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Thread: Women <sigh>

  1. #1

    *yawn* Women <sigh>

    Its hard to find good women

    dont get upset easily, sense of humor, easy on the eyes, and understand me..
    Thats all I ask!

    I have only met 2 women who fit that perfectly one of them i went after for half a year but she...already had a boyfriend and after a while i just realized it was an exccuse

    Everyone knew i was trying to get her and i hadnt told anyone and my friend said he asked her out to the dance and she laughed and said no then he said "well who are you going with?" and she said, "well if im going i guess Tastey pies." so he tells me that and a day later after i collect myself I ask her.. thats when she says "Oh sorry TasteyPies if i was going i would go with you but i dont want to go." I gave up on her after that....then she said at lunch that she was sad because her boyfriend left town and again my friend tried to hit on her and shesaid just because he moved somewhere else doesnt me she was available I agreed and told him that long term relationships can work (i still had feelings for her) then a week later she drops him for another guy at school......RAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!!!

    Then there is another who also was seeing someone. I was her friend and of coarse I was there when her bf dumped her (whoo hoo nothing like being a shoulder to cry on to develop a relationship) and we realy bonded but....we have different lunch periods and just recently in the only class we had together i was moved from sitting right next to her to being on the other side of the room because the teacher decided to change seating arrangements (that bastard) now she still tries to hang out with her old boyfriend....i dont know if they have gotten back together or not but i need her now..i cant be without her she is the perfect girl. AND IM TOO GOD DAMN SHY TO MAKE A ******* MOVE and especialy not if i dont know how she feels about me and DEFINITLY not since she follows her ex like a puppy sux

    what women/men have evaded you?
    or just help me with my problem!
    Last edited by TasteyPies; 04-24-2004 at 06:02 PM.

  2. #2 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    I typically don't go after people, they come after me. If I like them, I return chase or whatever.

    You don't ever need anybody. You just want them really really bad. My advice is to look beyond these girls, since they're obviously either attached or pining after someone else. They feel just like you do, but about another guy. I say find unattached girls.

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  3. #3


    Avalon its hard to findgirls that im atracted to other than physicly if you know what i mean.

    Humor is a very big part in my life so i need a girl that can get everyjoke, or even if they dont can make THAT humorous. im a verry laid back guy and i like to enjoy life, and i NEED someone to be with me to enjoy that. I enjoy #2's company so much i need her she's funny, beutifull,smart....everything a guy can ask for and this @$$|-|013 dumps her! but she is so sweet and cant handle getting dumped so she is in a slump for a month and still hangs around him, i think she is out of the slump but shes STILL following him around everywhere!!!! this is the kind of girl you would do ANYTHING to get, i cant forgett her, how do i get her? what can i do?

    She is the reason people write love songs

  4. #4
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    First up: No girl will ever get ALL your jokes - and you shouldn't like someone based on how many jokes they get! Sure, getting most of them is a big plus, but if they don't get all of them you shouldn't kill them off for it.

    Second: Don't think that just because the two girls you've found so far were taken that every girl will be. I know that it's not easy to think that there will be others, and I'm not saying there will be, I'm just saying don't cut out the possibility that you just happened to come across two girls that it just wasn't going to happen with. =x

    Finally: What can you do? Well, if she has a boyfriend and they both care about each other, I think it's best to just do what you can to get by or move on. It's pretty rude to disrupt a relationship that is actually working out. Also, would you want the kind of girl who lets one boyfriend go for the next guy who convinces her to do so? I always find it terribly amusing when a guy convinces a girl to cheat on her boyfriend, then she dumps him, starts going out with the guy she cheated with and then cheats on him too - and the guy can't understand why.

    If he doesn't treat her right, then uh... I dunno, a girl could probably better answer that, because I don't know how that system works. I've never liked a girl who had a boyfriend that abused her in any way without her dumping him once he did.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #5


    ok, girls help me out here!

  6. #6
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Wait - does the boyfriend treat her badly? If so, how?
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #7


    No he just dumped her, dumped HER the perfect girl! (basterd)

    It doesnt sound so horrible but she didnt take it so well she was depressed for a month

  8. #8
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Think about what she needs. What if she needs the time out of relationships? I don't know, myself, obviously - but don't rush into something when she needs to have a bit of time.

    Of course, she should really be the judge of what she should do - you can only either tell her or not tell her.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #9


    I guess your right Bob

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