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Thread: Black Belts suck

  1. #16
    Scatter, Senbonzakura... DocFrance's Avatar
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    All five other classes get something out of the class change. The Black Belt gets nada. There is no difference at all between the Black Belt and the Master, aside from the sprites.
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  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by black orb
    >>> Black mage have fast and powerful offensive magic. White mage have healing and defensive magic..
    They are more useful and helpful than BB..
    The Bm isnt really that fast. Usually when I play by time he casts his spell majority of the enemies are killed by the Fighter, Red Mage or BB. Another thing about the Bm is his terrible attack power. Once he uses up all of his Mp he is USELESS! At least the Wm has A LITTLE attack power and the Rm has a lot of attack power that he can use. The BB is alway usefull. In every fight he can attack enemies for a lot of dmg, and he wont stop until he is dead. You cant say the same for the BM. Once he is out of magic he is screwed.

    Quote Originally Posted by DocFrance
    All five other classes get something out of the class change. The Black Belt gets nada. There is no difference at all between the Black Belt and the Master, aside from the sprites.
    I said it before and I will say it again. THE BB/MASTER DOES GET A CHANGE. Before class change the BB gets +4 magic defense every lvl. The master gets +1. Not a good change but it is something..
    Last edited by Black Mage FF1; 12-17-2004 at 07:41 PM.

  3. #18
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> I was talking about the "Fast" spell/magic..
    You cant say the same for the BM. Once he is out of magic he is screwed.
    >>> No need to use all the magic in every battle you fight..
    unless you are playing with a 4 BM party.
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  4. #19


    Then whats the point of even taking him? If your never gonna use him until a boss fight or certain fights? Just to watch him die? Suck up heal spells/potions? Why not take a Rm who can save his Mp by attacking enemies? Doesnt really make sense to me. At least with the BB you can use his full potential in every fight. Unlike the Bm.

  5. #20
    Sane Scientist Bahamut2000X's Avatar
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    The black belt does not have all sorts of cool martial art moves
    I think it's implied them being martial arts masters. Sure maybe they couldn't show it in FFI. But I'm sure if they made FFI 3-D they'ld be doing all sorts of neato matrix like effects. Besides, what kind of a martial artist doens't have cool matrix type looking technigues?
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  6. #21
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Mage FF1
    Then whats the point of even taking him? If your never gonna use him until a boss fight or certain fights? Just to watch him die? Suck up heal spells/potions? Why not take a Rm who can save his Mp by attacking enemies? Doesnt really make sense to me. At least with the BB you can use his full potential in every fight. Unlike the Bm.
    >>> Because BB is ony useful at high levels, while BB is doing crappy damage with some nunchuks, BM is blasting monsters with level 2 black magic..
    At places like Cave of Marsh and Ice Cave, a BB is practically worthless..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by black orb
    >>> Because BB is ony useful at high levels, while BB is doing crappy damage with some nunchuks, BM is blasting monsters with level 2 black magic..
    At places like Cave of Marsh and Ice Cave, a BB is practically worthless..
    WTF? Well maybe if you didnt have the nunchuks he would do better. Im sure you knew that though... But he doenst only do high dmg at high lvls. Around lvl 15 he is just about the same as the Knight, and around lvl 29 (the lvl I useally beat the game at) he does more dmg then the Knight with the Xcaliber. Hell even at lower lvls he can do more dmg. lvl 2 magic? What lvl 2 spell does he have that is usefull? ICE? Thats about it and he only gets like 3-4 casts when you first enter the Marsh cave (unless you overlevel). Even if the BB was worthless at the marsh cave, that doesnt matter since its only 10 minutes of the game. The rest of the game he does a lot better.

  8. #23
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I should try one sometime.

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  9. #24


    A BB? Yeah you should try one. They are very good characters. Try a Fighter/Thief/Black Belt/Red Mage party. You will see how well you do without a Wm/Bm and how well you do WITH a BB.

  10. #25
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Wait, so your name is Black Mage FF1, yet you don't like BMs?

  11. #26
    Scatter, Senbonzakura... DocFrance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Mage FF1
    A BB? Yeah you should try one. They are very good characters. Try a Fighter/Thief/Black Belt/Red Mage party. You will see how well you do without a Wm/Bm and how well you do WITH a BB.
    I dunno... that's a lot of magic you're sacrificing just for one more guy who can only hit one target. Remember, that with a Red Mage, you're not getting a Black Mage, White Mage, and Fighter all rolled into one - you're getting a third of a Black Mage, a third of a White Mage, and a third of a Fighter - all rolled into only one character.
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  12. #27


    Yeah but its worth it. Why would you want to take two very weak characters like the Wm and Bm? To heal with the Wm? To kill large amount of enemies with the Bm? Both of that can be done with the Red Mage plus he has attack. Majority of the time the Wm will be using her heal magic on either herself or the Bm. The Bm will be using his magic to help against enemies but like I said earlier. Once the boss fight comes around his magic will be basically useless. Even if he had all of his magic when he reached the Bosses. It takes crap dmg on them. Yes he can cast FAST on the Fighter or any other fighting character, but what does he do after? Cast spells for 30-60 dmg? The Red Mage can cast Fast on the Fighter and himself, then he can attack and help out a lot. Trust me. Do a FT/?/Wm/Bm party, then do my favorite party FT/Th/BB/Rm. You will see how much the Rm can actually do.

  13. #28
    Scatter, Senbonzakura... DocFrance's Avatar
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    Yes, a Red Mage can fight, use White Magic, and use Black Magic modestly well. However, his weakness is that he can only do one of those three things in one turn. Furthermore, if you thought a Black Mage was useless after his MP runs dry, try the Red Mage. He'll be your only decent healer, and you'll have to balance using his White and Black magicks. CUR2, FIR2, and LIT2 all share the same level, correct? Your healer won't be as efficient if you had opted for a BM and a WM, and you'll be sucking up Heal Potions (and thus money) faster than a wino with a bottle of cough syrup. Yes, the BM usually doesn't do a whole lot of damage with his magic. However, he can attack multiple targets very easily, and can inflict a decent amount of damage to each; something the BB can never do. A F/?/WM/BM party will have a much easier time fighting 9 Red Sahagins than a F/?/BB/RM party.
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  14. #29
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocFrance
    A F/?/WM/BM party will have a much easier time fighting 9 Red Sahagins than a F/?/BB/RM party.
    Unless the ? in the last party is a Black mage.

    Really though, I've found the F/BM/TH/RM party to work nicely. The fighter will soak up the damage, the Black Mage will cast offensive spells, the Thief will fight/run, and the Red Mage will attack while being a healer on the side.

  15. #30
    King of imaginary people Linus J's Avatar
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    Dont bash the BM, I could never lvl as fast as I do now without my BM with fir2 and ice2 in the pravoka fingertip. And yes, it is useful in the rest of the game too.
    I dont see any real reason to take a BB over a fighter, the fighter is useful in the beginning and stays useful. The BB is just about worthless in the beginning (but.. uhm.. cheap to equip) and doesn't really exceed the fighter in anything else than damage (however, to see a real difference you have to be overlvled).
    The WM can be good, but with a bit of tough luck it will use most of it turns to heal itself. In most cases I'd prefer a RM.
    Never used a thief (oh, it can run? how convenient, well my fighter gets away in most cases anyway)

    Right now I'm playing with F, RM, BB, BM. And at lvl14 is doing the same damage as the fighter, however this will probably change as soon as I get my hands on a coral sword or something.
    But, sure, I could use a BB sometimes, you've only got 6 characters to choose from, and it's funnier to greatly vary the party than to replay with essentially the same party.

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