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Thread: FFIX explantion (Spoilers)

  1. #1
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    Default FFIX explantion (Spoilers)


    okay, well, it's been a while since i;ve beaten ffix, and while i was replying to sum1 else's ffix thread, i realized, do i know wat the !@#$ actually happend?lol.

    okay. the Iifa tree is a very complex thing, but it's not wat im concerned about. my concern is witht the ending. during the game, u never actually stop the assimilation between terra and gaia, right?or du u?im confused. wouldn't that make a better ending than, "lets be together and live happily ever after." DON"T POST SAYING THAT THE REASON THEY DID IS IT IS 4 EMOTION. No duh. i very much enjoyed the ending jus like all of u, but i always wondered, wouldn't terra assimilating gaia be a much better ending. not a happy one, mind you, but a good one (possibly better?) Duz it actually ever say what's happend, or am i forgetting sumthing?

    kuja says the assimilation cannot be stoped, right?so....or is that explained when the red circle representing...terra and the blue one representing gaia fuse like in the last minute of the credits?im so confused. plz help out. also, i've heard rumors that garland is the same from ff1, becuz he says "we once tried to take over gaia by force" i think. isn't that cool how square did that if he is the same garland?

    plz post, cuz im confused about the whole terra assimilation/terrans fusing with the gaian lifestream
    thanks to Kamiko for the awesome sig and avatar too

  2. #2


    hmmmmm..... now that you mention it, what ever did happen to terra and gaia? its been to long since i beat the game to remember.
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  3. #3


    (SPOILER)Terra was destroyed by Kuja was it now?

  4. #4
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    my thoughts were that he just destroyed pandemonium, or bran bal, wat ever.iuno. thats part of why im askin
    thanks to Kamiko for the awesome sig and avatar too

  5. #5


    that is something I wondered as well another thing I didnt understand was the part with Vivi's kids, what the hell was that about? Oh and Lon611 can you please work on the spelling everytime I read one of your posts I become outraged due to the: U, R, tho and so on, spelling simple words like that is not difficult.

  6. #6
    Kaworu fan-girl! ^_^ Armisael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lon611
    my thoughts were that he just destroyed pandemonium, or bran bal, wat ever.iuno. thats part of why im askin
    I think that he destroyed all Terra and about the terra and the blue one representing gaia fuse like in the last minute of the credits i believe that this represents Garnet-Zidane relationship,to how a genome and a human can live finally together.

    "People Always Lie" - House MD.

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  7. #7
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    my bad NightfallInfernal. its an old habit from txting on my cell fone . i've tried to clean it up when im using the forums, but still...

    now that you mention it, kuja did prolly destroy terra. isn't there an fmv of the gang barely escaping the destruction of the "planet". still, some clarification would be nice...

    uhm, i always believed the red and blue sphere represented terra and gaia. in pandemonium, or terra, garland says something like the red thingy is the color of the flow of souls of the terrans and the blue is the color of the gaians, and soon terra will completely assimilate terra. but, it could also be that it represents zidane and dagger, since zidane is from terra and dagger is from gaia .

    some1 on another thread said that vivi died, and that it's him speaking during the ending, thanking every1 for this and that. but also, how does vivi have kids?isn't he just a prototype?my brain hurts now...
    thanks to Kamiko for the awesome sig and avatar too

  8. #8
    Kaworu fan-girl! ^_^ Armisael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lon611
    some1 on another thread said that vivi died, and that it's him speaking during the ending, thanking every1 for this and that. but also, how does vivi have kids?isn't he just a prototype?my brain hurts now...
    Yeah i cannot understand this either.

    "People Always Lie" - House MD.

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  9. #9
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    you can't understand the vivi thing or my typing?lol

    maybe we all just need to replay it. or to rewatch the ending. or to have ppl who are playing at the moment to comment. or we could just sit here and contemplate, lol

    don't you think it kinda sux for freya that she finds that burmecian guy (her lover, forget his name), but he doesn't remember her . and would you have tried to save kuja, because you prolly would've tried to "wreck havoc on gaia" if you were in the same position.

    oh,and my last question, is it me, or do other ppl out there use final fantasy plot scripts to reminisce when you don't feel like replaying the game...
    thanks to Kamiko for the awesome sig and avatar too

  10. #10
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    I imagine that Kuja destroyed all of Terra, not just Bran Bal. If an Eidolon takes a 15 min cut-scene to destroy a city, surely Kuja's 15 minute hissy-fit was enough to make a whole planet crash and burn.

    Loni, you're saying that the ending would've been heaps better if Terra had assimilated Gaia. Maybe. I haven't seen an ending to a game where the good guys lose in a while. However, Kuja's rage and his going into Trance scene would have been less effective and less capitivating. It's that little Kuja freak-out moment that makes the player feel sorry for him and understand this villian on a deeper level, which I find to be a very important part in the game. Also Zidane and Kuja's little reconciliation at the end was pretty necessary in showing their newly found "brotherhood."

    Actually, the last half of the game is pretty much centered around making out Kuja to be more humane instead of a heartless Genome so Terra assimilating Gaia would be a pretty unexpected and weird ending that really wouldn't fit in with the rest of game up to that point.

  11. #11
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    who's Loni???lol.

    i wouldn't call the assimaltion of gaia to be the characters "losing". i think they should've kept everything in the ending that they had, except instead of showing clips from the game in the credits (which i think they were a little bit obligated 2 do cuz of "memories of life"), they should've shown gaia being assimilated. like, zidane and dagger should be together because the world's coming to an end and they wan to spend the last moments together. iuno if that made ne sense, lol.

    oooookay, i think i understand now. if what you say is true, that kuja destroys terra, that means no more terran souls to enter gaia, right?that's why zidane at the end specifically says "So what Kuja said was true... The Iifa Tree is beginning its violent reaction.". that's a direct quote. but wud some1 please specifically explain what the "violent reaction" is and what exactly causes it.

    now im more lost than before :shame: . okay, if terra was destroyed by kuja, whats the point of going to memoria???im guessing it's to stop the mist that covers the entire planet right?or am i wrong?
    thanks to Kamiko for the awesome sig and avatar too

  12. #12


    The point of going to Memoria is to stop Kuja, who's trying to destroy the crystal.

  13. #13
    Kaworu fan-girl! ^_^ Armisael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lon611
    you can't understand the vivi thing or my typing?lol
    The vivi thing,i like your typing.

    "People Always Lie" - House MD.

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  14. #14
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    u like my typing???thanx beatrix9 but that only makes two of us,lol. neways, how can going into memoria be about dtopping kuja cuz he's gonna destroy the crystal?i only remember the crystal being mentioned like the last hour or so.then again,havent played in awhile...
    thanks to Kamiko for the awesome sig and avatar too

  15. #15
    Kaworu fan-girl! ^_^ Armisael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lon611
    u like my typing???thanx beatrix9 but that only makes two of us,lol. neways, how can going into memoria be about dtopping kuja cuz he's gonna destroy the crystal?i only remember the crystal being mentioned like the last hour or so.then again,havent played in awhile...
    Three of us-my sister likes it too-.Anyways i think that crystal is the source of life of all the planet and indeed Kuja wanted to destroy it cause a world like him would be unfair as he has mentioned.

    "People Always Lie" - House MD.

    Member of the KH Trinity

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