One thing I always worry about is using the bathroom at someone else's house. The worst though is when you have to expunge your solid waste. I don't like sitting down on someone else's toilet seat. I try not to imagine the wealth of possibilities that have come out of someone sitting on that seat. Then you have the waiting part. I like to take my time. At someone else's house you can't take longer than eight (8) minutes or risk the subject outside being about you. Finally, worst of all, you can't use all the toilet paper you want. You have to use small amounts and then flush. However, if you're not quite clean yet, you have to use some more and flush once more, repeating this process however many times is necessary until you are satisfied, all the while your hosts outside wondering why you've flushed six times in a row.

If, by whatever misfortune, you have clogged the toilet and prevented said waste from reaching it's final destination, and cannot find the plunger, there is not much you can do, but embrace the remaining time with your hosts because it will most likely be the last time you see them for a long, long time.

In my bathroom, at my toilet bowl, everything can go wrong yet feel so right. I have no worries, I am King. Please share your own opinions about using other people's bathrooms and especially their toilets.