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Thread: Strategy Guide [spoilers]

  1. #1

    Default Strategy Guide [spoilers]

    i was playing the game, minding my own business, i was on hr 15 and on chapter 5, i thought to myself, i could of swore this game was longer then this. I didn't know how many chapters were in it but i got curious and went online to look. ONLY 5!!! was what i thought

    i thought i was actually going around doing a lot of things extra. Anyway, did anyone actually know where to go without using a strategy guide... because seriously, how in the world would you know some of the things.

    (SPOILER) how the hell were you supposed to know to press the x button 4 times when yuna was in the flowers to get the good ending.

    is it just me or has the games gotten so obscure that it is impossible to get the full joy out of the game without the help from a strategy guide?

  2. #2


    I hear you. I didn't noticed until I was at chapter 2, I tried to fix it, but I skipped too much in Chapter 1. Its okay though, when you're finished you can get the new game plus and start with almost everything you had previously.

  3. #3
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    A field full of flowers. "The End" Uh-oh


    My thing was I just visited everywhere in all chapters (I'm currently in chapter 5) saving the hotspots for last. But I know what you mean about some of the stuff. Like....

    (SPOILER)How are you suppose to know at the very beginning to go off to the left and have the giant moogle (Yuna) heal you while chasing LeBlanc? It's not like you see the moogle running to the left when you get to that screen or anything.

  4. #4
    Banned Lord Xehanort's Avatar
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    I agree. RPG vagueness is out of hand. I am in Chapter 5, with 52% story completion... *is pathetic* I didn't realize until Chapter 3 that you could go to places that weren't hotspots!

  5. #5


    I actually disagree. I like being surprised that something that you didn't expect is actually there. Even from past video games I learn to be curious about everything. So what an area isn't a hotspot; I figure the designers of the game still have added something for the players enjoyment.

    And when you play a video game, never do a walkthrough or guide the first time around. People actually like finding things out on there own.

    And for the pressing "X" button at certain times of the game, I too didn't realize it. But still was aware enough that I had to do something since Yuna was walking around. I figured I either had to look for something or do something when that situation happened.

    First time around WITHOUT a guide I got over 80% easy. Its an rpg. Its Final Fantasy. Of course I be aware of extras and minigames.

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