Name: Az Lionheart
Government Type: wise summoners shall help us run the government with SeeD who will protect your lands on our journy towards peace. people who wish to join SeeD shall take a test to prove their their reasons to join are true.
Name of Region: Aztopia
Values: Peace, Love, Final Fantasy, Square enx, we shall be multicultural you shall be able to worship who you want/when you want/if you want, fairness.
Against: people who HATE can dislike it but no hatred for it. Racsim(sp), hatred towards others.
Plans:Use SeeD to bring peace amoung all reigions in EoFF. In my city you shall all be lisened to and treated bring FF into everyones home. there shall be many jobs avalible and members of the public will be free to set up their own bussiness in what ever department they wish. the will also be temples set up for people to pray to the faith. you will be able to aquier transport ranging from Bike/car/bus to Kangeroo/horse/elephant etc...(no animals where hurt in their training and were given the chnce to live in the wild but after hearing about the free FFXI subscrition dicided to work with us in the city) we also have trading rates which we would like to soon expand.
propaganda:if you live in the rigion of Aztopia you get all FF games and a free subscrition to FFXI and a free potato.