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Thread: Who is the strongest ff character?

  1. #76
    Snowman's Avatar
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    alright Ultima, i will try to keep them simple because i can be off on a big tangent very easily lol....

    1 - no, never. not in combat or sparring. when we are having a laugh, or resting, i sneak up behind people and jump on their backs, but thats to make people laugh and to get them used to bodyliy contact which is important. moreso i have never needed to stab in the back, i defeat my foes often as cleanly as possible. i have been in MANY situations where i could.

    2 - if any one disagress with me you have the right to. A gun is a weapon of destruction, it's sole act of firing a bullet is an explosive and destructive force of nature, the bullet itself will penetrate a body or something, breaking or tearing it. A sword is a weapon of defence. despite it's shape and edges, you dont have to hurt, cut or damage for you to still use it effectivly. an axe has one purpose, to cut, but a sword, the very reason for it being made the way it is is to withstand attacks. in time everything is alterd to serve new functions, cars were once for transport, now they are for racing, for fashion etc, this is true of swords today. It's only my oppinion, but like Batman said - guns are messy, often cowardly weapons, blades are clean and honest.

    3- yes. anyone who says they havent is fibbing. but you have to understand teh differnce between sparring, playing and fighting for REAL. when im teaching im doing a cross of sparring and playing, therefore i dont put as much effort in, i carnt use all my skills or the studant would be put off, when teaching you have to use less skill, and as they grow you can return to your full power. so while teaching, playing and sparring there as foten a few times i am beaten and i take it happily - fighting is chaos, you carnt win all the time. however when i fight for real, or when it matters, im very rarely beaten and i dont cheat. when it counts i MUST be everything i can be so that again, the studants who are ready can grow against a real opponant. if im training for two hours a week every wed, and no important fights come up i may be beat twice, often when im distracted by thoughs of lunch. but last week, i wasnt beat all night and i had to go through everyone, which a quaterstaff and with a sword.

    4 - i havent, but my mother has. i have however been in fights where the opponant WAS going to kill me, for real, and the only reason im typing now is because i was good enough to stop him without killing him..well them. but the only differnce from me killing someone and me REALLY killing them is me pulling my blow.

    5 - training. the excersises we teach help re-awaken your bodys senses and your sense of awareness and bodily space. you need this ability when your fighting in battles and melass with lotsa people around you all fighting their own fights. your moving around....walking backwards while talking and fighting your opponant, you dont want to back into someone or get hit by someone eles fight, so you leanr to "sense" another object or person. this also allows you to sense oncoing attacks you carnt see. we teach you to fight blind, to fight as many people as possible, untill your fighting with control on pure instinct.

    6 - a smart allic question

    7 - excluding monsters and villians and super powers - Tifa. most men ARE distracted simply by fighting a woman let alone a pretty one, all she needs is that split second and she can breack your neck.

    8 - 9, my mothers always telling me ten, but i am a moaner so i would be ten, the proof is in the pudding, plus if you dont know yourself, you shouldnt be fighting or teaching.

    9 - many people will tel you sword combat is all about attacking, others will tell you it's about choreography....for me, WE are the weapon, and you shouldnt be fighting unless you have control of that sword, total control. fighting is give and take, attack and defence, blows and parrys/blocks untill you see an opening and you kill your opponant. you should be fighting because you enjoy a good fight, not because you want to hurt people

    i was speaking in gneral Dark.....not a reflection on FF. all the people ive met and fought, easily in the thousands who like and use cheating moves like that are weak in both body and mind and lack teh skill to fight well. if im fighting and light streams through a window into my eyes blinding me, i dont stop, thats more dangerous, i carry on with control and i teach my studants to be able to control themselves in those moments without needing to resort to underhanded tactics. you shouldnt need to do such things if your a competant and skilled warrior, if you do, then you carnt be any good.
    The world can end in a blood smeared second, but as warriors we live within those seconds.

  2. #77
    Az Lionheart's Avatar
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    Auron "celestrial" weapon wins this my friends
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  3. #78
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman
    you shouldnt need to do such things if your a competant and skilled warrior, if you do, then you carnt be any good.
    Well, your intitled to your own opinion. However, I do, and I have heard from people that I am very good, but that was when I was fightin "fairly". So, while I've trained with such, as you say, "cheating moves", I have never used them on someone, mostly because the people I fight are my friends, and I don't wish to hurt them. In a fight against a complete stranger, there would be, as they say, "no holds barred".
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

  4. #79
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    this is just my opinion, so dont grill me...

    but in a fight to the death, there r no rules. honour is meaningless. you may be a great fighter and you definitly sound like you know your stuff, but in a real fight its about surviving and winning. you may call someone who, (lets say, knew you would beat them in a head on fight, so they back stabbed you or slit your throat in your sleep) cowardly but at the end of the day, you would be the one whos dead.

    its not just unskilled or cowards who use these tactics though. as Dark Paladin Cecil is saying, its the smarter fighter who wins. you can be skilled and still resort to surprise attacks to get the job quicker, or even because its the only way 2 win.

    in like stealth games its just stuipity to try and fight the Terriosts or Ronin or Mafia Body Guards head on, you would die so fast. you have to sneak around and take them out from the shadows.

    i reiterate, its about results. remember the first indiana Jones Film, the raiders of the lost ark? that swordsmen may have been way too hard for our hero but shooting him is all it took. win what ever way u can. yeah,

    try the honourable path, but unless they are being honourable as well and u have agreed to a non *cheating* one on one fight with them, use whatever means avaliable. if more then one enemy confronts u, then u should not feel any shame for pulling out your machine pistols, and in a life or death struggle, i would rather sneak up on them or shoot them then get my head smashed in.
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  5. #80
    *insert meme here* Ryth's Avatar
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    It would all come down to Cloud and Sephiroth then a climatic battle starts to go down through the ages then I wouldn't know who would win.

  6. #81
    Snowman's Avatar
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    Dark, studants and freinds have called me a master swordsman, natural etc. it's nice of them to say so, but thats simply their oppinion, i judge how good i am by my achivements and skill. i would and do fight a freind/family and enemy exactly the same, to do otherwise is to cheat someone. i only slow myself for studants who have only just held a sword for the first time in their lives. but for people who would do underhand things in combat.....i wouldnt give you the chance, i see you move to do so, i see dirt moving between your fingers, and i would take your head in a heart beat. if people NEED to resort to such things because they lack teh skill to cleanly and competantly defeat their opponants, thats up to them, but it robs them of any mercy they may have got from me.

    Aeris, dont worry im not gonna stab ya like a maniak. Honer isnt the same as chivalry, and there are many differnt interpretations of both. Chivalry would have me not kill an unarmed foe, but in the sense of honer, i would be stripping my opponant of his honer by walking away and NOT defeating him. fighting with honer means you respect your opponants skills as a warrior, it means that you wont cheat or resort to anything beneath you to win, otherwise if you did your nothing better than a common dirtbag. anyone can throw dirt in someones eyes and stab them, but ti takes skill to win fairly and cleanly.

    smarts have nothing to do with fighting, your mind and thoughts get in the way, it should be instinctual like the wind. IF YOU NEED TO RESORT to throwing dirt in someones face, your skills are lacking, otherwise you wouldnt need to. ANYONE can cheat, anyone can cut a throat from behind or poisen, by becoming a warrior who can stand the storm, your learning it be more than that.

    stealth games, your talking about assasination, that isnt what we were talking about. if your one man VS a town of deadly mobsters lol, you in a differnt situation to warriors battling.

    thats swordsman in Jones obviously wasnt any good or he wouldnt have stood around like a wanker waving his swords around. you carnt always expect another person to be as good or fair as you, but YOU can still kill them with skill and ability. anyone can shoot a gun, it's because people want results that nuclear weapons can kill everything on the planet and germ warfare strips anyone of any chance of honer. i walk out into a battle, and i walk away alive again without resorting to anything naughty or cheating.

    you would rather sneak up on them because you lack the self confidence and knowledge that they will die and you will live, unless you know your abilityes you wont get anywhere

    bottom line.....i know im worth more, than to have to cheat to win, i know that most of my enemies and opponants deserve a degree of respect if they will face me as a warrior. if they commit atrocities and then hide and cower, then yes i would simply slit their throats, but thats not combat, thats assasination, it has nothing to do with fighting, skill or honer
    The world can end in a blood smeared second, but as warriors we live within those seconds.

  7. #82
    Snowman's Avatar
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    to make long posts short. you shouldnt need to cheat or whatever else to win your fight. if your a good fighter you should be able to simply beat your opponant, if not your weaker. even if you win by cheating your still weaker and you will always be so. i teach my studants how to win cleanly and purly with skill and ability. what they do from there is their path to walk. any common thug can scrabble about in the dirt
    The world can end in a blood smeared second, but as warriors we live within those seconds.

  8. #83
    Polaris's Avatar
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    I don't really care of who is the strongest character, probably Cloud...

  9. #84
    Snowman's Avatar
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    if you dont care why did you post in this thread lol thats like going to a thread called "is the world going to end in 2006" and saying, "i have no oppinion" whahaa
    The world can end in a blood smeared second, but as warriors we live within those seconds.

  10. #85


    Well, owing to a huge bias on my part, it'd have to be one of the black mages out of the games... I'd vote Lulu because she is hot. She could use her baps as a hypnotic pendulum on any character, once under her thrall she'll throw a few flares or deaths at them and BOOM!

    --- xarius ---

  11. #86
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman
    to make long posts short. you shouldnt need to cheat or whatever else to win your fight. if your a good fighter you should be able to simply beat your opponant, if not your weaker. even if you win by cheating your still weaker and you will always be so. i teach my studants how to win cleanly and purly with skill and ability. what they do from there is their path to walk. any common thug can scrabble about in the dirt
    First, I would like to say that there are a variety of "last ditch's", as I prefr to call them. Throwing dirt is one, but it's to primitive and crude for me to use often.

    But mainly, I have a situation I don't think we have discussed. Say the you are in a fight with a man who is superior(sp?) to you. Now, you know that he gives no mercy to any one he defeats. Now, if he were beating you and you knew he was more skilled, what would you do? Rather die, or use the handgun left by a tree only 3 feet away (this is hypothetical). There is no one around, no one to see the end but you two. No one even knows your fighting, unless you tell them. So, what is your choice?

    I will answer it myself, though I think you already know my answer, which is shot him before I am killed.
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

  12. #87
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman
    to make long posts short. you shouldnt need to cheat or whatever else to win your fight. if your a good fighter you should be able to simply beat your opponant, if not your weaker. even if you win by cheating your still weaker and you will always be so. i teach my studants how to win cleanly and purly with skill and ability. what they do from there is their path to walk. any common thug can scrabble about in the dirt
    That's why I never use cheap methods in games. I want to beat the super bosses without cheap super attacks. I beat them in a fair figth to show that I'm stronger and more skilled than the bosses, not just use any cowardly instant death move. Yea, I KNOW there's a big difference betwene the battle in a game and the real thing... but still.

    Dark_Paladin_Cecil, what if you got killed when you'r about to pick up the gun? I don't think he whould just stand there looking at you as you pick up a gun. That whould mean you get killed without any figth at all. :chop:
    If he's to far away to reach you, then just run away. :strut:

  13. #88
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultima Shadow
    Dark_Paladin_Cecil, what if you got killed when you'r about to pick up the gun? I don't think he whould just stand there looking at you as you pick up a gun. That whould mean you get killed without any figth at all. :chop:
    If he's to far away to reach you, then just run away. :strut:
    Too reach something 3 feet awya in less than half a second is very easy. Also, did you see this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Paladin_Cecil
    (this is hypothetical).
    So we're assuming he can get to it if he wants to. The question is, does he?
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

  14. #89
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    it depends if u see honour as good thing. you can shoot him and lose your honour, or die honourably...

    you have 2 decide if honour is a virtue of divine worth or a falseity that blinds you.

    i get what you say snowman, but i say again, what will all this honour and chiverly be good for when this rat blows your head off?
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  15. #90
    Snowman's Avatar
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    Xarius has some strange point there lol hoping you have the time for a "last ditch", that time is only relient on your opponant being slow to catch on etc.

    HYPOTHETICAL - ok, while i havent met opponants supirior to me, i do constantly remind people that to fight is chaos, you can have fought your whole life, and crap happens, a beginer on her first night can kill you cleanly.....thats what you chance. SO this opponant whos gotten the upper hand on me, lets say my sword broke and was lobbed over a cliff lol, if he's only going hand to hand, i still dont need the shotgun - the reason i dont need it is because i know how far and what im capable off, whats more, while i have faced down people with shotguns, i dont know how to actually use one other than pulling the trigger. rather than move for the gun, i would take him down before HE could get to the gun, keep it out of the equation. if i took the weapon it would take seconds for me to asses how to use it in which case, if he is that much of an opponant he would have closed in on better to either keep the fight away from the weapon and break him.....or use the shotgun in hand to hand. (i answeard this hypo before reading further posts).

    any weapons in any situation are possible to switch sides in a confrontation, thats why you have to have full control and understand that weapon. over here in the UK only the military and the armed police have guns, very few farmers do now, this means that situations with guns are rarer than situations with people with swords from mail order catalouges.

    Honer carnt blind people, it's simply a form of morality.

    "i get what you say snowman, but i say again, what will all this honour and chiverly be good for when this rat blows your head off?" - Aeris - you always presume i will loose in these situations, or that i am hamperd by my code and measure. i havent lost yet, ive never lost through someone cheating....we all die, thats a fact, sooner or later we stop, you carnt win every fight, thats a fact, but warriors who embrace honer, humility and chivalry understand this and it forms a type of love and compassion - like spider man bringing home the body of the green goblin.
    if i die, i will know that i stuck to what i belived in, and despite what happens to me, i helped lives. i an die facing myself.
    NOT might makes right....MIGHT FOR RIGHT
    The world can end in a blood smeared second, but as warriors we live within those seconds.

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