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Thread: Final Fantasy Rol Game Idea! :)

  1. #151
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Dyva - I need to find a Shumi smth... where to go, where to go? This isn't a big place, come on Dyva think... u're smart, c'mon... *schoks against a Shumi guy* Thank God!

  2. #152


    Xzirox: I dont like´s to quiet...
    Galita: It´s nothing, noone knows where we are...
    Xzirox: Your probably right...I'll go for a short walk and I'll be back for Siric´s meeting.
    Galita: Alright...

    "Xzirox walks around for awhile when he hears someone in the bushes..."

    Xzirox: SHOW YOURSELF!! *takes a steady grip on the sword*
    Beta: Laguna! Sh!t!
    Xzirox: Damnit Beta, you scared me!

    "Someone hits Xzirox in the back of the head and kicks Beta in the head..."

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  3. #153
    Kaitou Dark - Dark Mousy Rinoa_Galatea's Avatar
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    Galita: *looks the sky* ...Jeez.. It's getting late... *looks down*

    Someone approaches her...

    Galita: *turns around* Hey Xzi...
    General Kain: Hey lady, did you missed us? *laugh*
    Galita: *Thinks: We need to get the hell out of here. Where are the others?* Xzirox! Flash!
    G. Captain: How cute! *laugh*
    Alpha: *comes running & hits the captain* Yearrrrgg!!!!
    General Kain: You have bad luck! *looks Galita taking up her Kotetsu* Oh, no way! *runs toward Galita & tries to hit her*
    Galita: *Thinks: I need to find the others* ... *slips up with the grass & falls down*
    General Kain: *Tooks her Kotetsu* Now, stay there if you don't want to get hurt. Bring me the rope!
    G. Captain: *hits Alpha in the head* D@mned thing!
    General Kain: The rope! Now!
    Galita: *touches her head* ...My head hurts...
    General Kain: *looks her* Good, now that's what we feel when we can't trap all of you...

    "Inter Angelus: Gothik Kitten"

  4. #154
    Arrrrrrrrrrrr! FightClubFan#47's Avatar
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    Shumi(Siric) is walking down the road with another shumi.

    Siric: So you agree? It's going to happen?
    Shumi: As far as I can tell, yes. I'm hoping you will do something?
    Siric: Dr. Kadwaa is worki-*elevator door opens, shumis walk out* Whats wrong?
    Shumi1: There are Galbadia wondering around outside. They look like they want to conquer. We're going to seal of the entrance...
    Siric: Wait!! Let me and my friends leave first!
    Shumi2Sorry, but we wo-
    Shumi: Let them go... They Need to go...
    Siric: I'll be Right back!*gets Dyva and Chris* You guys ready?
    Dyva and Chris: Ya, Lets go.
    And so they leave Shumi Villiage, and Shumi Village temporaly shuts itself of from the world

    "Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip."
    By Sephiroths Clone

  5. #155
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Dyva - So, now, what are we gonna do?
    Chris - I don't know... Siric?

  6. #156


    Flash: Damn, what a headache. What happened? Where am I? This looks like an Airship. Could it be that someone captured me? General Kain? Hey, hello is someone there?


    Gisela: Oh, please guys help. Flash has dissapeared and I couldn't find Galita and Xzirox as well. I am afraid the Galabdian Army was captured them
    Dyva: What?
    Chris: We must free them
    Gisela: But I don't know, maybe it's just a trap. Or maybe they are really in trouble. Oh, we need to do something indeed.
    Chris: Siric can help us, can't you?
    Gisela: I hope so.
    Alpha: Laguna *jumps up and down*
    Gisela: Cause I don't like this situation

    1. Catlike creature. Has a large red ball on it's head attached by a long hair. Some can fly. Some can fight. Some are lazy bastards. All say Kupo (or Puu)

  7. #157
    Arrrrrrrrrrrr! FightClubFan#47's Avatar
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    Siric: How do you know my name is Siric.... I only told Xzirox and Galita... I can only think you guys are spies!!! I most leave you....

    So Siric leaves to find his own way to save them, beacuse the other people shouldn't have known that the Shumi was called Siric...

    "Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip."
    By Sephiroths Clone

  8. #158
    Kaitou Dark - Dark Mousy Rinoa_Galatea's Avatar
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    Galita: *wakes up* ...Jeez... *looks around* Hey, where am I?
    Alpha: Graaarg!!!
    Galita: *looks behind* Alpha! Wow... you're fine! ....Jeez... at least I'm not alone *turns around* I hope the others will be fine *looks down*
    Alpha: Laguna!
    Galita: *looks Alpha & smiles* You're so cute...
    Alpha: ? Sh!t?
    Galita: Alpha, I don't pretend to be a bad person, but I've been alone all this time, no mom, no dad, only my sister *sigh* ...Jeez.. I don't even know why am I saying that
    Alpha: Prrr....Prrr....
    Galita: Hey Alpha... If you bite my ropes I'll cut yours.. what do you say?
    Alpha: Laguna! *nods*

    "Inter Angelus: Gothik Kitten"

  9. #159
    Arrrrrrrrrrrr! FightClubFan#47's Avatar
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    Siric walks in his airship...

    Siric: Jeremy?
    Jeremy: Ya?
    Siric: I'm glad you snuck on even when I said I didn't need your help...
    Jeremy: What's happening?
    Siric: Galbadians...
    Jeremy: *sighs* Why are they bent on ruining the world? D@mn them... D@mn the Estharians too... Well, we might have something, it will be dangerous though...
    Siric: What?
    Jeremy: One of Kadmaa's ealier experiments... before you actually...
    Siric: Really?
    Jeremy: If you do approach it, don't look in its eyes... If you value your memory...

    and Jeremy releases the beast...

    "Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip."
    By Sephiroths Clone

  10. #160



    Xzirox: Uhh...where...where am I?

    "Someone smacks Xzirox in the head..."

    Xzirox: Heeey, who´s there??
    Beta: Laguna sh!t!!
    Xzirox: Damn you, why do you have to hit people all the time?
    Beta: SH!T, SH!T, SH!T, SH!T, SH!T, SH!T, SH!T, SH!T, SH!T!!!!!!!!!
    Xzirox: Uh? You okay?

    "Beta´s breast starts to glow in a blueish color, and he starts to levitate..."
    Xzirox: !?!?!?! YOUR NOT BETA!!
    "Beta": Thats right...I am Bahamut, ruler of all dragons.
    Xzirox: BAHAMUT??? HOW THE HE...
    Bahamut: When I noticed that Galbadia was taking over the world, I also found out that they are imprisoning GF´s in special built Soul Stones so they can use our powers. I then decided to imbune my powers into this little fella, so they wouldnt get my powers. I will now give you my powers so that you can stop them, else all GF´s might become exterminated...

    "A gem seems to 'pop-out' from Beta´s cheast, into Xzirox hands..."

    Beta: SH!T!!
    Xzirox: Hehe, you okey?

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  11. #161
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Dyva - yeah you're right, we must found them, but where should we go?
    Chris - I don't know...
    Gisela - We must do something fast!
    Dyva - Hey, didn't you told us that you thought taht they were kidnapped by Galbadia Army?
    Gisela - Yes, so?
    Dyva - The Desert Prision... if they were kidnapped by Galbadia Army... They should be right there!
    Chris - What if it's a trap?
    Dyva - We should see if smth weird happens! So can we go?

  12. #162


    Flash: So, I guess, I am alone here then. Then let's tear this place in pieces *looks for a ventilating gate*. Ok, let's go then.


    Gisela: What are we going to do now, that Shumi cannot help us anymore
    Dyva: I thought it was strange that he called us spies
    Chris: I know for sure, I ain't a spie
    Dyva: I am also not a spy. That only leaves you, and you we don't know. So that means you are the spy.
    Gisela: No, I am not a spy. Please, it must be a misunderstanding. You must go and help Flash and the others.
    Dyva: And then walking into a trap?
    Gisela: No, please don't misunderstand me. Please....

    1. Catlike creature. Has a large red ball on it's head attached by a long hair. Some can fly. Some can fight. Some are lazy bastards. All say Kupo (or Puu)

  13. #163


    Xzirox: *sigh* I guess we'll have to sit and wait here, but I dont like it...
    Beta: Sh!t?

    "Beta walks over to the ventilation gate and see´s someone crawling inside..."

    Beta: SH!T! *reaches his pawn in to the ventilation shaft and somehow, manage to pull the person out of it*

    Flash: OUCH! Are you ALWAYS this angry?
    Beta: sh!t!
    Xzirox: What are you doing HERE Flash? Arnt you with the others?
    Flash: Nope, some Galbadian jerk hit me in the head and brought me here.
    Xzirox: Oh, I see...cleaver thing to crawl through the ventilation shaft, but I wouldnt continoue if I were you.
    Flash: Uh? Why not?
    Xzirox: Since it leads the a HUGE melting oven that Kain is using to create weapons...
    Flash: How do you know all this?
    Xzirox: *yawn* I guess I cant hide it anymore...I was the old Galbadian Commander, before Kain came and invaded us...I managed to escape somehow, and have been chasing Kain for 14 years now...

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  14. #164
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Dyva - What should we do, Chris?
    Chris - Maybe Gisela isn't lying...
    Dyva - I hope that Gisela, isn't lying at all, if she/he doesn't want her/his head to roll on the floor!
    Chris - So welcome?
    Gisela - Thanks a lot!

  15. #165
    Arrrrrrrrrrrr! FightClubFan#47's Avatar
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    Siric and Jeremy are watching Galbadion soldiers be attacked by the creature...

    Siric: Jeremy? What exactly is that??
    Jeremy: Don't remember...I believe it is a mix between cockatrice and a behemoth... with eyes that make you forget everything... instead of turn you to stone...
    Siric: Ah... Ok... Looks like enough of them have been slaughtered. Time to cage it back up...
    Jeremy: Right-o...*makes the airship flew over the creature and drops a cage, uses a crane to pick it up*
    Siric: *Gets off* I am going to find some traitors... be right back...*walks over to Dyva, Chris, and Gisela* Okay... I don't know which one of you (most likely Chris or Dyva) but one of you is a spy... You knew my name, and everytime we go somewhere, the galbadians manage to find us.... PLEAD YOUR CASE!!!! OR I'LL BE FORCE TO ERASE YOUR MEMORY!!!!

    "Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip."
    By Sephiroths Clone

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