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Thread: hi im new

  1. #1
    kirk81's Avatar
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    Smile hi im new

  2. #2


    You made duplicite threads, and hi!

    *Pretends to fix, remembers he ain't a mod*

  3. #3
    Last Exile Baloki's Avatar
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    Looks like someones double clicking, you now own Microsoft money

    Welcome Version 5../Neko-chan Urber-KAI!!!! (With Lev )

    Hi ya and welcome to the Eyes on Final Fantasy forums, a place of mind warping abilities and grade A superposition theory. Over in that corner is the liquidfyingly Droolie SeX0rie PG. In that far corner is Ansem the vampire Slayer, he keeps the underground sewers clean of people who dislike KH, sunlight or Steel Bars. Over there on the sunny side of the boards is Xander, BoB, Leeza, Archie and all the other knights. They won't let us in because they believe that sunlight is a priviledge that we mere mortals and cool people don't deserve....

    The north side is full of roving gangs at the moment, along with the now ancent seeming BAoTW HQ's. Most of the roving gangs are harmless (Vincent06 for example) and just want to sell you T-shirts (Shulp) or handmade wallets from Uzbekistan but there are also the more dangerious and absent minded gangs roaming that sector including the Transformers Cult (Lead by King Bahamut) and the Erasors....

    The BAoTW building is a tall sky scraper of about 250 floors and 3 basement labratories. Half the windows on the south side have been blown out by Denmark trying out a Penguin Matrix move, it was cool I tell you. On the 5th and 12th floor you will find most of the regular members hanging out incuding Rye, Misfit and Psychotic. On the 8th floor you'll find Ansem skulking that I haven't mentioned he hangs out here so I have corrected that, ya BOO!

    The other important person who resides in this grand building is Lev, hes holding it all together from a remote, temperature controlled, control room where he has access to a massive array of anti-Soc weaponary.

    South side is the Help, Staff and Ideas Forums, they provide all the help with your computer, system, games, sigs and avatars that you may need along with allowing you to give something back to this dear town. These areas are regularly patrolled by Archie and Eternalshiva, if they don't help you they'll take you back to their hideouts for sexy cookies.

    The West side of town is quite a busy area incompassing the whole of the Square-Enix Boards, from FF 1 to Chrono Cross its all there. Along with help, tips, spoilers and a little bit of madcapness. Always worth a peak just to see whats going on. Oh just while I remember you'll need to show your member pass to get into the Staff and Eyes On You areas, they have vicious kittens guarding those areas, trust me

    On the West Side they have recently been running successful fairs and and other cool stuff and against my wishes something called the Chocobo Cook Off Contest. Its a nice place to hang out on a lazy saterday afternoon.

    The East side is the secret side of town including the musical sector of B-frame and B00B's personal Pron site. Its so hard to get into its like being eaten by a rabbits, you so want it to happen but you know it never will.

    The final area is the one you stand in now, ground-zero square in the town center, known to an unspecified few as General Chat. Along with this abismal and sometimes scary place theres the Eyes on You sector and the lounge in this central hub.

    Remember, enjoy the libray, follow the rules and for the gods sakes don't drink the water from the River Chocobo!

  4. #4
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Your newbie thread is here, in case you lost it.

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