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Thread: World of Warcraft

  1. #1
    Rocket Powered Fury Ichy's Avatar
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    Default World of Warcraft

    Anyone else here playing it? I played in the Open Beta for a couple of weeks and promptly got hooked, after several weeks of research as well. It's a pretty awesome game, definately worth checking out for any MMORPG fan.

    I play on a PvE (Player vs. Environment) sever. Basically this means that you can still PvP by participating in raiding Alliance/Horde cities and killing their guards and NPCs and whatnot, but you won't be open game 24/7 everywhere you go. If you attack one of these said NPCs you become "flagged" for PvP and other players can now attack you, which flags them as well. This state ends after 5 minutes of not attacking other players/enemy NPCs.

    The game is heavily quest oriented. You can almost always find a plethora of quests in whatever area you're in, most of which rewarding you money and items (useful ones, at that ) and a sizeable chunk of exp. Many quests can be soloed, as well as much of the rest of the game if you really want to, however there are what they call "Elite" quests that send you into dungeons and places where you'd have to be insane (or really dumb) to try and go it alone.

    Many of the major dugeons in the game are "instanced", in other words loaded by the server upon entry for each team that enters. This means that you will never have other people camping your mobs or training mobs onto you, or otherwise making your life miserable, since when you go in you all get your very own copy of the place to play around in.

    I'm not going to get into all the tradeskills there are to choose from, but I will say the system is very well done. Your skills go up quickly enough by making items just within your ability and so long as you have the skills you get an automatic success, no lost components or failures. VERY handy.

    I'm on Stormrage, in the USEastern selection group. I currently have 4 characters made that I intend to play, however I'm focusing on one in particular for the moment:
    1. Bags - Undead Mage lvl10 (yes, he's a tailor )
    2. Ichy - Undead Rogue lvl1 (my intended main, once I can make 8 slot bags and mail them to him)
    3. Bhoveenius - Tauren Hunter lvl1 (Cows with guns! I played this one in Open Beta for a few days, very cool)
    4. George - Human Paladin lvl1 (I had the thought I may want to try a Paladin someday and don't like the model for Dwarves, so Human was the only other choice. I doub't I'll spend much time on him, though. I have a strong disliking for Alliance character concepts. *shrug*)

    That's about all I had to say. I'm real excited about the game, maybe I'll see soem of you in there

  2. #2
    Eoff + Fabio = Win Lord Chainsaw's Avatar
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    Default Q

    I've been very interested in this game actually. I'm somewhat of an MMORPG vet. Only somewhat. I haven't had any experience outside of FFXI and Everquest (if you consider Phantasy Star Online then that too) so I can't say I'm as familiar with the storyline behind Warcraft.

    I absolutely love MMORPGs though, and I plan to pick another one up now that Everquest for the PS2 has pretty much died. My dilemma is deciding between Everquest 2 and World of Warcraft.

    I enjoyed Everquest for the PS2 so I know I'll enjoy EQ2. My computer has only the minimum 512 RAM to run the game, so I might need to upgrade to play. The upside is that I'm familiar with the lore, and I just downright enjoy the world of EQ.

    On the other hand, WoW is a risk for me. The pros are that my computer can probably run it easier and its something different. The con is that its something different. I don't know if I'll enjoy it. Even if I do enjoy it, I still might enjoy EQ2 more. I also hear WoW has fewer class selections than EQ2. The good thing I hear is that it is more soloable.

    It's just one of those decisions that won't be easy. I'll have to research both a bit more thoroughly before making my decision.

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  3. #3
    Take me to your boss! Strider's Avatar
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    I have a lot of friends here where I live that obtained access to the beta, and they all went out and bought the actual game when it was released. I've had plenty of chances to watch the whole thing, and while I'm not big on online gaming, it looks really good.

    If I can get enough money together, maybe I'll get it. Probably not, but you never know.

  4. #4
    Ominous Wanderer Tech Admin Samuraid's Avatar
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    A number of friends have it and I have had fun watching a few of them play.

  5. #5


    Does WoW have a monthly fee? I luv me some Diablo II and neither that nor the first one had any fees for playing it, and neither did starcraft or warcrafts either I believe. But this iiis an MMoRPG so who knows eh? I've never been too immersed into online rpgs before, but this game is getting huge attention and high ranks from the major nerdy sites and game critics ,so I think this one might be worth a shot. But I never play anything I have to continualy pay for... I mean, college funds, ya know?

  6. #6


    LunarWeaver: Diablo 2 and Starcraft are run on the cheaply upheld and made servers of B.Net and they are not MMORPG's, so they don't hold as many players at once. Yes WoW is a monthly fee, for good reason.

    I'd like to say that I was in Open Beta as well, and leveled Mage, Rogue and Hunter until level 10 before it finished.

    I was hooked on this game, and I bought it the other week. Currently a level 16 Paladin and I'm loving it.

    The graphics are great, for a MMORPG.

    I am with a clan on the alliance side called Tears of Valor, which at the moment is around 15 people that live in the town next to where I live, but we're currently growing so we can get a good Australian clan for a PvP server.

    I would also like to say that the battle and questing system are superb. I came from a FFXI style playing and compared to WoW, well FFXI just doesn't make the cut in the amount of fun you can have. FFXI is too depedent on partying with other players to get ANYTHING done, and experience grinding also plays a part in that.

    In WoW, the quests aren't a joke and they are really fun to do. You also can recieve fairly good experience points and armor / weapons from them. Also money.

    Another thing about FFXI, is that it left you with way too little gil to spend. You would farm for hours upon hours until you bought up enough gil to buy one peice of armor, then it was back to it again. With WoW, gold / silver / copper is fun to get and it's easy to get.

    You may be saying WoW is easier in terms of getting the best equiptment and leveling? Well I think it's not as easy if you just compared it to FFXI. It is very balanced out and you won't be leveling up extremely quickly.

    So far the community is pretty good; it was horrible in open beta but I think the monthly fee and buying the game evened that out.

    In conclusion I think it's a great MMORPG and I plan on playing it for a long time. The only thing I'd ever miss about FFXI is the community and friends I had on there.

    So if you are ever on the PvP Blackrock server, just send a /t to Omecle for a friendly hello. =)

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  7. #7
    Rocket Powered Fury Ichy's Avatar
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    Agreed, Omecle, the only thing I really miss also is the people I met in FFXI, but not the game itself. I'll be cancelling my content ID for January and, if I still feel this way about WoW come Febuary I plan to log back into FFXI and liquidate and donate everything I have to the LS.

    FFXI lost it's magic to me a long time ago, near the beginning of the summer. I stuck around for the people, and admitedly had some good times, almost changed my mind more than once, but I'm almost certain now that it's on it's last leg for me.

    Quick Character Update:

    Bags, Undead, lvl14 Mage, Tailor/Skinner
    Ichy, Undead, lvl16 Rogue, Leatherworker/Skinner
    Labatt, Tauren, lvl23 Warrior, Miner/Skinner

    I'm in a nice, laid back, friendly Horde guild called DoomRaiders.

  8. #8
    Prinny God Recognized Member Endless's Avatar
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    I'm playing in the European closed beta (that's where I live ), and so far, in two weeks of play, I made a level 8 human warlock that I barely play on, because of the level 19 night elf rogue I have. My brother's night elf hunter is level 20 (he reached that yesterday), so the bastard can use aspect of the cheetah to outrun me now (my sprint skill only lasts 15 seconds, 5 minutes cooldown). My wife's night elf druid (see a racial pattern here?) is currently level 12/13, because she has less time to play, due to her working hours.
    All of us have our release boxes preordered.

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  9. #9
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    I played the Beta a few months ago (three of my friends had accounts). It was pretty cool. I would play it if there was an offline campain. So, like, if I didn't want to pay the $15/mo to play online anymore the game wouldn't be worthless to me.

    Many of my friends are addicted to it. They've given up their lives, called into work, skipped classes, and one even broke up with his fiancee. One of them's using BJ's router so he can plug in and play right now.

    Out of the 13 of them in a guild together, the highest level one (yesterday, at least) is 40.

  10. #10
    Recognized Member m4tt's Avatar
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    I've thought about getting it.. but more than one mmorpg at a time is way too time consuming. Maybe I'll get it when I quit RO for the 5th time.
    Mr Thou! Mr Thou!

  11. #11


    UO's STILL better. Newbies

  12. #12
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomgaze
    UO's STILL better. Newbies
    *high five*

    UO will probably be the last MMORPG where you get a real house, in the actual online world, where everyone can look inside and go "omg awesome" rather than any lame "warp to your house" crap.

  13. #13
    Rocket Powered Fury Ichy's Avatar
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    I played the trial period for RO just to take a break from FFXI a few months back and came to the conclusion that there was no way in Hell I would pay to play a point and click MMORPG done in 2D pastel and over-crowded to the point of critical mass, rapant with hackers and botters alike. I then got on a private server with only 50 players or so and found that it was the perfect balance of players vs. mobs in relation to all the "hot spots", but the game was still equally lame. It made me appreciate the wonder of FFXI even more when I went back to it... but I digress, this is turning off-topic fast.

    I feel that World of Warcraft combines all of the best things I loved from both my 2 favorite MMORPGs, Anarchy Online and FFXI, and skillfully left out teh majority of the boring/irritating parts. I won't go as far as saying WoW is perfect, although it may very well be as close as it gets for this genre imho. I will say, however, that it is perfect for me at this point in time. I have several hours to play? I can log in and do some major stuff, all relatively quick paced and very rewarding. Only a half hour or so? I can go mining and make 1G (that's 10,000 Copper, for those who don't know, which is alot) in that time, since I know the best places for Tin in The Barrens and Copper is, well, everywhere. Multiple characters? No cost, no problem. Can even mail stuff between them for some serious twinking. Automatic crafting successes, soloable gameplay, equally fun and stimulating grouping, no strict uniform structure to groups, no real way to gimp your character choosing the "wrong" talents.

    I could go on for hours. In fact, I have, showing the game to friends (who are mostly all either playing now or very anxious to start ). Think I'll leave it at this for now, though. Need to go actually play.

    You know, there's a reason why some players have affectionately named it Warcrack

  14. #14
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    Lvl 33, and I literally live the life of the incessant gamer. Today I ate ice cream out of the bucket

    Save me :)

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