.

Thanks for everything, Unne. We appreciate it.

All your Bleys are belong to us. :bleys

Bleys and I are best known for arguing about just about every idea either one of us had while he was still on Staff. But don't be deceived, I actually think we get along pretty well (at least we have the few times I've had the pleasure of talking to him one-on-one).

Thank you for everything, Bleysie-weysie. All your hard work over the years, and the fact you are still around today, is much appreciated.

From Leeza:

What can I say about Dr Unne. He's a wonderful human being and EoFF has been priviledged to have had him be a part of it for all of these years forming it into what it is today. Of course, he's very modest so he'll probably say that it was no big deal, but he's the rock of EoFF, a firm and dependable support. He's also one heck of a good artist!

Bleys is the other great human being who has made EoFF what it is today, except he's not quite as modest about it and his love of spam has made him an excellent morale booster when it has occasionally been needed.

From Loony BoB:

Well, aside from the intro, I'm not sure exactly what to say. You're both extremely awesome guys and I've always taken in the things that you say. You're there for newbie and oldbie alike all through their EoFF 'lives', and I thank you for being here during my stay, because you make it a real pleasure. Seriously, you guys really have and still do make me happy, and I can only hope that everyone here can help make you guys get a bit of that feeling too.

And don't reject the thought, because we take pride in giving you this stuff. Take pride in receiving it.
