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Thread: yes ff8 is my fav of them all and yes i am new....

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    ..oohh wouldn't u like to know

    Default yes ff8 is my fav of them all and yes i am new....

    the only reason most of u like 7 more is because u played that one first.....if u compare stories you'll clearly see why 8 is superior to 7,9,and 10....not to say those are bad games just that i think 8 has the best story

  2. #2


    FF8 have really good story indeed...but...this game is full of mysteries, secrets and nothing else so it's game just for once. FF7 isn't so mysterious but u can play over and over and evry time u play u get know smth more. I also liked ff7 music more than ff8. Besides that I didn't like grey menu. True, ff7 was my first FF but I like other finals even I was playing them after ff7 and ff8 I don't. So sorry but I have to disagree with u nugun

    Wrong forum anyway. u should put it in 'genaral final fantasy'

    BTW Is your nick from soad's song? I love that song
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  3. #3
    *insert meme here* Ryth's Avatar
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    Um why is there an FFVIII thread in the FFX thread? I personally dislike FFVIII because I hate the junction system, it made me so angry. I didn't even bother playing through the game the story did seem interesting I tried but the junctioning was so painful I'll get too it eventually but not for a while. Also the whole first thing doesn't apply to me I started with FFIX and played others as time went on and I liked FFVII best.
    Last edited by Ryth; 11-10-2007 at 09:19 PM.

  4. #4


    I hate the junction system it made me so angry.
    Oh true, I forgot about that
    Enter The Wired....

    ...join me into my pilgrimage of destroying yuna....Ahahaha

  5. #5
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    How in the world did this end up in the FFX forum when the FFVIII forum is CLEARLY visible right before this one

    Sorry if I'm stealing your line DJzen.

    As far as the topic, FFVIII irritates me, and thus I haven't delved far into the storyline. FFVII has a good storyline, as does IX and X, but VI outstrips them all. Xenogears is better than any Final Fantasy, however.

  6. #6
    Auronhart's Avatar
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    I tried but the junctioning was so painful I'll get too it eventually but not for a while
    Try the no junction challenge then.
    I hope you guys know that you can easily win FF8 without drawing.
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

  7. #7
    ~Amriel the Archangel~ Dking'squeen's Avatar
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    I hope you guys know that you can easily win FF8 without drawing.
    I know i did

    welcome nugun

    i like VIII because that was the first one i played, i liked the weapons and GFs and.....well....that's about it. Squall was cool, Zell was cool, Angelo was cool...there was that. I thought that they talked too much, but if they didn't i'd never know what was going on. I like VII a lot *played it second* i think i liked it a little more than VIII, but i liked the GFs in 8 more than 7's summons *except the 3 bahamuts*

    I like Xenosaga i think better than those two *probably because i've played it recently*
    *You know it's over, growing colder, I need something, leads me next to nothing...*

    *All we ever wanted, I need something, leads me next to nothing...*

  8. #8


    what?!?1how CANu say 8 is better then 7?? 7 rule not because we played it first..but i think because it the one that had the most work on..'story wise and graphix SE moved from 2D to 3D. 7 has a better epic story ..but im not saying 8 is its just not as good as 7. 8 is more of a love story and the junction syteem is quite unique..almost as good as the materia system in 7. doomsday i agree with you totally. but the junction system..did any1 even bother with them...i just ended up using the auto junction after hlfway thru disk 1 beacuse it was annoyinggggg......^_^
    You know you're obsessed with FF when...:laughing:
    1) You yell at the characters. i.e "Cloud, what the heck do you think you're doing?!"
    2) You praise the characters and/or tell them you love them. i.e "Oh yeah, Squall!"or"Nice save Tidus!"
    3)You start to dress/talk/act like the characters and/or pick up their habits i.e saying ...'whatever' half the time,randomly pointing your finger in the air when you talk to someone,ect
    4) You talk about the characters as if you know them. i.e "Oh yeah, I think Cloud and Tifa should get together."or" Seifer such a big jerk!”
    5) When you're playing FF and someone asks what you're doing you reply "saving the planet".
    6) You mistakenly refer pounds/dollars/euros as Gil afew times.
    7) When you grow up you want to be a -SeeD/ Shinra Soldier/ Galbadian Soldier/ member of SOLDIER/ Sorceress/ Choco Sage/ Garden Master/President of Shinra Inc./ Turk/ Scientist/Summoner/Mage/White Mage/Sephiroth
    8) You wondered (or wished) one (or more) of the following:
    --You knew did know (and /or)knew someone as cute as Squall/Cloud/Irvine/Sephiroth/Vincent/Tidus ect,Tifa/Aerith/Yuffie/Rikku/Yuna/Rinoa/Selphie ect
    -You could go to Garden instead of school
    -You could play Blitzball in PE
    -You could drive the Ragnarok/Highwind
    - Chocobos roamed the forests near your house.
    -You wish you could use magic/materia/GF's/summons/Materia
    -You had a limit break

  9. #9
    *insert meme here* Ryth's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Doomsday]I never really liked VIII. There are way to many plot holes, and it never really lets you know what the hell is going on especially with the whole (SPOILER)Rinoa = Ultimicia. I mean, I've heard of leaving the person in suspense, but eventually they tell the person what's going on. Here they don't They don't actually explain everything, and the closest thing we got is Big D's explanations, which even though are informative don't answer all the questions.

    This means either a sequel or maybe Square screwed up (I'm leaning toward the latter).

  10. #10
    Auronhart's Avatar
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    I personally don't mind when they leave some stuff unexplained, it allows me to form my own opinions. (or just listen to Big D's explaination )
    FF8 trumps FF7 in basically every aspect.
    Last edited by Auronhart; 12-19-2004 at 11:28 PM.
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

  11. #11
    o_O;;; DarknessFromAbove's Avatar
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    I was about 8 when we got FF7, and never played it untill I got this demo for FF8, so technically FF8 was the first FF I played. . . But I love 7 dearly. . . 8's my second fave(yay Squall!)
    MySpace ^_^
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  12. #12


    Can't help but still think that VIII is the greatest thing ever.
    I love the story, the characters and the world. And I didn't find the junction system hard or annoying.

  13. #13
    moorB A abrojtm's Avatar
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    FFVIII is my second least favorite in the series (unless you include CC). No, my first FF wasn't FFVII, it was FFI. FFVI is my favorite, and I pretty much like most of the rest of them pretty well.

  14. #14
    300dpi in a 72dpi zone Slade's Avatar
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    Ok, first up im going to say that it is impossible for there to be a best ff. They are completely different games, saying one is better than the other is like saying that Dumbo is better than the Matrix.....they are completely different so you cant campare. So theres no such thing as the 'best' ff, but of course you can have a fav ff.
    Second thing, i agree in most (I SAID MOST) cases that the first ff a person played usually (I SAID USUALLY) ends up being your fav. For me, I played VIII first and I love it so much i could graft it onto my skin for all eternity ..........errr....yeh heheheh

  15. #15


    lol...gosh slade..trying hard not to be PC lo..ur a cudie...awwwwww
    You know you're obsessed with FF when...:laughing:
    1) You yell at the characters. i.e "Cloud, what the heck do you think you're doing?!"
    2) You praise the characters and/or tell them you love them. i.e "Oh yeah, Squall!"or"Nice save Tidus!"
    3)You start to dress/talk/act like the characters and/or pick up their habits i.e saying ...'whatever' half the time,randomly pointing your finger in the air when you talk to someone,ect
    4) You talk about the characters as if you know them. i.e "Oh yeah, I think Cloud and Tifa should get together."or" Seifer such a big jerk!”
    5) When you're playing FF and someone asks what you're doing you reply "saving the planet".
    6) You mistakenly refer pounds/dollars/euros as Gil afew times.
    7) When you grow up you want to be a -SeeD/ Shinra Soldier/ Galbadian Soldier/ member of SOLDIER/ Sorceress/ Choco Sage/ Garden Master/President of Shinra Inc./ Turk/ Scientist/Summoner/Mage/White Mage/Sephiroth
    8) You wondered (or wished) one (or more) of the following:
    --You knew did know (and /or)knew someone as cute as Squall/Cloud/Irvine/Sephiroth/Vincent/Tidus ect,Tifa/Aerith/Yuffie/Rikku/Yuna/Rinoa/Selphie ect
    -You could go to Garden instead of school
    -You could play Blitzball in PE
    -You could drive the Ragnarok/Highwind
    - Chocobos roamed the forests near your house.
    -You wish you could use magic/materia/GF's/summons/Materia
    -You had a limit break

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