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Thread: G-soldier divided ?

  1. #1
    Banned Itsunari 2000's Avatar
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    Default G-soldier divided ?

    I know some people are just gonna dismiss me and tell me I'm nitpicking at the more obscure aspects of the game , but there's something that's really been mystifying me a while now. In that absolutely awesome FMV scene , following Irvine's failure to take out the sorceress , Squall makes a direct attack on Edea - leaping from the balcony , gunblade drawn , he's confronted by a Galbadian soldier.

    I always assumed the soldier was cloven in two ,but now I realize that in the chaos of the scene, it's unclear exactly what happens = doesthe G-soldier deflect the blow with his shield and crumple to the ground under the impact ? Or is he actually divided down the middle by Squall ?

    Please clarify.

  2. #2
    Kaitou Dark - Dark Mousy Rinoa_Galatea's Avatar
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    Jeez... I think that Squall broke the Soldier's shield. I don't think that Squall divided in 2 the soldier (It's fun how it sounds)

    However after that you're at the Desert Prison, & they only torture Squall for the SeeD meaning. They don't say "you killed a soldier, now you'll pay for it"

    I still think that XDXDXDXDXDXD

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  3. #3
    Banned Itsunari 2000's Avatar
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    Heh , it's just a typical , expendable G-Soldier anyway - why am I bothered ?

  4. #4


    He ended up in prison because he attacked Edea, but I think he didn't kill the soldier. When you look at the FMV, you never see him actually putting down the sword on the soldier if I am correctly. He just hold the sword above hisself. How says he did want a soft landing and just jumped onto the Soldier. If you divived the soldier into two pieces I think the soldiers in the prison would have given him a harder time, because he killed one of their mates

    By the way, in the Rinoa thread you (lord Sephiroth) say that we are talking about irrelevant things and we should talk about more different topics, like gameplay, junctioning etc. But what about this topic then. Not that I mind though. I just noticed it.

    1. Catlike creature. Has a large red ball on it's head attached by a long hair. Some can fly. Some can fight. Some are lazy bastards. All say Kupo (or Puu)

  5. #5


    we hav no idea. It flashes with sparks. U dont know what happens. also if anyone disagrees i hav every fmv of ff8, even the 2 second ones so i can sprove it if it matters

  6. #6


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  7. #7
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    The soldier was absorbed into Squall's gunblade and became its spirit. Eventually when Squall commune with it and his Bankai, Lionheart was unlocked. Deep intense theory.

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