Ok, I saw this cool thing in a forum once... And I thought "Hey, why dont I just copy the idea!"
So, ok, the idea is: A paint competition!!!
Because I believe that good old fasioned paint(The program), is being underestimated. And everybody knows more or less how to draw on paint, because its, well, easy!
So, the deal is, I come up with a subject or an item that you are suposed to draw, and you draw it in paint. And paint only. Dont use no fancy other stuff, cuz then I'll disquallify you (Power kick!!11). And the competition goes on for two days, or untill I think we have enough. Ok, so I hope people try. Its really fun! or, atleast I think so... hm.. So now I hope you dont have anything similar to this already, because that would kind of suck for me...

The first thing to draw is...: an Ailien. Preferably in christmas mood.