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Thread: Warhammer + Warhammer 40,000

  1. #1

    Default Warhammer + Warhammer 40,000

    I need help, I want to start collecting Warhammer, but I don't know what set to choose, please help!!!!

  2. #2
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    My friend plays Warhammer and he really likes it. I have no clue what he plays as, though. I think for 40k it's Space Marines.

    I've played the card game and it was fun. Also cheap, considering it was in the bargain bin at my local game shop.

  3. #3


    I'm only going to collect them. What I meant was what is the best looking set of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000

  4. #4
    The Manga Otaku Mattokenzi's Avatar
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    my advice is: collect Tau

    Dono Arigato Macwere San for the sweat signature and avatar

  5. #5


    I've played Fire Warrior, that has the Tau in it but I don't like them, and I can't collect Chaos Space Marines on account of my brother might steal them

  6. #6
    Doc Sark's Avatar
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    Chaos are great. I used to play warhammer when I was a kid. I gave my models to my bor and he loves it. Collect Warhammer Chaos, you can get the demons and stuff and make your own spawns, their always fun.

  7. #7


    I might collect the sisters of death or something like that
    I would love to be happy, but unfortunately I'm too busy being awesome and kicking your ass at everything

  8. #8
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    the sisters of battle (thats the correct name btw) are a good force however they have serious flaws (going by the last time I played them) their toughness and strength factor is 3 but they have power armour (3+ saves) also they have a serious lack of support weaponry their heaviest weapon range is only 24inch on the battle field this puts them at the mercy of enemy support until they close the distance (seraphim close first but can quickly be over whelmed you want to keep them within the range of your other troop so that they can have support if they break).
    The Eldar are quite good for a force to be reckoned with but try to keep all non aspects out of close combat otherwise they get thrashed (especially by space marines of any alliegance) same goes for Dark Eldar however their weapons are a lot weaker than their counterparts although mandrakes can be very devastating against guard armies.

    Which brings me to imperial guard the basic foot sloggers are good for mass firepower (even if it is weak 40 shots can reduce anything to a pile of rubble even terminators) and they have good support fire abilities.

    Orks will own in close combat but getting them there is a problem as they cant aim for a building sitting two foot infront of them.

    I suggest that if you go 40k you pick the guard or the eldar really I really dislike Tau and can kick their buts also one last one a bit of fun t oplay but expect heavy losses (and a high model cost to buy in) tyranids they are quite good fun but word of warning in a three way fight where there were 3000 points orks and 3000 points tyraninds versus my 2500 points dark angels I killed both armies before they got to me to fight in their optimal conditions (didn't help that they fought each other on the low lands first before realising I cant flee so they could take me down quite easily.).

    As for Warhammer fantasy I would suggest a force of elves but then I'm a wood elf player myself and am heavily biased. (Wood elves with several converted brettonian sorcersses to fill out my mage roles and a few special characters I created for my leaders, not too powerful and all perfectly legal by the army book but look great cause they be female wood elves leading some 300 archers...can you say pointy rain of death?)

  9. #9


    Chaos are a very strong force with Demons, they have good stats. I don't know about stats for Tau but they look cool.

  10. #10
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Warhammer sucks. Hero Quest is the way to go!

  11. #11
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Levian
    Warhammer sucks. Hero Quest is the way to go!

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