Hello one and all. I'm having probelms with Bevelle in Ch. 5. In order to open the Den of Woe in Mushroom Rock Rd. you need all of the Crimson Spheres located across Spira to open it.

The last two are in Bevelle in Ch. 5 in a place called the Via Infinito, an underground area where the deeper you go (there are around 100 levels) the harder the fiends get. I only got down to level three and I got my ass handed to me and Game Over.

Is there:

a.) An easy way to navigate the Via Infinito?


b.) a code (gameshark or not) that allows me to get all the Crimson Spheres so I dont have to bother with it?

I'd like to get into the Den of Woe to get the story completion.

I'm sure I'm not the only one having problems with this horrible episode of Chapter 5. Can anyone help me out? It would be greatly appreciated.