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Thread: Character Impressions: Then vs Now

  1. #1

    Default Character Impressions: Then vs Now

    How have your feelings for the 14 playable characters changed from the first time you played FFVI to now? Has your favorite character ever changed?

    Some characters have a more immediate wow factor than others (either ability, personality, appearance or a combination of the three), while others hold powerful secrets to be uncovered by experienced players. Some characters might grow on you after a while. So let's see how this all goes down.

    I'm going to average all of the answers later which should provide some definate information in a solely opinionated field of study. Use a scale of 1-10 with 10 being "I love this character" and 1 being "I dislike this character". This way I can average numbers.

    I got FFVI on August 21st, 1995 which is when I started playing.

    Terra 4/5
    Terra is too confused about who she is to have a real personality until the WoR where all she does is talk about love. That's not very interesting if you ask me. I think the only time you really get a hint of the colorful side of Terra is during the scene where Gau is dressing up to meet his father. She was selfish during the game even though she claims to have found what love is. I think she just loves herself. She just wanted Leo so he could teach her stuff. She just wanted to take care of the kids to feel needed. Have you ever noticed that whenever she interacts with the other main characters it's just to talk about herself? The Gau's father scene is the only exception I can think of for that too.

    Locke 3/4
    I always thought Locke was ugly, and he's very weak. Plus I get tired of all the people that are like "OMG Locke 0wNs y00 with the mad tyte Offering + Genji Glove combo!!" Yeah well what about the other 90% of the game? The only thing that makes his existance worth while is his relationship with Celes, and the Rachel scene was cool too. Dual Hawk Eyes are neat but they're only very effective during a brief time near the end of the WoB. Steal is near worthless in FFVI.

    Edgar 7/5
    Edgar's great in battle when you first get him but his usefullness declines as you get better characters and the monsters get stronger. Edgar gets his best tools too early in the game which prevents him the ability to upgrade his best attack late in the game. Plus his stats are quite low so for me Edgar is just a so-so character.

    Sabin 9/10
    Sabin's blitzes are extremely useful throughout the game is his evasion is pretty good too. Plus he's got a great sense of humor and his scenario is the best part of the game for me.

    Shadow 2/6
    I used to dislike Shadow. However his stats are above average, Interceptor is nice to have around and the throw command is fun to use. So now I think he's alright even though his sprite is ugly and he has a dry personality.

    Cyan 9/8
    I think Cyan's abilities look more impressive than they are useful. I've used Cyan a lot for years but I've come to the conclusion that ultimately Swdtech is a disruption to the flow of battle. Not only does Swdtech take a while to charge up (I know there are ways to avoid hold-ups but that gets tiring too), but the overly dramatic Quadra Slam/Slice takes a long time to sit through as well. I like to do all my damage in one quick hit and not sit there watching Cyan's big show over and over and over. Besides, Catscratch and Bum Rush do more damage than all 4 of Cyan's slices combined. Plus Cyan's stats are well below average. Swdtech is still a cool and unique ability so I still like him. Perhaps I've just used him too much.

    Celes 4/7
    I never realized how odd yet intriguing Celes' outfit is until recently, and although she's rather weak in the WoB she does control the levels of many WoR characters. Plus she's somewhat powerful in the WoR with the Ragnarok. Celes is alright... better than Terra.

    Gau 10/10
    Gau has always been the most intruguing character for me ever since I first saw him in the instruction manual before getting anywhere near the Veldt. How many other FF characters are just like Gau? None. We've seen kings, warriors and theives but then all of the sudden here's this wild kid. Gau's got the funniest personality and yet he's one of the most powerful characters in the game (the fact that most people don't know that also raises his cool factor... he's a sleeper). He simply tears everything up and he almost never dies due to great defense. I put my groups in order by level, and Gau always rises to the top because he dies less and therefore gains more experience than everyone else. That proves something doesn't it? I can honestly say that anyone claiming Gau is weak or useless doesn't know what they're talking about. After schooling people for years no one has shown me how he's weak. Keep trying people... I'm convinced it ain't gonna happen.

    Setzer 4/6
    Setzer's pretty much average. The only cool thing about Setzer for me is that he can use free magicites with 3 bars which happens quite often. That actually causes him to be useful every once in a while. 7-flush ain't that bad but it's not that good either. His stats are well below average though.

    Mog 8/5
    Having more than one automatic character in a group is bad for many reasons. Gau already fills the single position for automatic character. Besides Mog stumbles way too much. If he did his dances 80%-100% of the time he'd be much better. Some of his dance attacks arn't very effective.

    Strago 3/3
    Strago's stats are low, he can't equip any good weapons or armor and his Lores do below average damage throughout the game, except maybe the end... maybe. Besides, who wants to fight with an old man? He's past his prime, let's put it that way.

    Relm 5/8*
    Relm would be alright if sketch didn't glitch the game so much. It's not very effective anyway but control is. Not only does it stop an enemy from attacking but it also provides for some interesting battle situations. In my Expert Version 2 she starts out with control, no relic required. Plus you gotta love her high magic stat.

    Gogo 7/4
    Gogo's abilities seem really cool until you look at his stats along with the fact that you can't change them. Plus he also has no personality. What fun is that?

    Umaro 1/2
    Umaro has no personality other than wimpering when he's hurt, he can't cast magic, you only get him late in the game and he's a big ugly hairy monkey. It is nice to have him around on Kefka's tower though because of the nice physical damage he delivers. The fact that I almost never use him raises his fun factor when I do use him.

    *Expert Version 2 enhanced stats & ability
    Last edited by i90east; 04-14-2004 at 07:32 AM.
    The CyberVeldt

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  2. #2
    The Son of a Submariner: Edgar's Avatar
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    Terra 7/4
    Locke 3/2
    Edgar 7/9
    Sabin 7/10
    Shadow 4/9
    Cyan 7/7
    Celes 4/9
    Gau 4/6
    Setzer (slot doesn't work for me) 1/5
    Mog 10/8
    Strago 1/2
    Relm 5/7
    Gogo 9/7
    Umaro 6/10


  3. #3
    Angel of Death Azrael85's Avatar
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    Terra 8/9
    Locke 4/5
    Edgar 7/9
    Sabin 10/10
    Shadow 9/8
    Cyan 8/7
    Celes 5/6
    Gau 3/3
    Setzer 3/3
    Mog 7/5
    Strago 5/4
    Relm 3/3
    Gogo 8/6
    Umaro 6/6

    \m/ \m/

  4. #4
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    The only impression that's changed for me is Gau. I like him a lot more now that I know what his powerful rages are. I've never had a lot of absolute favorites though. I've always tried to mix up the parties I take through the game every time I play to keep it fresh and make it a unique experience.
    Figaro Castle

  5. #5
    The Son of a Submariner: Edgar's Avatar
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    I might as well elaborate on my ratings

    Terra 7/4
    Eariler on, Terra was useful for her magic, until Celes comes along with her Runic. Unfortunately, Celes does not get along with terra combat wise so Terra's rating naturally drops. Morph is good but not at high levels when you easily hit the damage cap of 9999.

    Locke 3/2
    First, I'm a rich bastard, I don't steal. yeah, Locke is fast, but I would rather Shadow than him.

    Edgar 7/9
    I thought Autocross bow, some sort of 'manaless magic attack' was bad. Chain Saw and Drill and the status changing thing was worse.

    Sabin 7/10
    I thought pummel and Aurabolt is lame, but Bum Rush and Air Blade is worse. He can pretty much kill things by himself so he is usually my highest level character, thus I gave him GG and Offering, which was even worse.

    Shadow 4/9
    First time i see him, heh, throwing shurikens is no different from Cyan's Dispatch, except that it waste money. When weapons you once wield are rendered useless, he can truely shine at disposing them for you.

    Cyan 7/7
    Nothing much on him. I usually go for Dispatch...which CAN do SOME damage.

    Celes 4/9
    First, why need Celes when you have Terra? Then, Kefka comes and attacks Narshe and MY GOD she's useful. Runic

    Gau 4/6
    His rage is useful. Some attacks are useful. The reason why he can't go above 6 is that Strago has some of those moves.

    Setzer (slot doesn't work for me) 1/5
    Because slot did not work for my snes and I suck at slot machines anyway. Like I said, I'm a rich bastard, to GP toss is good to me

    Mog 10/8
    Those manaless, unrunicable healing dances pwn! At WoR however, he starts to drop a little. Reason why he has an 8 is because he can equip moogle charm :mog:

    Strago 1/2
    Rods? Gave to Shadow lol. Why Blue Magic when Terra and Celes can do Ultima and such?

    Relm 5/7
    I bet Gau loves Relm Control is good for many stuffs.

    Gogo 9/7
    Good thing, he can use Tools, Blitz, Throw and Swordtec. Bad thing is, he can only use one of them at one time and he is not as good at them as the originator. And I got no space lol.

    Umaro 6/10
    First time I see him, wow, potential energy. At level 60 with Gauntlet and Rage Ring, wow, kinetic energy.

  6. #6
    Not German Outsider's Avatar
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    Terra 3/8
    Locke 7/9
    Edgar 5/5
    Sabin 8/8
    Shadow 7/9
    Cyan 8/9
    Celes 9/9
    Gau 5/7
    Setzer 10/9
    Mog 2/0
    Strago 4/6
    Relm 2/6
    Gogo 6/6
    Umaro 5/5

    I've seen the future, brother. It is murder.

  7. #7
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    to be honest the characters dont really vary much at lv 99 when u have genji glove+offering and gembox+econmiser. who ever has them owns over all, except umaro and gogo cant use them so they suck over all.

    ok, this is based on personality. before/now

    terra 5/5
    locke 4/5
    edgar 5/5
    sabin 5/4
    gau 3/4
    cyan 5/5
    mog 5/3
    setzer 4/3
    relm 4/4
    strago 2/3
    shadow 4/5
    umaro 1/1
    gogo 2/3
    celes 5/5
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  8. #8
    Recognized Member m4tt's Avatar
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    Nice idea..

    Terra 9/9
    Locke 5/8
    Edgar 10/8
    Sabin 8/8
    Shadow 8/10
    Cyan 7/3
    Celes 7/9
    Gau 4/10
    Setzer 7/5
    Mog 5/7
    Strago 2/1
    Relm 1/1
    Gogo 10/10
    Umaro 10/10

    Gau was my biggest jump, since the first time I played the game I hated him. Now I love love LOVE him.
    Mr Thou! Mr Thou!

  9. #9


    Terra 6/9: I never realized the damage potenial of single strong physical attacks and maigc before. Well developed... however the rating might change again now that i90 dropped that selfish hint about her.

    Locke 3/8: A better fighter than everyone gives him credit for. Front row damage, back row weapons. Very developed.

    Edgar 10/7: Thought this guy was god my first play through. Now Realize he's only ok. Fun character personality.

    Sabin 10/9: Excellent damage producer. Not as godly as I first thought.

    Celes 4/8: Useless at first because of my magic ignorance and the presence of Terra as a healer. Now I enjoy creating havoc with these two heavy hitters. Nicer story than Terra's. I bet she shags like a minx... (Did I say that out loud?)

    Shadow 8/9: Not much personality but makes up for it on the battlefield.

    Cyan 9/4: Godly to nothing special. Swordtech kept going downhill for me. His story is cliche at best.

    Setzer 5/4: Unimpressed with the guy. Once I gave up using the offering he became totally useless. Uninteresting story.

    Relm 1/5: New found respect for the girl because of high magic power. Still not much use to me because the other strong magic users can equipe big swords and not paint brushes.

    Strago 2/7: Story is nothing interesting, but blue magic is extremely effective against many enemies.

    Gogo 9/5: Super cool to nothing again. He's ok, no story and brings nothing new to the table.

    Umaro 10/8: I loved this guy my first play around. He's less useful now, but still fun because of the many elements he absorbs and his rage attack.

    Mog 4/4: I like him now for different reasons than before. First it was the ok dance, now it's the snow muffler. All in all not a good character.

    Gau 3/8: Snow muffler. That's what changed. Decent story too if you play with him a bit.
    Some people choose the path straight and narrow,
    others take the road less travelled,
    I cut through the woods

  10. #10


    Then and now, huh? Something else I haven't thought of (not with FFVI at least)!

    I was still a kid when this game came out, so the guys will have lower points in the "then" spot (mainly because I didn't like boys then, but I LOVE them now! ).

    Terra: 9/10
    Locke: 6/10
    Sabin: 5/8
    Edgar: 4/7
    Celes: 7/10
    Shadow: 7/8
    Gau: 2/5
    Cyan: 3/4
    Setzer: 6/7
    Strago: 5/6
    Relm: 8/10
    Gogo: 4/5
    Umaro: 1/3

  11. #11
    Not German Outsider's Avatar
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    Kefka 10/12 (!)

    I've seen the future, brother. It is murder.

  12. #12
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    kefka 100/100,000

    Imperia, what would celes do to you with an econimiser and gem box knowing you held a torch for locke? lol. Edgars single and rich and sabin's well built. alls fair in love...
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  13. #13
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Terra 6/7--Found her slightly interesting then, and it has increased a little over time.
    Locke 3/10--Didn't care for him to much. Now he is my favorite character due to his personality and backstory.
    Edgar 5/8--I thought he was alright at first, but I got into TOOLS more as time went on.
    Sabin 9/9--Really liked him then and I still really like him now!
    Shadow 10/7--was my favorite character because I found him mysterious. Now I just think he is pretty cool.
    Cyan 4/5--Never liked him that much, and I still don't.
    Celes 7/8--Thought she was pretty cool. Her backstory bumped it up more over the years.
    Gau 1/1--Never got into the whole monster ability thing (in any game though).
    Setzer 5/6--SLOTS is alright, but I never use him all that much. His personality is most of that rating.
    Mog 6/6--DANCE is okay, but whatever. Moogle charm is awesome(I used to use it when I was lazy)!
    Strago 2/2--See "Gau".
    Relm 3/3--SKETCH sucks, and I don't like her.
    Gogo--7/8--Picking your own abilities rock
    Umaro 0/0--I like to name him "Assrag" because that's all he's good for. Not controlling him sucks. When he is high leveled he is OKAY, but that's it.

  14. #14


    I forgot about Mog... Darn it... With him, it's 7/7.

  15. #15


    Thanks for the replies guys. What I'm going to do is take the results here and combine them with the results from another forum and average them all together. There are over 30 replies total which represents a decent amount of avid FFVI fans. This should provide some definitive information. If you haven't made a post in this thread yet please do so for I will be compiling the results soon. Then we'll see which characters showed the most change along with popularity comparisons then and now. I'll post the results here and on my new website.
    The CyberVeldt

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