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Thread: !HELP! Via Infinito! (spoilers)

  1. #16
    sephiroth21's Avatar
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    any where a cloud+sephy fight is


    cant you just use no encouters in the via??

  2. #17
    Star gone! Shadow Staffer Recognized Member eternalshiva's Avatar
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    no, it cancels it out and what he's talking about is a boss at level 40.
    Too big.

  3. #18
    sephiroth21's Avatar
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    any where a cloud+sephy fight is


    im sooooo confused. im in chaptor 5 and i chose the beaside hole. what is the via thing, where the hell is dark knight and archamist dress spheres????? to confused.....*head explodes*

  4. #19
    Star gone! Shadow Staffer Recognized Member eternalshiva's Avatar
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    lol If you return to Bevelle, in one of the rooms *to the right, inside* you meet up with the Kinderguardians and they found a new dungeon. There's a save point there also. Just go down there and you are in Via Infinito, an EVILLY HARD dungeon xD

    Dark Knight: Go Down into the foggy area of Bevelle, you have to change the lift to go down. You're going to go through the Fayth maze from FFX and then move on to the Chamber of the Fayth as you proceed through you end up finding the secret area they keep Vegnagun. Just before you fight Baralai, there a treasure chest down to the Left. Dark Knight Sphere.

    Alchemist: You get the Sphere only if you managed to get the Chocobo Farm opened in the Calm Lands, you have to Help Clasko clear the fiends out of the old Monster Ranch. xD

    You're on your way to the Final Boss Fight if you went down the holes. Vian Infinito is a seperate dungeon.
    Too big.

  5. #20


    Originally posted by Enoki
    ill try but i dont think a highe hp is gonna help when the attack is doing 9999 to all my characters. and i dont have auto life. oh well maybe i'll get lucky sometime and he won;t cast it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Hey here's what I did for him, and I didn't have auto-life:

    Well, since my people were like on level 83 when I got here, I had a pretty wide variety of abilities and strength. Dark Elemental has a good physical and magical defense, but my On The Level move with a gunner still did a little over 1000 with my levels so high. Also, my gun mage has 1000 needles, which ALWAYS does 1000 damage regardless of defense. So a few quick rounds of those two moves and he was finished, because he only has 9,999 HP.

    Hope that helps.


    And I have a problem too if anyone can help me. I am on level 100. I can beat the first dude no problem with my Cat Nip accessory (does 9999 damage every hit when HP is low). But the thing is....I CAN'T BEAT STUPID TREMA!!! I've been trying forever and it's making me so mad!! I have Yuna as my gunner in the yellow HP so I can use Trigger Happy (hehe 9999 every time) and then Paine and Rikku are Dark Knights each with 9999 HP because of accessories. If anyone has any possible strategy then PLEASE HELP!! I'm desperate. Thank you!!

  6. #21
    sephiroth21's Avatar
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    any where a cloud+sephy fight is


    thank you soooooooooooooo much eternalshiva your such a big help. just one last question. how do you use the special dress speres and which hole is the best one to go into or dose it even matter....

    p.s. thank you........

  7. #22


    can anyone help me with my problem? cuz i hate Trema. ive been stuck for hours so i just shut it off im sick of it...ARGH!!! (bangs playstation 2 violently then gives up and sulks away)

  8. #23
    Star gone! Shadow Staffer Recognized Member eternalshiva's Avatar
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    The Special Dress Sphere?

    You have to use all of the dresspheres on your grid in ONE battle, so try to set up one that has as little nodes as possible. Like the Unnerring Path *I think that's how its spelled* it only has two nodes. When you have used all of the spheres, it will flash a color *purple for Yuna, Orange for Rikku and Grey for Paine* Press R1 when you are in your dressphere menu and BAM you change into what ever. But this is like a summon, only one person can do this at a time. The special dressphere acts as a full party, there are three seperate sections to it and each section has to be leveled up. so basically, its going to take a while to level them up

    The Holes:

    If you do all five areas, you get a cool garment grid that lets you learn Ultima I suggest all five and you only have to do the Heretic Aeons Boss Fights once, so pick what ever, I went through Besaid first. It doesn't really matter, there's a save point where you fight the Aeons anyhoot, but make sure you get to the Farplane area before you go back to the ship to go down another hole.


    I haven't gotten that far yet in Bevelle, I only got to 50 before I got slaughtered and decided to finish the game xD
    Too big.

  9. #24


    Actually I seem to keep running into the nasty Elder Drake at level 7 or so.... I'm glad to know it's avoidable but the problem is that it shows up RIGHT at the beginning of the level so it's very hard to avoid him. If I stay still long enough will I see it's movement pattern or will it just chase after me like I'm a sitting duck> I've tried this twice already and I'm pretty sure it showed up at level 7, or maybe 8. And you can't escape the fight either, which REALLY sucks. Anyone see the Elder Drake this early too?

    EDIT: Hey, I just figured it out. I guess since each level has a random layout, there is a layout that has one of those drakes in it. And I did sit there at the entrance and waited, and it definitely has a movement pattern (basically just back and forth). Key is to move just as it starts to move back. But the third time I tried it I got the drake on level 4! So I guess it really doesn't matter where you are, there is a small chance it may pop up!
    Last edited by rinoa21; 12-17-2003 at 08:53 PM.

  10. #25
    The flying homo! Recognized Member Giga Guess's Avatar
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    Out of curiosity, do I have to finish this nightmare to get the Mascot dressphere? Because I have gotten an Episode Complete....

    Many thanks Christmas!
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  11. #26
    You never knew. Never. Seifer's Avatar
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    Yeah, and what about the cheap piece of crap, Chac, on 80? It kills you in about 4 rounds. Even after I depleted it MP it still used Stone Gaze and that other move that just wipes your whole party out. And oh, the Dark Knight still gets turned to stone, which pisses me off since that's not supposed to happen.

  12. #27


    when you get to level 100 check my strat for trema, I think it might help (in thread "I beat him!")

    he's pretty hard either way but it makes it easier...and iron duke is TOTALLY worth it, IMO
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  13. #28
    You never knew. Never. Seifer's Avatar
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    I looked at that strategy. I mixed it in a few parts with some of my own strategy, and it did get me passed Chac in one shot, but now I'm stuck again with the next guy down. xD But that's only because I got cocky when I saw he didn't have as much HP. The Speed Bracer is an essential. I'm probably going to have to retry Trema 50 times when I get up to him.

  14. #29


    the secret to chac is to let her oversoul, she has more hp but she cant use that kill all technique (and equipping a ribbon/safety bits helps)
    One should know real emptiness as the state where there is no obscurity and the clouds of confusion have cleared away-Miyamoto Musashi

  15. #30
    You never knew. Never. Seifer's Avatar
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    Yep, I did that, minus the Ribbon and Safety Bit part.

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