What!? Spell's working? Excellent. Hello Prime Minister Yebus t'Emirano,
I see you are from the archipelago on the south of this continent and are some form of representative democracy, surely you know that your society will eventually enfranchise the lesser races of the nation and the bloodlines will become polluted and fall! That's beside any point, I can most certainly see the sense in your proposals, however we are not a nation that is attempting to create some sort of unified peace for this planet, however nor are we looking into destroying said peace, we are merely the gifted, Magi empowered with the secrets of creation and attempting to learn more so that one day the Gods themselves will consider themselves lucky to be in our favour. At best, consider us your Xenophobic neighbours northward, inhabiting our growing Citadel of Entremont.
Now, as per the proposals, emigration and immigration from Tremare to your Country shan't be a problem, with our watch and enchantments none of our normal people should be trying to enter your territory, if they do however we'd apprechiate them being sent back, if you adhere to this rule then so shall we in the reverse situation.
Now your Magic research Metareason Academy. This will be considered in time, if our Magi decide to collaborate with yours on magical research then it will be a joint field only, our policies deny any of us the right to proliferate our magical secrets to other nations, because of this, none of our magical students will be leaving to study in your academies, however as said, trained magi may be permitted to leave to work on collaborational projects, as long as the do not infringe on our own.
Likewise in the aspect of my Haus De Hexe Castle, if you decide to send Magi there after permission has been given for them to study, bear in mind that they will not be permitted to attend classes strictly for Tremare students, these classes will be easy to distinguish from as they will be protected with wards and other enchantments, violation of this rule will most probably result in the offending Magi's death. However as you seem to have your own research academies I would doubt that any Magi sent would want to try to do such an act. As for now all our teachers shall be of Tremare, this may change in time, but not for a while.
In the past some rouge Magi have performed research into deamons, daemonology and diabolism, they were swiftly expunged form our orders and punished accordingly, but alas this has created a strange situation in the lands surrounding Tremare, everything is perfectly safe, but your traders may go home with strange stories and soforth, I can say now that these sort of experiments are no longer carried out, and any rumours of this is heresay and nonsense.
To conclude we can accept to a limited effect this offer of friendship from your nation, however as an old maxim of ours goes and is as close to foreign policy as we can formulate "If you do not bother us, we do not bother you"
Remember, rumours and heresay.
Lord Sorcerer R Wyllius.