Okay, this competition will work knockout style. You can post your votes here OR you can PM them to me - I don't really mind either way. Anyway, pick one option for each number... it's pretty obvious how things work. I'll start with 8 groups of 16, and we'll do one group per day or two. Discuss as you go!

The Greatest Something In The Universe

Round One - Group A
1. Street Fighter
1. Chevy
2. Death
2. Monkeys
3. Bombs
3. :dot:
4. Air
4. PS2
5. The Greatest Page In The Universe
5. The Greatest Mystery In The Universe
6. Microwaves
6. Mountain Dew
7. Manga
7. Cid
8. The Pimp
8. Spartacus (the movie)

My votes:
1. Street Fighter
2. Monkeys
3. :dot:
4. Air
5. The Greatest Page In The Universe
6. Mountain Dew
7. Cid
8. Spartacus (the movie)

I don't think I've even seen Spartacus, but damn that pimp. I'm not keen on monkeys either, but deat doesn't seem to fantastic at the moment. I think :dot: will win this round, but at the moment it's obviously a bit early to tell. Cid may prove a winner with his huge following amongst Final Fantasy fans. I'm not really sure what the greatest mystery in the universe is, but I do know what The Greatest Page In the Universe is, and it's pretty cool, so I went with that. Oh, and I used random numbers to order these things. Weird that those two ended up right next to each other. x_x