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Thread: Good Blitzers?

  1. #1

    Default Good Blitzers?

    Anyone know any good blitzers for starting off blitzball. Trying to get Wakkas sigil and such would be alot easier with good players!

  2. #2
    Doc Skogs's Avatar
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    Brother, Wedge, Tidus were my front three. Can't remember my defenders, though.

  3. #3


    LF: Tidus
    RF: Wedge
    MF: Zev Ronso / Brother
    LD: Ropp
    RD: Zalitz
    GL: Jumal / Miyu / Nimrook (after 28 games)

  4. #4


    Miyu for GL. Can get relativly early too.


  5. #5
    Bruce Lee Vaprice's Avatar
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    Brother can be considered to be as good as Tidus.

    Kyou is a good defender

    Wedge is good to start out with up top.

    Naida *find in calm lands* shes extremely good...Very good at defence.

    Myu is the best goalie in the game

    vilucha is good to start out with up top.

    Mifurey, is good at a mid position

    Rin is good at defnce.

    ROpp, good at defnce

    Wakka you can get on the airship, Hes not as good as tidus, but hes still good at have at a mid position if you want.


    If you can get Larbeight from the Kilika Beasts hes very good, and Zazi Guado. hes extremely good, and fast becuase hes a Guado....just like asian people..we are naturally fast at speed..
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  6. #6
    Gippal's chick Siwolae's Avatar
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    i didn't really recruit much because i did very well with the Besaid Aurochs. they're a pretty good bunch. ^________^

  7. #7
    Bruce Lee Vaprice's Avatar
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    Yeah the Aurochs are the best team once you get all of them to level 99.

    Actually Keepa is the best shooter in the game, that is the stat, but not in shots.
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  8. #8
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    I used Wakka and Tidus as my forwards. Linna (from the Macalania temple) as my midfielder. Naida (Calm Lands shop) and Kyou (Djose Temple bridge) as defenders. Miyu (Moonflow) as goalie.

    Naida is pretty bad at everything at first but level her up and bit and she becomes a kick-ass, fast swimming, defender with good abilities.

  9. #9
    don't tease the octopus Nimrook's Avatar
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    If you're only looking to play blitzball up until you get the Jupiter Sigil and then stop forever, then I'd definitely recommend that you sign Durren as your goalie as he starts of with a high catch stat which increases a fair amount in early levels. I kept Jassu in defence but replaced Botta with Ropp, as although Botta is the better tackler, he doesn't have sufficient EN or PA to get rid of the ball after a tackle. As for the rest of the team, they were good enough as they are. Datto may appear to have a too low SH but this does pick up, and he also becomes extremely fast. I kept Letty in midfield for ages, but Brother is your best choice there.

    If you intend to keep playing afterwards though, then if you have signed Durren make sure you get rid of him pretty soon after his CA reaches 30. Try to get hold of Nimrook if you can, because he remains the best goalie in the game throughout; whilst Durren's CA hovers around 30 for ages before slowly falling back to 24; and none of his other stats are very high either, which probably makes him the worst player in the game by the end of it.

    Keep Ropp because he becomes the best defender, and if you did sign Brother he becomes a great defender too. He doesn't have the highest AT stat, but his 99 speed means he can catch up with the fastest forwards (i.e. Datto and Nedus).

    You have a fair few options for midfield. Linna is probably the best all-round choice as she can also shoot and tackle; but her endurance lets her down. Vuroja gets 99 PA but it takes him a while to get good. Mifurey gets surprisingly good; she starts off with a mesly 20 speed stat, but she does become one of the fastest players in the game, with some other great stats mixed in for good measure. Alternatively though I prefer to use Kulukan; she keeps her high AT stat and also gains a really high pass stat, making sure my opponents rarely get through the midfield.

    As for forwards, I signed Argai Ronso as for a while he has by far the highest SH in the game, but you might not like him as his speed lets him down a little. Larbeight is definitely a recommendation though as he's probably the best forward overall if you look at SH and EN. I still wouldn't sign Keepa for that position because despite the 99 SH he has very few techs and low EN.

  10. #10


    Keep Tidus, especially if you have Jecht Shot. Because it knocks away 2 defenders, Tidus' low EN stat does not really matter. And his high SH stat means that his shooting can still go through the remaining defenders and still be strong enough to beat the goalie.

    Brother is another good option. IMO he is extremely fast. IMO he makes playing Blitzball rather too easy.

    Nimrook is a great keeper. Sign him up immediately after he leaves the Al Bheds. In the meantime you might want to keep Keepa or Durren as your goalie. But none of Durren's stats exceed 30 (except for SP), so he gets pretty useless later on.

    Wedge is good too. Wedge has good SH, but later he has more AT, making him better for defending. After that (Level 70+), his CA increases so much that he could be good enough to be a goalie.

    Wakka sort of sucks. His shooting is average, but his defense is awful. He's only useful if you use the Auroch Spirit ability, but then again, you may not have any Besaid Aurochs in your team, making it useless.

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