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  1. #1


    i don't like all these sequals because their just destroying the originals, i mean look at final fantasy X, it in my opinion wasn't that me it was probably the worst of the series...and then sqaure decides to make a sequal with final fantasy X-2, which to me was a complete failer only because it didn't seem like a final fantasy game, so the sequal made the game that wasn't that good in the first place into something that sucked.....all im trying to say is stop with the sequals and why not re-make these classics (4,5,6,7,8,9) into movies that way it doesn't destroy the series....i think they should really re-make final fantasy VIII into a movie because its a great story and the whole world should know about it...........same thing goes for all the other classics, they did so good, and dont you think they should share all these great adventures and the characters with the world??? please tell me your opinions.......

  2. #2


    Well, Final Fantasy VIII is not one of my favorite Final Fantasy games, but I wouldn't mind if it were a movie. But the issue always surfaces, it's a 4 disc game, how would it be made into a good movie unless it was insanely long, in parts (Like LOTR), or without severe butchering of the plot? But if I were to do it, I'd make it all CG like TSW (I seemed to be one of the only people who actually really liked that movie), I just think that creativity should not be pretty much limited to what actors you can find for the plot.

    As for the series going downhill, well, I liked FFX, and X-2 was pretty entertaining for me. But thats me, I don't really like FFVIII and you seem to like it alot... so it all just depends.
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  3. #3
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Believe it or not. Not everyone wants to see a Final Fantasy movie. Even some people who play FF 24/7 would groan at the thought of a FF movie. It's just too much story for a 2 hour timeframe. I don't think Square tried too hard to make FF:TSW a in-depth story, instead they went for lots of action, showing off how good they were at making stuff blow up with CGI.

    Going back and re-doing everything would not be revamping the series. It would be holding it back. I'm sure Square hasn't run out of creative ideas just yet so I prefer to sit back and let them push on with the mainstream games and I'll just keep buying them and playing them and loving them.

    Besides, game to movie conversions suck and blow 99.9% of the time.

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  4. #4
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    Why would I want to see a movie of something I've already experienced completly? It may be different if it were a book, but the game had all the visuals already.

    If you dont like the newer FFs, don't play them. Dont like sequels? Don't bother with them. If VIII is this pinacle of the series (which I dont agree with, I think VIII was horrible and X was golden) then keep playing that. Or read fan fiction.

  5. #5
    A World Unseen Rusty's Avatar
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    I loved FF8 and addicted to it, but I really cringe at the thought of them making it into a movie coz I think it would ruin the game. If you dont like the poeple who did voice overs then that little thing can change you mind about the sotry and game like that. I wouldn't mind a gmae sequel..that'd be awesome...but no movie. And some parts of the gsme would be a bit confusing to make into a movie. Try explaining to someone who has no idea about the game why Ultimecia wants to achieve time compression

  6. #6
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    No, no, no, no movie about FFVIII.

    The worst thing about Advent Children is that it made all of the FFVIII fanboys drool at the possibility of a sequel movie to FFVIII, which is just wrong.
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  7. #7
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    All these sequels....hmmm....FFX-2, FFVII:AC.....yep, they're just riding that sequel pony for everythings it's worth. I wish people would stop this sequel bashing, they've made two sequels, they've made I think 13 orginal FFs, and that's not to mention all the other games Squaresoft/Square-Enix has made. And it took them a rather long time to make a sequel too. It's not like Square is suddenly on this new sequel binge. They've decided to extend a story or two, I think they're entitled to that since they write them and everything. There is no rule that says they can't make a sequel, they just never did until FFX-2. I personally loved FFX-2, and FFVII:AC is probably going to be really good.

    Sequels, even if they are bad, don't destroy orginals, they merely extend them. Take the movie Scream for example. I loved Scream, thought it was awesome. Scream 2 came out, didn't really like it. Because I didn't like Scream 2, does that mean I suddenly no longer like Scream? No, that just means I don't like Scream 2, Scream is still good. They are seperate entities, just connected. Are we really to believe that after Holy and the Lifestream stopped Meteor from crashing into Midgar, that nothing interesting was ever going to happen again in the FFVII world, ever? Just because it might be a bad something, it doesn't take away that good something that already has happened (if you liked FFVII).

    So I don't know about you, but I personally don't want to watch a 40ish hour movie, which is what FFVIII would be. Possibly a TV series, but not a movie. To go back and redo things would simply be that, redoing them, not making anew. Square gives up new things, original things. Even FFX-2 being a sequel was still very original. To go back and redo games would be boring for them, because they've already made them, and be boring for us, because we've already played them. There's no point for anyone to do that except to move the titles to a different gaming system. Playstation isn't out of style just yet, so there's really no need. Bring on FFXII, do a sequel to FFIX for all I care (not really, just saying), but to make movies out of the old FFs, no. I think if they decide to do that they will be telling us that they are out of ideas for games, which would not be a wise move, and besides I doubt that will happen anytime soon.
    Last edited by SeeDRankLou; 05-25-2004 at 08:40 PM.

  8. #8
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    only an anime seris of ff4, ff6 and ff7 would do, since they felt like animes. everything else is a no-no for me.
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  9. #9
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    RPGs are like interactive movies. Without the interaction I think it wouldn't be very good.

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  10. #10
    Queen of Hearts Celes's Avatar
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    I don't think a movie about an existing ff game would be that bad. I think an anime version of an earlier ff game, like 4, would be awesome! I mean, sometimes sequels, and movies of games suck. But sometimes you can enjoy them for what they are, another version of a story you love.

    Personally I am looking forward to Advent Children, because ff7 was one of the best ff games, and the ending of it had me scratching my head. Maybe the movie will bring together all of the cool things from the world of ff7 and have a nice, complete ending. Actually, just the fact that SPOILER: Advent Children is being made has cleared up a few things for me. After beating ff7, I thought all the humans died and only Red's kind survived. I am glad to see I was wrong!
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  11. #11


    Beileve it or not this is about the 4th forum about this very same topic.

    I think i would enjoy the movie because it would help me recapture my virgin Final Fantasy days when i knew nothing except that i would beat the game at all costs.

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  12. #12
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Yes, and elaborate on the scene of Squall and Rinoa humping in space.

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