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Thread: The Ideal Candidate

  1. #1

    Default The Ideal Candidate

    There has been much discussion about the lesser of two evils argument for the upcoming election here in the States, which got me to wondering, if YOU could pick any person to be president, who would it be? (For non-US residents, who would you choose to be your country's leader and/or who would you choose to become the next American President?)

    (Only qualifications: they must be alive and you must have some justification for your choice).

    I would choose John McCain, though I am not a Republican, because he alone seems to be a straight shooter in Washington and someone that really knows what it's like to be a leader of this country. He has broken from his party more times than the Repbulicans would like because he voted what he believed in, and though he has been hog tied into campaigning with Bush, you can see that he really doesn't blindly support the President, but has thoughts and ideas of his own. The problem for him is the fact that he is a maverick and would never get the support of the far Right wing of the party, but I still think he'd make a good President.

    Take care all.

  2. #2
    Unpostmodernizeable Shadow Nexus's Avatar
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    I dunno...Daffy Duck?

    Umm...seriously, I have no idea, I couldn't say a name of who I would like to be the president. I could say what kind of person I would like, but not who.

  3. #3


    Why Daffy Duck and not Bugs Bunny? I would say because Daffy has to struggle and fight to the top while Bugs has it mostly on easy street.

    Take care all.

  4. #4


    Bugs bunny, he always comes out on top and would be able to win this war with ease. Daffy struggles pretty darn hard to get on top but that it, he struggles too hard and always gets screwed over. Do we want a president thats another cartoons bitch?

  5. #5


    The ideal candidate in my mind would contain the following characteristics:

    -Self made
    -Well educated (legitimately, and with honors)
    -Lifetime of great achievements (again, self made)
    -Military experience at high levels (leadership position preferred)
    -Command of the english language (well spoken)
    -Solid experience in foreign affairs <--very important

    No other republicans were running against Bush so I was stuck looking at democrats. Wesley Clark impressed me the most out of all the democratic nominees. He is especially strong in the military/foreign department. Kerry came out of nowhere and won though. I would choose Clark, but McCain isn't too shabby either.

    My hope for this election is that John Kerry wins and gets America back on the right track so in four years we can elect someone impressive. It's a long shot though

  6. #6
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I do like McCain, but I would like someone who hasn't been in politics for awhile and thus isn't slave to the special interest. I generally agree with much of what Glendon said.

  7. #7 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    McCain or me, but not me when I'm thirty five, me right now at nineteen. Why? Because I'm pretty easy to get along with, but I'm firm in my beliefs. I've grown up poor, and I've seen what wealth is like as well. I'm smart, but the best part is I'm still idealistic enough to believe I can help the world without hurting it. I don't think people are idealisitc enough anymore.

    A vote for me is a vote for hope. Vote Powell in 2012.

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  8. #8
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    For the US: Bill Clinton. Because the rule of only allowing a democratically elected president to serve a maximum of two terms is, in my opinion, bloody stupid.

    For the UK: Uh. Geez. Bill Clinton? Does it really matter? This place is effectively under US control anyway.

    For NZ: Nobody gives a crap anyway, so I'm going with Viggo Morteson, aka Aragorn son of Arathorn, aka Strider, who has many other names. Why? Because he is the true King of Middle-Earth.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #9
    2nd Protector of the Sun War Angel's Avatar
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    Me for World Leader
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    The rightful owner of this Ciddie can kiss my arse! :P

  10. #10
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    The ideal candidate? Look no further.

  11. #11


    I always thought, from what I read, that Grover Cleveland would be somewhat ideal, there was a reason he was elected 4 times. JFK obviously falls along those lines. Bill Clinton had a pretty good run during his 8 years in office. Don't forget Harry S. Truman and Thomas Jefferson, though all democrats...that's beside the point.

    Like Loony BoB said, I never liked the idea of a President only serving 2 terms. If the country is happy with the results, they should be allowed to elect him again.

    I can't say for certain why the ideal canidate would be because that would be biased. I can't have an ideal canidate just serve needs that seems favorable to me, but to the whole I can't really say for certain without being a bit biased.

  12. #12
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    Grover Cleveland ran for President three times, winning the first time, losing the second, then winning the third, and is the only person to serve nonconsecutive terms as President. He didn't win four times, though. Cleveland did have the greatest political cartoon ever drawn about him, though.

    I think Howard Dean would be a very good candidate, although not ideal. The US is lacking in honorable and principled politicians right now, though.

  13. #13
    Dark Knights are Horny Garland's Avatar
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    What about Carl Weathers? Let's not stop at Arnold and Ventura. Everyone from Predator should be given public office, and who better for the office of all offices than Carl Weathers (Apollo Creed)? He's also black, and if elected, he'd be killing two birds with one stone - a minority president, and an actor from Predator. It's too good to be true.
    Knock yourselves down.

  14. #14
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Arnold Swartzenegger(sp?). He's is teh cool, and I like the way he says California.

    No seriously though, that one guy who wants to repeal the Patriot Act seems cool after reading his site.
    I like Kung-Fu.

  15. #15
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Kucinich you mea? Hell yeah he is cool. He also wanted to withdraw out of Iraq, and put the U.N. in, plus he wants to create a department of peace. It's just unfortunate that these things are "extemist" views. lmao.

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