I'm here to remind you that the <b>world is going to end</b> in thirty days. I hope the last memo sent out on this subject was received by all, but there is some need for public discussion of this phenomenonenonenon.
As the <b>world is going to end</b>, what effects can we find it has on our daily lives? Besides the imminent downsizing of our life-spans, what can we wait from this?
<b>1) Meteors</b>
There will be a lot of meteorfall. Those of you who have cars might want to tuck them somewhere safe, maybe under a cover.
<b>2) Burning rain</b>
The burning rain is more annoying than the meteor due to its habit of burning big holes into the covers. Don't use your favourite one.
<b>3) Tidal waves</b>
Most of us who aren't living in these coastal areas,

Eastern Asia,
Southeastern Asia,
New Zealand,
South Eastern coast of Australia,
Sri Lanka,
East Africa,
South East Africa,
South Africa,
South West Africa,
West Africa,
Southern South America,
Western South America,
Eastern South America,
Caribbian Sea,
East Coast USA,
West Coast USA,
The Brittish Isles,
Iberian peninsula,
West coast of France,
Norway and
Every single island on the open ocean,

are safe.

Then we all die, so it's kinda pointless to list all the rest. So, what are YOU going to do with the rest of everyone's lives?