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Thread: Eizon RP

  1. #1
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Default Eizon RP

    For those of you who have not seen the thread in the Suggestions area, I have offered to create a roleplay using the Eizon worlds, where people can actually play characters within the world that they have created. However, in order to do this, I need the approval of the Eizon leaders, so as to not steal their hard work. Support from the rest of you who also contributed is much appreciated.

    The roleplay is still in early stages of development, but if given the go-ahead I will be sure to post the details of my progress, time permitting. I've wanted to be a part of Eizon for awhile now, but haven't had the time, and I think this would be a most excellent way to show my appreciation for the worlds you've all created. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, they should feel free to PM me.

    Oh yes, and one final note, even if the roleplay is finished earlier, it will not begin until around January or Febuary, after things such as the Ciddies and other events have finished.

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  2. #2
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Hmm, sounds like a great idea. Though, I would like to know more on how this can work.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  3. #3
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    It's in the intial brainstorming stages at this moment but I'm guessing it will be very factional. Players will take command of a character that they create for themselves within the Eizon country that they dwell in. This will allow them to "experience" living life within the Eizon world. I already know that wars and other conflicts break out between the countries, but this will now allow people to take an even greater role within it, they can discuss and make treaties, lead troops into battle, etc.. I am probably going to set it up it so that most players can command a considerable amount of NPC soldiers, which would give many players the ability to have rather interesting battles with each other.

  4. #4
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Awesome. It'll make Eizon even more interactive.

    You have my approval.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  5. #5


    Hmm. Sounds fun. :D
    lol signature

  6. #6
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Yeah looks good.

  7. #7
    Stalins Magic Mustache Carnage's Avatar
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    I think if he puts enough work into it it could be really good.. Perhaps the Overseers and leaders should vote on it when the final copy is ready?

    Edit: Nevermind proto gave him the go ahead. our opinions means nothing

  8. #8
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I assure you it will be a solid roleplay. I have a great deal of experience with these things (I've actually listed my "resume" if you will, in this thread).

    Now, at the moment I'm leaning towards a loose rule-base because I'm not sure about the roleplaying skill of most of the Eizon members and thus I do not want to overwhelm them. However, I can make a highly technical one if a majority wishes it, I just think that wouldn't be the best of ideas.

  9. #9
    Stalins Magic Mustache Carnage's Avatar
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    It dosent hafto be difficult just lots of options and diffrent ways to mold our nations/world and such.

  10. #10
    The flying homo! Recognized Member Giga Guess's Avatar
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    Sounds intriguing.

    Many thanks Christmas!
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  11. #11
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    All right, I've been trying to read all the information, but there are a few quick questions I have.

    1. Does magic exist in this world? The initial post says it does not.

    2. Do chocobos exist or is this more of a horse-oriented world?

  12. #12
    Stalins Magic Mustache Carnage's Avatar
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    We have magic but we couldnt find any uses for it since we were not aloud to use it for war and such

    horses. i vote chocobos.

  13. #13
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    All right. I've created a preliminary class listing, I may add more later.

    Dark Knight: The Dark Knight is a powerful warrior who focuses on attack and can wield Black Magic that centralizes around the use of his sword.

    Paladin: The Paladin is much like the Dark Knight as far as skill and ability is concerned, but utilizes White Magic instead. Like the Dark Knight, the White Magic is usually focused on the Paladin's sword.

    Red Wizard: A Red Wizard dabbles in the use of both White and Black Magic, and is also fairly good at fighting. Red Wizards are adept at many things, but are skilled at none.

    Black Wizard: Black Wizards are masters of destructive Black Magic. Their magic is powerful and often offensive, but their physical attacking abilities leaves much to be desired. NOTE Black Wizards have inherited the "Yin-Yang" magic spells, i.e. spells that cause status ailments.

    White Wizard: White Wizards instead use White Magic to great effect. While they do not have the same destructive capabilities that Black Wizards have (though they do have some offensive spells) their ability to heal is a great asset. NOTE White Wizards have inherited Time Mage spells, i.e. those that relate to effecting a character's speed and mobility.

    Dragoon: The Dragon Knights, or Dragoons, are skilled with lances. They can leap high into the air and jump on their targets, impaling them with ease.

    Monk: Monks are masters of unarmed combat, and have also learned how to use their spiritual energy to perform many different feats.

    Ninja: Ninja are masters of stealth and deception. Often wielding two blades in battle, they are skilled at dealing death from the shadows.

    Samurai: Samurai wield two curved blades with great facility, though usually they only use their longer sword, the katana, in battle. Samurai focus on pure martial prowess and as such disdain the use of magic in their attacks.

    Thief: Thieves are masters of the questionably noble art of taking things from one's foe without permission. While not physically powerful, they are quick and nimble, making them difficult foes to hit.

    Berserker: Berserkers are powerful beings who are able to fly into a wild frenzy and cut down all who oppose them. While fearsome warriors, they have little facility for magic or anything else that requires cognitive thought.

    Summoner: The Summoner class is able to call powerful monsters to fight for them. Summoners are extremely powerful in battle, but the strain of summoning monsters leaves them frail and easy to attack.

    Blue Wizard: Blue Wizards draw their magic from monsters and use the magic of monsters themselves. They are also skilled with the scimitar, and their strength in battle is decent, though not great.

    Chemist: The chemist is a master of alchemy, and they are able to mix different restoratives with ease. They have also had extensive training with firearms, and can use guns with great facility.

    Hunter: The hunter is skilled with the bow, and at attacking from long distances. Hunters are also skilled at capturing monsters and training them to fight with the hunter.

    Geomancer: Geomancers are mighty warriors who use the natural world around them to perform spells. While their spells aren't as strong as those of a Black Wizard or Summoner, they are also good fighters. In terms of strength, their magic is stronger than that of a Paladin or Dark Knight, but their fighting ability is weaker.

    Bard: Bards know the power of music, and their song is enhanced with magical might. Their songs can do many things, but their focus is on beneficial magic. The Bard Song inspires allies to do better. Bards are also proficient with light, quick weaponry and can hold their own in combat.

    Dancer: Dancer's use their exotic dancing to entrance their enemies and distract them. The Dancer's dances normally are tailored to cause some sort of harm to an enemy, and they can be quite devastating. Dancers are proficient with light weapons, and can often lure enemies within striking range to deal out one swift, fatal blow.

    Mimes: Mimes have no real abilities themselves, but they can mark an enemy or ally and mimic the way that they move or attack. Mimes are strange warriors, but they can be quite versatile. Mimes have a strange magical ability that allows them to simply create a copy of whatever weapon the marked foe or ally is using, and they can use any magical spell that they have seen, but that spell may only be used once before the Mime must see it again.

    Well, that's it. I'm open to submissions.

  14. #14
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    I think we need to have more specific jobs for the world. I mean look at my land, people are nomads, we don't use magic, and we live in the desert.

  15. #15
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I can probably adapt several jobs for different cultures, I just posted the generics for people to divide up as they choose.

    Generally, in a nomadic world I believe that the Berserker, Geomancer, Thief, Blue Wizard, and Hunter would be favored jobs. The fact that you don't use magic does harm things, however. I'll play around with it for a bit and see if I can't come up with something for you to use. Any suggestions you have would be much appreciated.

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