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  1. #16
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    i think he stopped moving...i may be wrong but didn't kuja say the prototype was going to stop soon?>

  2. #17


    That's what I said (I am her friend she was talking about)

    Though it's sad I believe that our little black mage was at the end of his short life.. *sniffle*
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  3. #18


    Yeah, he died . . . a death just as poignent as another character we all know and love ((SPOILER)Aeris), if not greater. The sad thing is, we know he will die eventually as soon as you get to the Black Mage Village, and view the scene in the graveyard. I'm glad he wasn't main character -- it seems to be a mantle that curses anyone that bears it (I did not like Cecil, Squall, Cloud, or Zidane).

    Plus, his theme (the tune that plays in Alexandria) is great. To me, it evokes the spirit of the game perfectly, along with The Place I'll Return to Someday.

  4. #19


    vivi may have passed on, but his memory will be with us always. Plus he had all those little Vivi's running around. Did he make them or find a she Black Mage? Are there even she black mages?

  5. #20
    Strawberry_Mew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanwen Strife
    vivi may have passed on, but his memory will be with us always. Plus he had all those little Vivi's running around. Did he make them or find a she Black Mage? Are there even she black mages?
    -wonders- what has our lil black mage been doing....

  6. #21


    I once already posted a theory about this one time

    Vivi is still alive. I am convinced about that. But about the little Vivi's. In the game you will meet Prototypes A, B and C. What if Vivi was Prototype D? He was made in that cave in euhm....forgot the name of that town. He was transported on the airship, but he fell overboard (because of his airsickness??). Then Kuja decided he didn't want to make more Prototypes before he knew if Vivi did work. But because of what all happened Kuja had not got the chance to make more Vivi's. When every thing was over Vivi decided that there were more to be made of him.

    1. Catlike creature. Has a large red ball on it's head attached by a long hair. Some can fly. Some can fight. Some are lazy bastards. All say Kupo (or Puu)

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothNL
    I once already posted a theory about this one time

    Vivi is still alive. I am convinced about that. But about the little Vivi's. In the game you will meet Prototypes A, B and C. What if Vivi was Prototype D? He was made in that cave in euhm....forgot the name of that town. He was transported on the airship, but he fell overboard (because of his airsickness??). Then Kuja decided he didn't want to make more Prototypes before he knew if Vivi did work. But because of what all happened Kuja had not got the chance to make more Vivi's. When every thing was over Vivi decided that there were more to be made of him.
    I have a similar theory about this, though I still believe that Vivi 'stopped moving' by the end of the game. Vivi was one of the first black mages created, though Kuja found him to be 'too human' compared to the other black mages. In a way, Vivi was learning and growning which obviously would make him harder to control the older he got. When he was 'lost' (he stated that he was looking at something inside Quan's cave and fell off the edge. Perhaps that's where Kuja was 'testing' Vivi out etc... etc.. ) Seeing the 'errors' in the Prototype Black mage, he decided to give them less free will and a shorter life span.

    In the end, I believe that Vivi somehow found a way to create more of himself (of his longer living Black mages a.k.a. prototype Vs) In order to let the black mage's memories to live on. Vivi was stated to be several years old, so these Vivi's would be able to carry on the memories of the original Vivi along with the Prototype A, B, and C Black mages for many years. He probably either used the remains of the mist (like in the tunnels such as gargan roo) or even found a way to make black mages WITHOUT mist. *shrugs* either way, the lil' Vivi's were created to carry the memories of the Black mages into the future. That way they will not be forgotten.

    ><;; I'm sorry I'm ranting...
    Last edited by Ayamaoko; 11-14-2004 at 09:30 PM.
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  8. #23


    I dunno if he "Stopped or not" I agree with 90% of the ppl when i say that Vivi isnt leadership material. He just isnt as quick-thinking or charismatic as Zidane. But, with good story and great combat skills with other characters (I have a Vivi group on my game with abilities making him a mini A-bomb) he is clearly one of the best characters in the game, only behind Zidane, Freya, And Dagger. Btw, this is my first post on the Eyes on Final Fantasy forums.
    Chocoboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #24


    I'm currently replaying ff9 and it occured to me that Vivi makes 75% of al the important decisions in the game.. lol

    Maybe he's more of a leader then we give him credit for, no?
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  10. #25
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    FF is about SWORDS. Vivi has no SWORDS. He uses STICKS which may explain his efficiency in procreation.

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