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Thread: Why do u hate this so?

  1. #16
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    sorry. what i mean is we can debate, but alot of ppl, and myself included, will sumtimes descending into just slagging an ff game.

    ffX was a different take on things cause u knew Jecht was(SPOILER)SIN from almost the outset. the major exploration of the game, as already mentioned(SPOILER)was finding the truth behind the myths. discovering the truth behind Yevon, Zanerkand, Sin and Tidus etc.

    the game was linear, but the story was not. it was full of twists and turns that amazed me as much as even the Best FF.

    at the end of the day though, Quality is all that matters. ffX has that in abudence.
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  2. #17
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    quality in what sense?aesthetic?music?graphics *laughs*?characters?emotions?

    If you're talking abuot the aesthetic, then i do agree, vi and vii have a nicer aesthetic, tho i enjoy the island/paradis/water aesthetic that engulfs spira almost 2 the same extent as i du vi and vii.

    in my opinon the piano scores, along with Otherworld, should be heldf in the highest regard. take to zanarkand, via purifico(?), suteki da ne (i kno it's not a piano score), servants of the mountain (same, i kno), and a host of others. i see those scores the best music in ff, tho not by far.

    Graphics?no contest, even if ff's are in differnet console generations, you can't compare generations.

    characters?i agree, the plethora of characters that graced vi and vii are far beyond those of x. but x still has the chemistry between chracters that the others have.

    emotions?well, if you didn't soften up at the ending, ur a robot . and if you didn't think the zanarkand fmv was awesome, then i don't know. or the sending fmv. or the "kilika dusk" fmv. and for those of u who wanted to gouge your ears with steak forks through the laughing scenes of yuna and tidus, i too agree. but who would have thought that square had the genius to take the laughing scene at luca (painful and dorky, i agree, tho how many of us are really that much cooler?lol, JUST KIDDING), which had a COMPLETELY different meaning the first time, then (SPOILER)take it and make such an emotional scene about it and change the context of every line?that's genius.

    For those of you who "claim" that sin being jecht was easily foreshadowed and out in the open before the scene happened, i don't know wat 2 say. stop playing video games and go take miss cleo's job.(JUST KIDDING, just a little joke)i still think that the luca scene where tidus (SPOILER)finds out that sin is jecht is THE best voice-acted scene in the game.

    "Is, he alive?"
    "It depends on what you mean by alive.
    He longer human."
    Re-watch auron and tidus's voice acting in that scene. B.E.A.utiful

  3. #18
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    yep. the game had sum awful acting, but ALSO some fantastic acting. that was one such scene.

    and i mean quality in all of the above. it is not ffVI,VII. BUT it is still an absolutly amazing game. the FF seris is far from dead.
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  4. #19
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    i agree. SOME ppl think that ff has gone downhill since vi and vii. why?i
    don't kno. but i disagree.

    final fantasy is more of a mountain range. it has up and downs. vi and vii were amazing. with viii, i can't say bcuz i haven't gotten past 2hrs, lol. i'm sorri, i got bored with "lets go find ifrit then head back to class". plz don't yell at me for that plz

    vi and vii were a peak of that mountain range. some would argue viii was a "valley" ix could be either, depending on ur take. X was a nother peak of the mountain range. and X-2 was, unforunately, below sea level, lol . xi was what u want it 2 be, and xii looks like (in my opinion)bring back the good ol karma that vi and vii were blessed with. but in no way is X something you should shake your head at and wonder where they went wrong. i think ff will enjoy mayb 1 or 2 good ff's, hit a stump at the second release of ff on the ps3, then wow us all again.

    by overall, u mean just overall greatness?i both agree and understand its no vi or vii. thankx 4 the great point aeris. i just strongly want 2 make ppl see that ffx isn't the "downfall" or "whipping-boy of complaints" that ppl make it out 2B. it's more complex and very intricate if you get past the "oh, great graphics. this must be the only thing good about this game.""i hate the gameplay". it's a GREAT ff that, dare i say, challenges, the best ff's?it doesn't win in terms of "best" , but i think it puts up a great fight and is in the same neighborhood that some and most don't see.

    im also personally interested in SomethingBig's comments, if he's here, along with any1 else including you aeris and who has an opinon on the subject!thankx
    Last edited by Lon611; 08-19-2004 at 07:47 AM. Reason: im an idiot stuck with a genius's facade.

  5. #20
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    wise words Lon611 and i totally agree. i dont think ffVIII was a bad game. it was amazing in fact. but after ffVI and ffVII, it couldnt compare. but ff still rules. ffIX was breath taking and...ffX

    and FF will return. ff returned after the swamp of ffII and the mediocrity of ffIII. and it will do the same after ffX-2. ffX-2 did end a huge run of classic games for me (ffIV-X) but ffXII looks wonderful.

    i wonder how production of ffXIII and planning of ffXIV is coming along?
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  6. #21
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    ffxiii and iv?im OVERWHELMED with the thoughts that come to mind. can the impossibilities that previously plagued ff's become an everyday trend?i hope so. thanks 2 everyone who posted their opinions and especially 2 SomethingBig and aeris2001x2. but everyone can and SHOULD still post their ideas bcuz in no way is the debate ever really over when it comes 2 ff's.

    what if EVERYTHING happend in real-time?that'll b the day when i'll drool over a video game! wat if they made an all out ff?the ff 2 end all ff's?wat if they linked all the worlds 2gether in one GIGANTIC video game, like kingdom hearts?Now that will be the day wen i will actually soend sleepless nights playing a ff. wat if, they truly made a MMORPG(?), except it had a great and detailed plot, where the entire online community had to bond 2gether to save the universe?OOH Happy Dayz!tell me wat u think!

  7. #22
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    i,m sorry, i,m goona burst your current happy bubble :shame: . but imho, i dont think FF should ever go complete real time. it ceases to be ff then i believe. i think keeping the classic ATB ffIV-IX should be kept at the core of any evolution.

    but your other ideas are exciting. i hope i,m here for all these new ff games, though ff had better end before i die...cant bare the thought of missin any
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  8. #23
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    atb?really?im sorry, but 4 me, once ffx came out, it was ctb till the end. im playing ffvi rite now, and the atb just doesn't do it nemore. 4 me, it doesn't have the same level of strategy.

    and what i mean by all real-time was the screen didn't fade off when u fight (similiar 2 ffx). actually, what i meant by all real time, i can't really remember. hopefully fmv's never get old. but what if technology and graphics got so superb that fmvs became real time in a way. duz that make sense?graphics were lifelike, yet it was as if it was pre-rendered in an fmv.

    oh, and by the way, as long as ive been conversing with ppl online, i still don;t know wat imo or imho means, so im alittle lost at a few of those abbreviations. ne help?

  9. #24
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    i,m sorry. misunderstood u. you mean like completly real looking? that would be very cool indeed, though i dont want them 2 go too real.

    CTB does allow for more tactics, but i think the way forward is classic atb but evolved. though i,ll be happy as long as they stay away from ffX-2 atb(so awful).

    p.s- imo just means In My Opinion, with imho just adding Humble into the phrase.
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  10. #25
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    thanks for the help.

    in no way is this relevant and i think we should've moved the last couple posts to the "general ff" section, but wouldn't it be interesting if square made a sims game featuring ff characters?or an actual show?

    "this week, tidus cheats on yuna with both lulu and rikku at the same time!!!"
    "also, auron doesn't like how wakka is playing blitzball in the house"
    "kefka spills his make-up all over the crews brand new suv, while locke goes "treasure hunting" at the local k-mart. last we heard, he's doing 15 days in the slammer."

    sorri i got carried away. it's hard 2 keep yourself entertained at midnight *shakes alarm clock*

  11. #26
    Doomed Otaku of the void aeris2001x2's Avatar
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    lol thats fine. there actually was an ff sim game i saw at a friends. i,m assuming it was some fan game.

    lol, here its 8:32am. aint time really screwy
    " Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell" Nightwish- Ghost Love Score.
    " Everything is Clearer now. Life is just a dream you know, thats never ending...i,m ascending". Cowboy Bebop- Blue
    " Noriko...Kazumi...When you return i,ll be there to say...Welcome Home" Jung- Gunbuster
    "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean
    a thing. Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh,
    cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed
    to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My
    eyes are burning!" Cloud- FF7

  12. #27
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    8:32am???geez. the wurld shud jus be 1 time zone.

    neways, do u kno where i can download that ff sims game, or was it custom?i can spend the rest of the year with all the possibilities, hehehe, lol.

    and you've never played tactics?get ready for a tough one (i've only heard, never played )e-bay is always an option.

  13. #28


    I absolutely love this game. This and X-2. I like them even more than FF VII. I love the storyline, I love the music, and I love the characters. I think Yuna's awesome, and I think Tidus is very sweet and brave (and I STRONGLY disagree with those who say he's a whimp. Optium pretty much said how I feel about it). I'd rather have a guy who's got innocence and heart, than a guy who's a stone-cold stoic like Squall.

  14. #29
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    very well said imperia. i don;t believe tidus is a wimp either, though i consider you a tru warrior if you can actually go through the laughing scenes without turning on the "mute" button.he is one of the better good guys because, likem optium stated , he (SPOILER)gave his life 2 save every1.although immature at points, i feel once he got 2 understand spira, he matured.

    that being said, it would still be nice to get away from the "lighter" main characters from ix and x and see more of a cloud/squall type in the main role of xii. but by the looks of vaan *looks, then shakes head*, it looks like the mute button is gonna get us thru some tuff spots once again.

  15. #30
    Bigger than a rancor SomethingBig's Avatar
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    This is a bit late, but whatever.

    Unmarked Spoilers

    FFX and its "plot twists":
    -Jecht is Sin
    -Auron is dead
    -Tidus is merely a dream

    FFVII and its plot twists:
    -Cloud isn't Cloud
    -Aeris dated Zack
    -Aeris is a Cetra
    -Sephiroth is a Cetra
    -Aeris dies
    -Marlene isn't Barret's daughter
    -You aren't actually following Sephiroth around
    -You aren't actually supposed to attack while its tail's up(heh, just had to say that. YES, I KNOW THAT IT WAS JUST A MISTRANSLATION.)
    There are also others at the tip of my tongue.

    The point I'm trying to make is that the twists in FFVII aren't just regular, everyday twists. I had to play the game well over two times to find out what was going on. The only "twist" in FFX that I didn't see coming was the third one. Another thing that bothers me about the "twists" is that the game spoon feeds it to you. The twists in other FFs actually require you to think about them and explore to piece the clues together. You also make decisions in order to find stuff out. FFX barely had any decision making. In fact, you didn't even make the decisions for them. Some plot interaction that is.

    Tidus: Let's see... Be a whiny idiot, or just attempt to keep my cool.
    Wakka: Stick with Yevon, or stick with the group.
    Yuna: Summoner or not?
    :monster2: One, AH! AH! Two, AH AH! Three, AH AH!

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