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Thread: The Nintendo DS Mystery.

  1. #1
    Being Who Transcended All Black Mage's Avatar
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    Default The Nintendo DS Mystery.

    The Nintendo DS dillema. As I'm sure many of you have heard, there's a whole crazy situation concerning some secret project being worked on by Warp Pipe and their involvement with Nintendo. Ect, ect. The easiest way for me to get this across is to simply take the article from

    "Nintendo DS Online
    The Warp Pipe Project will provide the biggest online network in the world since the Internet...

    Article by James Temperton [ tempo88 :: Sub Editor :: Head of PR ]

    Cubed³ is never left in the dark, we refuse to hide away and let the rest of the industry run away with a story that we can’t keep tabs on. So, unlike a lot of sites we have done our own digging, talked to our own contacts and can now give you the facts, the most reliable information and hopefully give you a better picture of what is going on. Yes ladies and gents, we are talking about the Nintendo DS saga of the last few days.

    The Internet is always a breeding ground for odd and fast-growing rumours, and much like the Megaton of many months ago, this Second Coming is no exception to overblown facts, idiotic speculation and taking things so out of context that they become entirely different statements.

    This new all started off on a site that Cubed³ have always trusted and respected, N-Sider, thus we can certainly ascertain that these rumours are indeed based on facts and a few of the comments being made are true, if a little cryptic. Those of you familiar with the Warp Pipe project (that is making continuing moves to get the GameCube online) will know what the company are all about, for everyone else all you need to know is that they are a fan-run operation (in no way professional) that have been working on taking the GameCube online to some extent for the last couple of years. This project has had mixed success, but the general consensus of those that follow Warp Pipe closely, including Cubed³ is that they have done an excellent job, and continue to do so.

    Warp Pipe however, are starting to get rather more serious. From somewhere they are getting masses of funding to work on a massive new project. We can confirm this will be on the DS and that there is a very high chance of the funding coming straight from Nintendo themselves. Simply put, the Warp Pipe team would not have the money to fund such a project themselves, and no other company than Nintendo would fund such a scheme.

    One item we have been directed towards paying particular attention to is that the cost of the project will not be passed onto the end consumer, but that we should “simply purchase games with your favourite green logo on the box”. The Warp Pipe is green, and for it to be on a box definitely points to the company working in an official capacity with Nintendo. We shall say no more on the subject, our lips are sealed…

    Three key images have come out of this story, released by one of the men at the centre of it all, Chad of Warp Pipe fame. We will go through and explain each one individually. These explanations are based on general simple interpretations, but also pointers made by insiders to Cubed³.

    The best of the lot, and one that explains so much, some of which you need background knowledge of to be able to work it out. Obviously you have the boy with the Nintendo DS, in a wood, with a dog. Some people say this relates to Nintendogs, whilst this is quite a good guess, insider info seems to suggest that it is probably quite a way off the mark. May we point you in the direction of a certain game called Animal Crossing DS? We have reason to believe that Animal Crossing DS will be one of the most innovative games ever. How would you feel is where you were in Animal Crossing reflected directly on where you were in the world? Standing in London, and you’re in the city. Standing in the New Forest, and you’re in the woodland. Other characters would also be around you going about their business, and you would be able to interact and communicate in a whole new way. It may seem far-fetched and we’re not sure how much of it will turn out to be truth, but we have been assured that there is certainly some solid fact in this one.

    Slightly disturbing, we admit, but we have managed to unearth some very interesting news on this one. If you take a look at the face the DS replaces what should be eyes, nose, mouth etc. and what is most interesting is the text findsme, with the s being faded out. First off, the ds in the middle obviously links to the DS itself. As for the find me text, we have been told that this links to the DS being able to locate any other unit in the world that it is set to look for. Like an MSNm contact list you will be able to talk, game and interact with people from all four ‘corners’ of the globe. Another possible link we have been told to mention is that it could relate to GPS features, which could again link into the Animal Crossing DS idea and all sorts of other ceeerazy possibilities. We shall say no more…

    Even more disturbing than the second image, this one seems to be putting across the same idea though. Anti-isolation is the text on the DS, and the lack of eyes points to one clear thing. Our sources contacted us to confirm that no matter where you are, with the DS you will never be alone. No mates on the same continent? Apparently no problem, with this new project being developed by Warp Pipe linking up with another DS will be simple.

    Does anyone remember Marionette? It was a ‘game’ mentioned by Shigeru Miyamoto quite a while back. We have considerable reason to believe that this was an idea for a feature…an online feature Mario NET. Tenuous? But it sounds very Nintendo. We have asked everyone who we think might have an idea about this one, and the amounts of no comment and wait and see responses we had back points to one thing: this is happening.

    In Summary

    # Warp Pipe are working on a massive project for the Nintendo DS that will make it one massive online social network, the biggest outside the Internet.
    # The DS is not just constrained to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication. Whisperings in our ears point towards being able to play against / send a signal to someone else with a DS anywhere in the world, instantly.
    # The DS will have a remote ‘daisy-chain’ feature, whereby on say a University campus or shopping centre, a number of DS’ can connect one to the next until all the DS consoles in the area are linked up and playing together. Almost like they are hooked in a giant loop.
    # There is substantial support for the project from one key financial backer (Nintendo?) and numerous other companies working on software.
    # The Warp Pipe service will launch this year, possibly with the DS.
    # It will be announced on website N-Sider in the middle of October, but the full story might not be revealed for a little while longer.

    We will leave you with one thought. Nintendo Europe, Nintendo of America and Nintendo Co Ltd. in Japan have always maintained the point that they do not want to have to charge for online gaming. They see it as one of the major hindrances. It is no secret that Nintendo are not online, but it is also no great secret that Nintendo are investing in online research. Could they be ready to spring on us the biggest easy to access, global communication tool since the Internet? Could all of this innovation come out of the book with the console? We will have more information, confirmations and speculations for you when we are allowed to comment or have more information to pass on. Stay tuned to Cubed³…

    The information released in this article is done so on the understanding that the sources providing it are not revealed. Items stated as fact are, to Cubed³, known to be fact. Speculation is made clear. Any comments about the validity of our statements should be sent to the author of this article. Cubed³ hold no legal responsibility."

    However, it doesn't end there. Cubed-3 hasn't updated, but Dean and Chad have been giving out more clues. This site, here:


    Gives a nice summary of the clues, too. However, even that is lagging, as these clues have been released since:

    Clue, as well, but is kinda big.
    This is a clue, but is a large image.

    And most recently:

    "RSS feed updated:
    Transmission #3
    .swonk ydoboN ?tahw tub ,gnihtemos tnaw htob yehT .desoppo yllacirtemaid ,sedis owT

    There was also a Crossword given by one of the two, which one escapes me, that has been analyized to death.

    This Thread here is one place where the clues are taking place. It's a long thread, but is a very interesting read. I do believe the Warp Pipe forums have information being posted there, and I think I read the N-sider forums, though I can't confirm that one. Regardless, it's quite interesting, and if this was posted elsewhere, and I missed it sorry about that.

    I highly suggest taking a look at that thread for more information, as there are littlerally dozens of images of different aspects of this topic that I didn't post here.

    I would also like to reitterate that I didn't write most of this. What I've written is just the few short paragraphs between images, and so forth, but the bulk of this info, namely that article was written by someone else.

  2. #2
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    I'm intrigued.

  3. #3
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    I get what the whole Warp Pipe developing for Nintendo is all about but...what the hell do those images have to do with anything?

  4. #4
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    They're supposed to be hints as to what exactly the project is. I personally think it's a bunch of cryptic crap that's just there to hype up all the fan because of some huge mystery. Personally, I choose to wait a couple more weeks than try and work it all out.

  5. #5


    hell I'm more confused than a redneck at a science fair....oh well, I'll just wait it out

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