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Thread: Dreams involving people from EoFF

  1. #1

    Default Dreams involving people from EoFF

    Anybody else have dreams like this?

    I had a dream a few nights ago where my family and Dr Unne's family were eating Christmas dinner together. Unne got a plate off food and sat down while I got some turkey and mashed potatos and sat across from him. He ate his food without making eye contact with me or saying a word. I thought this would be a good time to maybe say something to him, so I say to him "Hey, good job on the FF1 walkthrough on Eyeson, it really helped me beat the game for the Gameboy..." he interupts me and says "Hey, I'm eating. Don't talk to me while I'm eating, it's very rude!" The rest of our dinner was eaten in pure silence. After we ate we went into my grandmas' living room to watch the Lions beat the Chargers (I have no idea where this happened.) and Unne looks at me saying, "So, you really like my FF1 walkthrough?" then I said "Yeah, I went out and bought FF1 and 2 on GBA, your explinations of the towns and dungeons helped out, but the on the GBA version I didn't get killed as much as your walkthrough said I would!" Then I woke up.

    Earlier then that, it was a new years eve party. Alot of people from the forums were there, like Shoyku, Bleys, RSL, Unne, Shlupquack, Buttheponcho, Misfit, and a few other people I can't remember. Unne was playing FF1 emulated on my Dreamcast and he beat it all in an hour. Shoy was on my PS2 playing Street Fighter III with me. I went to go talk to Misfit (who looks like Hakuro from FLCL) and she was spouting off randon nomsense then punched me a bunch of times, spouted off mor nonsense, hugged me and rode around the room on a motor scooter. I was talking to Bleys while drinking some beer, then Misfit comes by on the motor scooter and punching people as she drove by.

  2. #2
    Recognized Member Xander's Avatar
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    I dreamt that I kissed PeeGee once. :fpblush: I'm sure I've dreamt about Bonnie too but I can't remember what happened in that dream. xD

  3. #3


    Funny you should ask, Jojo was in a dream of mine last night. I think were were supervising some kids at a... something. Outside in a field, but I'm not sure why. She was frightningly normal, possibly because krissy was not in the dream. (although, one of those little kids...)

    There was NO SEX INVOLVED. I just hugged her, that's all, completely platonic.

  4. #4
    Recognized Member m4tt's Avatar
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    I dreamed about the numa numa dancing guy but it was joel instead of the guy!
    Mr Thou! Mr Thou!

  5. #5
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    I had a dream that RSL came to visit me at my father's house just for something to do. He had a really cool looking blue truck.
    Hello Pika Art by Dr Unne ~~~ godhatesfraggles

  6. #6
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    2 nights ago I had a dream that a lot of members from here were at a party together. Nothing happened, we were just all hanging out. I think we're showing signs of a total social breakdown.

    "OOC thingy": My god I post a lot! I've posted in all but 5 of the topics on the first GC page.

  7. #7
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I have dreams of people on my LJ friends list sometimes. Some of them go to EoFF, so I guess it counts. :o

  8. #8


    I don't usually remember my dreams at all. But once there was a dream with Misfit in it but the person didn't look like her but it was definitely her because she said so. o_O

  9. #9
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    I had a dream with Del Muder in it a few nights ago, although I don't really remember it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Matty Pie!
    I dreamed about the numa numa dancing guy but it was joel instead of the guy!
    You mean that's not Joel in the numa numa dance?

  11. #11


    i dreamt about sarargh....but i always do! shes sexy!
    i dream about kicking kaggskis ass...but shes my sister so.... live you really!
    i dreamt i was at a swimming pool with some random people...they could of been you guys...dunno!!!

    Trust No one

  12. #12
    Gyrating Possum Chaos's Avatar
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    I had a dream about Loki (Dan) about a year ago.
    I dremt we flew to America and saw NOFX (US Punk Band) in a bar. I proceeded to hit Fat Mike (Singer) with a barstool and get into a brawl with the entire band, and I won. Ha, theres some British steel you namby pamby US punks. Then we flew home, mission accomplished.


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  13. #13
    ~Amriel the Archangel~ Dking'squeen's Avatar
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    I've had a dream with Faris in it and we're at my school and we're dressed like we're in the Matrix. Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Homer Simpson come out of one of those mini clown cars and they look from one side to the other, face us and nod to each other.
    "There they are," Said Sesshomaru. Well, we all start fighting and Faris and I run around the corner where TUH is sitting on the ewspaper stand.
    "Hey, I heard those rabbits were kind of crazy." He says and disappears. Well, dking comes up and says something in japanese and then says, "Cabron" and leaves
    I woke up after that....feeling a whole lot of confused and then went back to sleep
    *You know it's over, growing colder, I need something, leads me next to nothing...*

    *All we ever wanted, I need something, leads me next to nothing...*

  14. #14
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Hey, I heard those rabbits were kind of crazy.

  15. #15
    ~Amriel the Archangel~ Dking'squeen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero
    Hey, I heard those rabbits were kind of crazy.
    *You know it's over, growing colder, I need something, leads me next to nothing...*

    *All we ever wanted, I need something, leads me next to nothing...*

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