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Thread: The 2004 US Election General Commentary Thread

  1. #46


    One more state will seal the deal...I guess the United States is 51% moron.

    Watch it. --Unne

  2. #47
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    I predicted Bush would win eons ago. Why do you people insist on questioning my infallibility?


  3. #48
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I guess because I'm still naive enough to believe that there were intelligent people in America. This proves me wrong.

    I hate lambs.

    Banned from this forum, two weeks. --Unne

  4. #49
    Arrrrrrrrrrrr! FightClubFan#47's Avatar
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  5. #50


    What's worse is that there's no way Kerry can win now. Even if Bush gets no more electoral votes, this goes to the House...where Republicans have the majority.

    Looks like we're screwed for four more years...damn you Al Gore.

  6. #51


    Can you say recount redux, in Ohio this time? There is hope yet for Kerry if he can get Wisconsin.

    I think it would be poetic justice if Kerry wins now based on a recount after Bush won in 2000.

    Take care all.

  7. #52


    Wow. I can't believe that everybody in this forum allows themselves to be spoonfeed the crap put out by democrats. The election 4 years ago wasn't screwed over by the republicans. We are about to have so many legal battles that it would make what Al Gore did look like childs play. They are both sore losers and for they last 4 years they have both been telling you what you want to hear. They have been telling you that Bush didn't win 4 years ago and now they will fight tooth and nail for something they just lost. This is the breakdown of this democracy with a small "d" so as not to be confused with Democrats as my AP U.S. history teacher says. Not to be blamed on bush but perhaps to all united states citizen with the least blame on Bush. I can't tell you who started it but this is what it is. Corruption in one side of politics causes the other to have to respound in the exact same way if they want to win that is. Then it becomes standard politics and while we are wasting our time being selfish and wanting to blame the president for things not caused by and not in the control of a President of the United States, the terrorist continue to plot. We are at war and it should be a total war. Don't know what total war is? Look it up because i can't stand to spoonfeed you every piece of information. Get a damn high school education. Listen to talk radio which is bias to republicans rather then Democrats as Democrats are dominate to almost every other form of media and get a second opinion. I prefer The Savage Nation because he supports bush but he gives him plenty of tough critisism. He is in my opinion the least bias of all. Bush is the better candidate and I think that the margin he is going to win by is not properly representing how good a president he is. So he can't talk smooth which the Democrats seem to specialize in. We need values that are set. Values should determine alot of who you vote for. If you don't want Christian values running our government then you shouldn't have voted for Bush which is what you all did according to your comments here in this thread. I'm tired. Need anything? I might not come back here so just mail me your pathetic questions.

  8. #53
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Bush: 254
    Kerry: 252

    Ohio will be the deciding state.

    New Mexico with 5 votes is still undecided. 50% Bush, 49% Kerry (1% Nader! Go figure. But doesn't that add to 101%?)

    Iowa with 7 votes is still undecided. (50% Bush, 49% Kerry)

    Ohio with 20 votes is still undecided. (51% Bush, 49% Kerry. Again, doesn't this equal 101%?)

    Info taken from here:

  9. #54
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daryl
    New Mexico with 5 votes is still undecided. 50% Bush, 49% Kerry (1% Nader! Go figure. But doesn't that add to 101%?)

    Ohio with 20 votes is still undecided. (51% Bush, 49% Kerry. Again, doesn't this equal 101%?)
    50 + 49 + 1 = 100
    51 + 49 = 100

    Where did you go to school?
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  10. #55
    Unpostmodernizeable Shadow Nexus's Avatar
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    I lift my voice and pray:
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    - Leonard Cohen

  11. #56


    Man, oh, man. I can't believe Bush still has a chance of pulling this through. It's all the Democrats' fault, really - if they had nominated some sort of rational, reasonably intelligent human being to run, they could have swept this election clean. Instead they put up a shaved monkey. Face it - the only thing Kerry had going for him was that he wasn't Bush. They could have put up ANYONE, and he would have gotten at least as many votes as Kerry. I, along with many others, only voted for Bush (note: My state went to Kerry) because I/we found Kerry to be such a fool and a prick.

    The Democrats blew it.

  12. #57
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Well it was just announced Bush won.

  13. #58
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    And Kerry called him to concede, so there's not going to be a 2000esque scenario, either.

    I'm feelin' it.

  14. #59
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    Just a note: Anyone who continues along the lines of "All Americans are morons" is getting banned from this forum. If you can't remain civil, you'll be shown the door. Thanks.

  15. #60


    I guess it's time to start looking at canadian and british colleges.
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