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Thread: Curious

  1. #1

    Default Curious

    I don't have FFX-2 but I've played some of it already and I have a few questions I would like you to answer, please. Before the questions, I have to say something about Yuna: She is darn hot and I love her concert. She is amazing!!! She sings and jumps, dances here and there and never gets tired! Maybe it's playback...hmm..just like Britney Spears here in Portugal...
    Who is that guy that looks like Tidus (I thinks it's Shuyn) and who's the girl that looks like Yuna (Lenna, I think)? Can you please tell who are they?
    Yuna has a dream with Tidus. They are both shot. Is that the dream of what happened between Shuyn and Lenna?
    Thanks for answering...

  2. #2


    Yuna (singing) is (SPOILER) Leblanc

    (SPOILER) Tidus is like a reincarnation of Shuyin
    Last edited by UltimateSpamGrover; 07-14-2004 at 04:19 AM.
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  3. #3
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    Well, the answers to those questions are major plot spoilers, if you still want to know then someone will tell you.

    Tidus isn't necessarily the reincarnation of Shuyin. They just look the same. Shuyin and Lenne are situational characters that juxtapose to Tidus and Yuna. Both pairs go through very very similar situations, and their lives are suppose to parallel for dramatic effect, and to show a similar situation with similar obstacles so that the obstacles that couldn't be overcome in the past situation can be overcome in the present. And, they play interesting roles in the game anyway. It's similar to how Laguana and Julia juxtapose to Squall and Rinoa, but in this story it's far more apparant.

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