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Thread: In Hollywood, life is everything BUT viewtiful

  1. #1
    Bigger than a rancor SomethingBig's Avatar
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    Default In Hollywood, life is everything BUT viewtiful

    As you may have already guessed, this thread is about Viewtiful Joe and how much of an amazing game it is. It's almost impossible to willingly put this game down. It's so fast-paced and the VFX powers make it 5 billion times more incredible. This is probably the hardest side-scroller I've ever played. Why is the title like that, then? It's coming up. For those that are done reading, post what you think about the game.



    SPOILER ALERT.... I think. I'm not too sure, so don't read unless you're at the end of the game.

    At the Magnificent 5 level, I'm on the fifth, Fire Leo, or whatever his name is. I manage to get half of his health away, but then he kills me. I canNOT kill him. It's absolutely impossible. For those that have beaten the game, help me out, hea', please.
    :monster2: One, AH! AH! Two, AH AH! Three, AH AH!

  2. #2
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    I have it, but have never played it. Can somebody give me a really good "pump up" to make me motivated to play it?

  3. #3
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    It's a 2D scroller beat-em-up game. It's fun.

    I haven't played the game in awhile though. I actually liked the game. It's quite tough imo.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  4. #4
    Talim Lover! BatChao's Avatar
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    Hi! Yea, VJoe IS awesome, isn't it? But anyway, onto your question. Just telling you my strategy is a)very slow, but safe and b)may be a little off since I haven't played the game for quite a while, but this is what I remember doing:

    First, I think he like throws rocks at you or something. I don't relelber what I did. I think I chased him, either dodging or breaking the rocks and I think if you catch up to him, you can score a couple hits with a slo-mo combo. I'm not EXACTLY sure if this is what I did, but I sorta remember doing something like this.

    Next up, when he does that spinning thing, you can go into slo-mo and keep doing slo-mo uppercuts I think. It won't really slow him down, but you'll take off a good chunk of life off him.


    I think that's all I did... Sorry if it's kind vague... I really don't remember.
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  5. #5
    Eoff + Fabio = Win Lord Chainsaw's Avatar
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    I do think Viewtiful Joe is hard, but it is no where near the hardest side-scroller I've ever played (that honor goes to Skullmonkeys)

    As for the Fire Leo, this is how I beat him:

    At first when he's making the rocks fall, just fast forward and punch them until you're on fire. When you're on fire, his fire attacks cannot hurt you.

    I don't clearly remember what to do next but I'm more than positive you can run up to him and start attacking him at this point while you're still on fire.

    Next he will start spinning and try to punch you.

    What the game WANTS you do to here is dodge his punches either pressing up or down until he gets dizzy, then they want you to go in there and unleash.

    What I did at this point was go slow mo, zoom, and do the spinning kick while he was in the tornado. You will be able to hit him with the zoom spin kick, and you won't take damage from his punches. The kick won't take off very much of his life at all, but it adds up. Keep the spin kick going until your VFX is about depleted, and then go out of the slow mo and dodge his punches like you're supposed to until your VFX is full again. When your VFX is full again, go back into slow mo, and zoom kick him again until you're empty.

    At this point he's going to start his pattern all over again, so just repeat until he's dead. When he's almost dead he's gonna start unleashing on you like a mother, and when he's charging on all fours he'll be fast as hell. Probably too fast for you to outrun. What I did when he started his really fast charge was hide under the platform. I think I took a bit of damage, but I took less than he would have done to me.

    All in all, Fire Leo is the hardest boss in the game. If you can beat him, then the final boss will pose no problem for you.

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