<center><b><i>Chatroom Awareness More Than A Week</i></b></center>

Yay! It's Roogle's birthday! And we all know what that means! Well, probably not all, probably not many in fact, but some might! Yes, it's started! <i>Chatroom Awareness More Than A Week!</i> I would like to encourage everyone and their pet parakeets to join the chatroom and get to know each other. This is the very first Chatroom Awareness More Than A Week (CAMTAW) so please, make the most of this lovely opportunity to get more involved with the other side of EoFF. Ever wondered about those oldbies such as Colonel Kirby, and, uh, some other guys went? Well, that's where they've been! You'll find oldbies, newbies and regulars alike chatting it up 24/7 (well, not really, but they could!) with each other in #eoff, which has been around since late 2000. It's known to be the more relaxed side of EoFF (although obviously there are still rules). Run on the ffchat network, you'll meet people that you wouldn't know existed within the EoFF community and you'll find it to be one great big room'o'fun (or, uh, something).

So, fellow chatsmen and chatswomen, join the chatroom today and get to know someone new!

You can reach the chatroom by either...

a) Going to http://www.eyesonff.com/chat/ and connecting using the java applet. Please, do not use any coloured fonts when using the java applet.
or b) download mIRC from http://www.mirc.com and follow the steps in the following quote:
[quote=ShlupQuack]Go to "File > Select Server..." and then click the button that says "Add".

Fill in the fields like so:
Description: FFChat (or whatever you might like to call it)
IRC Server: irc.ffchat.net
Ports: 6669
You don't need to put anything in the Group field.

After clicking "Add" to confirm, you should be able to connect to the server by clicking the "Connect to Server" button. You can also do a quick connect later on by using the little lightning button at the top left.

Once connected, if you type <b>/join #eoff</b> you'll be sent to the chatroom. mIRC is pretty customisable and has a lot of features java clients don't, so most people reccommend you get mIRC rather than using java, however that's up to you.

If anyone would like to add anything to what I've already said, please feel free to do so. If you have any problems within the chatroom, please contact Arche, Roogle or myself or post about it here and someone should be able to help you.

CAMTAW will, conveniently, last more than a week. It begins on Roogle's birthday and ends on Spiff's birthday. Should either of their birthdays change in the future, can someone please let me know and I'll make the appropriate adjustments.

Go on then, get in the chatroom!

If Roogle or clout or someone could change the topic of EoFF to include this important matter that would be great as I'm stuck at work.