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Thread: King Arthur

  1. #1
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    Default King Arthur

    I just saw it today. This movie is effing awesome. In EVERY way. It's a believable re-telling of the legendary tale.

    Arthur - a man devoted to the Roman Army, and freedom. His pulling of "The Sword in the Stone" is actually his father's grave. He doesn't pull it because he is special, but because he tried. He wanted to save his mother from the evil Merlin, but wasn't able to. He unites Briton and becomes King.

    Guinevere - a native Britoner, and a powerful warrior. She is a member of a Celtic tribe of some sort, led by Merlin. She is saved from a torture chamber run by a Roman official by Arthur, and falls in love with him. She does not share Lancelot's feelings for her.

    Lancelot - He is taken from his home and turned into a Knight. A pagan, he follows Arthur, but constantly challenges his command. In the end, he is killed by a Saxon. His character is the most different from what you would think.

    Merlin - Hardly Arthur's mentor and friend, for much of the film he is the leader of the Celtic tribe that attacks Arthur and his Knights. He is not a magician, but a dirty old man. Eventually, he unites with Arthur, and his savage troops help defeat the invading Saxons.

    The Other Knights - there are 5 other Knights of the Round Table in the film, Gallahad, Gawain, Tristan, Bors, and Dagonet. Dagonet dies in a small battle against the Saxons, but his sacrifice won the battle for the Britons. Tristan dies in the final battle. He is killed by the Saxon leader.

    The Plot - Arthur's knights come from Salmatia, which is in Eastern Europe. They are drafted into the Roman Army for 15 years of service. On the very day that their duty is supposed to end, they are sent on a mission to the north of Briton to rescue a boy who may succeed the Pope one day. While there, Arthur is forced to attack Roman officials because they have gotten a village to believe that, by ruling over the native Britons, they are doing the work of God. Arthur is a Christian and knows this isn't so. He sends the boy back to southern Briton, but takes the entire village and and flees when they learn that the Saxons are invading from the north. It is here that he meets Guinevere, who is a native Celtic that has been taught that the Romans are evil (which they are). While in hiding, Guinevere lures Merlin to Arthur's camp to work out a truce against the Saxons. Arthur denies it, because Merlin killed Arthur's mother. The group travels to a frozen lake, where the ice is thin. A small group of the Saxon army follows them. Arthur tells the villagers traveling with them to go, and the eight knights (Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere, Gawain, Gallahad, Bors, Tristan, and Dagonet) stay and fight. Their superior bows wipes out a good portion of the 200, and Dagonet uses his axe to break the ice, though it costs him his life. The group returns to southern Briton, and the knights receive their discharges from the Army. The Saxon army comes to that town. Arthur and Guinevere are the only ones that stay and fight. However, after hearing the drums of the Saxons, the other knights return. An epic battle takes place between the Saxons and Arthur, Guinevere, the Knights, and Guinevere's people. Obviously the good guys win, but Lancelot and Tristan both die. Arthur and Guinevere are married, and Arthur is declared King of Briton. The end.

  2. #2
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    It looks to be a historically accurate movie. I hope to see it soon.

  3. #3
    I am Henry Dean gokufusionss1's Avatar
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    go saxons
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  4. #4 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    Call me crazy, but I don't think that's how the legend goes. Anyone care to tell me what this movie is based on, other than Jerry Bruckheimer's need to immasculate every other producer in the world and Kiera Knightly's necessary presence in everything?

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  5. #5
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    It's based on one of the MANY legends of Arthur. The first was that he was part of the Roman army which is what I think this one is based on. That was the first legend of about 5 or 6. The King Arthur we know today is a mix of all these legends into one.

  6. #6
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    Correct, Bert. It's a BELIEVABLE re-telling of his story. I doubt Merlin being a real wizard, and a witch that lives in a cave would be a very believable re-telling.

  7. #7
    -=Hentai School Girl=- Fuzakeru's Avatar
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    Myles is coming down to visit in about a week and we'll both go see it then. I love how the movie is pieced together from the spoilers you've given, KB. It gives it a more realistic twist although seeing Merlin in wizard mode would have been awesome too. ^_^-
    Oh I have a question! ( FYI - I don't care to much for Lancelot ) I'm a huge fan of Gallahad's. Since you've seen it perhaps you can tell me what his journey is in the story or if he's just a smaller part ( I'm assuming there's not much concerning him considering he's put in with the other knights and not a seperate character in your review ).
    Thanks in advance!
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  8. #8
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    I disliked how they kept marketing the movie as the TRUE story of King Arthur when really, it isn't :-\ *shrugs*

    I was really expecting a lot more from this movie, especially with Antoine Fuqua at the helm but it turned out to be the standard summer popcorn flick. The characters were pretty bland (with the exception of Bors) and some of the dialogue was cringeworthy. But it wasn't entirely bad, the battle sequence on the ice was especially well-done.

    I'll definitely be checking out the Director's cut of this movie. From what I understand, it was originally intended to be a rated R movie until Disney and Bruckheimer stepped in and watered it down, which didn't make Fuqua too happy.

  9. #9
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuzakeru
    Oh I have a question! ( FYI - I don't care to much for Lancelot ) I'm a huge fan of Gallahad's. Since you've seen it perhaps you can tell me what his journey is in the story or if he's just a smaller part ( I'm assuming there's not much concerning him considering he's put in with the other knights and not a seperate character in your review ).
    Thanks in advance!
    (SPOILER)He doesn't really have much of a part. The only knight that's not Arthur or Lancelot that stands out is Bors, but that's because he has a family in Camelot. Tristan somewhat stands out too because he has a bird. >.<

  10. #10
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    This movie was horrible. They didn't explain why characters did things and a lot of the interaction was completely unbelievable.

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  11. #11
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    DAmn I was hoping this was gonna be a good movie too

  12. #12
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    The opprotunity was there but they focused too much on pointless things and not enough on the characters and why they are the way they are...except arthur and even that was pretty half-assed.

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  13. #13
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    I thought the movie was ok. The battles were pretty awesome, especially the battle on ice, and the last battle. However, the interactions between the knights were a bit bland.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  14. #14
    Banned Thunday Man's Avatar
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    I havent seen the movie yet, but I hear its a 1 out of 4. The action scenes are cool, but over all it was a bad movie. I mean how can they take out Merlin and magic, a primary role in King Arthur's story. With out Merlin and stuff, he wouldnt even be king would he? Sounds dumb to me.

    Again, thats all second hand though.

  15. #15


    I was looking forward to seeing this movie but when i saw the trailer back in May i just knew i would hate it. So they said this was a true re-telling of the King Arthur Legend, but by taking out all the magic and wizadry they made the movie a boring re-telling of the story. I think i feel like this because Return of the King has spoilt any other movie of this type because it was so good. I had similar problems with troy that i have with this movie.
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