
Return of The Eyes on Final Fantasy Screen Name Tournament

After nearly a year of absense of the EoFF Screen Name Tournament, with a similar tournament done with custom titles during the summer, it is time for the return of this tournament that is... not really as hyped as I hope it should be, but because it is not as important as the Ciddies, but just as amazing, seeing that the winners of the past SNTs have been in the UnOfficial Screen Name Hall of Hame, I shall now have one more inductee into that HoF. Which screen name shall be it out of 100 screen names of 3,700+ possible members? Well, that's where this tournament comes in place. You, the members of Eyes on Final Fantasy decide. How? By a simple tournament of course.

The first round will simply be choosing four screen names which you like out of 12-13 screen names per group. After the first round, I take the top eight of each group and pair them with another group to make 16 and then I set them up in a bracket-style similar to that of the NCAA Final Four, setting up match-ups which you vote for your favorite name out of each pair. The screen name with the most votes out of each pair advances.

In case of a tie, I would use the most unbiased method of tie-breaking, which is coin tossing. I'll then choose which name comes first in alphabetical order to be heads, and whichever sides shows up after I flip the coin five times, if heads, the screen name assigned to head will advance, if tails, the one assigned to tails will advance. Seems simple.

DanieLoony: Coin toss. ;_;
DanieLoony: There must be another way!
xDMano: well, it's the only "unbiased" way I can think of. xD
DanieLoony: Like, remove the last vote, or have a tie-breaker.
xDMano: Ok.
xDMano: I guess I'll alternate per round.
DanieLoony: =]

The first round will have a seperate thread, because it involves voting by posting. The later rounds will strictly be in this thread, so you must watch for the title of the thread to know when a new round is up or when I have the results up. I tend to take roughly two to three days of voting till I gather enough votes per round before I end each round.

Some simple rules to follow.
1. When you vote in rounds after the first round, you must vote in a PM to me, Agent Proto.
2. You can vote for yourself, but I strongly discourage it. So in a match-up that has your screen name, if you're planning to skip it, please include the match-up number, but leave it blank. Don't skip the number when you vote.
3. If you 'accidently' voted for two people in the same match-up, I'll just ignore it and not count that vote.
4. If you want to correct your votes, please title your PM "correction." and only use the match-up(s) you want to correct your vote(s) for.
5. If you send me two PMs of votes for a round, I will ignore the second PM.

Now that's through with, let's check out the past winners.

PAST WINNERS: Big Ogre Umaro, Rydia of Mist, Chickencha, Kawaii Ryûkishi, Mikztsu, Aexoden, Crunchy Beverage, Melted Snowman, and mystic ice cube.

I'll use this thread for any discussions about the tournament, or whatnot...


EDIT: If you have any questions regarding anything, please use this thread, not the other thread.