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Thread: Quit your complianing!!!1

  1. #31
    Blademaster of Northland DeBlayde's Avatar
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    well, it ain't coldest Hel no more. :D


    Gore would have locked up every peice of land in this entire state and turned it into a giant park. nobody but 5 park rangers would have jobs up here. that'd be 610,000 people outta work. Had Gore been elected 4 years ago, I would have moved immediately to New Zealand, no questions asked. I'd have had to move anyways, so why wait. Luckily, he wasn't elected and I've completed that which I needed to increase the opportunities I'll have here or elsewhere should some environmentalist decide I need to leave my home.

    I disagree with the US presence in Iraq now. The interim government is stalling. why shouldn't they? they have police and military support for free! Why pay for a police force or military when somebody else is paying for it? If I were them, I'd hold off training anybody as long as humanly possible. At the same time, though, we can't just pull out and leave them to the wolves. that'd be also wrong. So what recourse is left us? that is the question, isn't it.

    Clinton was riding an economic trend that took 20 years to generate. Personally, I trust anybody in DC about as far as I can throw them. ... ok, about as far my little sister can throw them. So, I leave politics alone and try to keep it so they leave me alone as much as possible. the US government is too large with too many voices to efficiently make changes. and even when they do make decisions, change that is handed down from on high without a choice is never accepted. Better to just change what one can in one's own community to make it better for others around oneself than to expect government to be able to do anything.

    my recommendation: don't have one. it's too late. the world has too many voices voicing opinions. too many decision makers. That's the way it must be, because fairness and freedom hinge upon choice, and everyone has the right to choose that which effects their lives. Fairness and freedom must be preserved at all costs. otherwise, bad things happen. see WWII for examples.

    Makoto, Honesty.

  2. #32
    Recognized Member Teek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeBlayde
    Fairness and freedom must be preserved at all costs.
    Which is why I love the American government while disliking our current administration.

    Really, I don't know what the purpose of this thread is. How are we supposed to show action on a forum? I didn't get it.

  3. #33
    XIAO HONG K-chan's Avatar
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    I think we're allowed to express our opinions here, just as long as you hear out the other person's. As for the presidents, I didn't like ANY of the 2004 presidential candidates. The only reason I wanted Kerry to win was because I thought his running mate John Edwards had more sense that Cheney.

  4. #34
    LH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temple Knight
    How are we supposed to show action on a forum?

  5. #35


    This whole thread is just another example of the Republican Machine brainwashing you, with their, "OMG, Demos what something to change, and they keep pressing, so they are whining and complainers.".

    If i cant push for change in this government i will gladly leave the U.S. until it stands for Freedom. But right now i CAN push for change and i CAN make my dissapproval public and maybe show others who feel the same way that they arent the only ones.

    The President whether or not he was elected by demos or Repubs is supposed to represent the AMERICAN people. Not 51% of the American people. So apparently he cant hear my 49%'s problems with what hes doing and so i think its time to get louder and prevent him from pushing the U.S. into a collapse that would apocolypse the Soviet Union.

    What am i supposed to do? Sit back and let him add 2 trillion dollars into the deficeit, and not account for it. Or say "I will protect Veterans.", and cut my mothers Veteran benefits.. No im not gonna be silent, im not gonna relax, and im really not gonna take it anymore.


    (side note)
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAbominatrix
    The KKK, while a group of idiotic, closed-minded fools, are not terrorists.
    Really cuz i seem to remember a Church being blown up in Alabama killing some little Black girls that the KKK was behind. Also i remember they seem to enjoy Terrorising blacks in general, u know the whole burning cross in the lawn bit.
    (/side note)

  6. #36
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CloudSquallandZidane
    Really cuz i seem to remember a Church being blown up in Alabama killing some little Black girls that the KKK was behind. Also i remember they seem to enjoy Terrorising blacks in general, u know the whole burning cross in the lawn bit.
    (/side note)
    Yes, I'm aware. They arent a full terrorist organization, especially lately. 50 years ago, I'd say they were a full terrorist organization. Anymore, they dont act out nearly as much, for the most part they just like their little ignorant rallies and whatnot. I'm not saying they dont commit terrorist acts, but they arent a full-blown terrorist organization, not anymore. This is why they're allowed to operate still.

    It's like saying the entire US Army is a terrorist organization based on the illegal things they did in Vietnam, and the scattered illegal activies some soldiers are participating in even now. Not exactly the same, but I hope you get my point.

  7. #37
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAbominatrix
    Yes, I'm aware. They arent a full terrorist organization, especially lately. 50 years ago, I'd say they were a full terrorist organization. Anymore, they dont act out nearly as much, for the most part they just like their little ignorant rallies and whatnot. I'm not saying they dont commit terrorist acts, but they arent a full-blown terrorist organization, not anymore. This is why they're allowed to operate still.

    It's like saying the entire US Army is a terrorist organization based on the illegal things they did in Vietnam, and the scattered illegal activies some soldiers are participating in even now. Not exactly the same, but I hope you get my point.
    Thgere are whole towns in oklahoma full of KKK members who can literally organize crap up into the lower courts were I live.They're terrorist because they still go aorund terrorising us blacks.Heck a black guy goes into one of those towns never to come back ever again.You only say it isn't terrorism because its not affecting the whites just wanted to say that.

  8. #38
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    Ugh, gimme a break. I'm not saying it's not terrorism because it doesnt effect whites. Get your head out of your butt.

    Tell me, what does the US currently see as terrorism? Groups blowing up buildings, derailing trains, causing wide-spread panic and mass fear. Suicide bombings, mass death and anhiliation. THAT is what the US deems as terrorism now. I havent seen or heard of the KKK doing anything on that scale for quite some time, hence they are not a terrorist organization in terms of the word. I never said they dont inspire terror, and I never said they arent filthy ignorant pigs.

    But of course, logically thinking about something everyone hates makes me a racist, no doubt.

  9. #39
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    They are still terrorist doesnt matter how big of a really I just said that because mainly the whites make up teh bulk of the american population.And if the bulk is fearful of something thats when the government decides to do something about it.But yeah the KKK hasn't done anything like Al-queda.Such as taking a whole city and stuff like that and dealing in illegal arms.Yeah your kinda right but hey who cares lol forget about the KKK they're dead.All of the inbreeding has made there IQ average got from 50 to 30.

  10. #40
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    I know what you're saying, but I'm just going with the official explination. Gangs are terrorist groups. The Hell's Angels could have been considered a terrorist group back in the 60's from the sheer amount of terror they inspire. But terrorist acts arent just frightening folks into submission

    ter·ror·ist Audio pronunciation of "terrorist" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trr-st)

    One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.

    Vague, but I want it to enhance the point that it's more than just scaring people by existing and holding rallies. Heck, if it was just that, punks could be held as terrorists.

    And I was thinking just the same thing about the inbreeding xD

  11. #41

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    The problem with defining terrorism: it can't be done. Too vague (most liberally: any act seeking to deny, through fear or violence, another's liberties- source: one of the sub-sections of the Geneva Convention), as you need to be to cover pussies like the KKK, and you'd also have to include legitimate military groups such as the US army. You'd also have to include police, prisons, etc. for doing such things to criminals. You'd clearly add in all kidnappers, rappists, murderers, etc.
    Get too specific, and you have to rule out everyone EXCEPT the guys ramming planes into building and other attacks on a mass destruction scale. Which is clearly not the case.
    What it boils down to an old saying about the 'corruption' laws: "I may not be able to tell you what it is, but I know it when I see it." A quote attributed to some Supreme Court Justice- I forget which one at the moment.

  12. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Marick
    lets be honest... Adlai Stevenson should be resurrected and let allowed to run for office again.
    Couldn't agree more. I mean what with being poisoned by the CIA and all.
    ''The modern dictators are reviving a very ancient and encrusted way of life.''
    [WHAT I THINK, Adlai Stevenson]

  13. #43
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by udsuna
    The problem with defining terrorism: it can't be done. Too vague (most liberally: any act seeking to deny, through fear or violence, another's liberties- source: one of the sub-sections of the Geneva Convention), as you need to be to cover pussies like the KKK, and you'd also have to include legitimate military groups such as the US army. You'd also have to include police, prisons, etc. for doing such things to criminals. You'd clearly add in all kidnappers, rappists, murderers, etc.
    Get too specific, and you have to rule out everyone EXCEPT the guys ramming planes into building and other attacks on a mass destruction scale. Which is clearly not the case.
    What it boils down to an old saying about the 'corruption' laws: "I may not be able to tell you what it is, but I know it when I see it." A quote attributed to some Supreme Court Justice- I forget which one at the moment.
    your not suppose to forget your suppose to automactically know it without no one telling you or wihtout a source!!!.Well thats what I would've ssaid if i was in the third grade.This thread seems a bit pointless lol.

  14. #44
    Soylent green is people! Wiegrahf42's Avatar
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    You say that we complain too much. One of the key parts of democracy is free speech. So are you against the excercising of free speech? Also you may want to read over your post first for errors so that you don't reinforce certain stereotypes.
    "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here this is the War room"

  15. #45
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    yeah for free speech we shall bitch,complain,and BS about things and theres nothing you can do about it muwahahahahaha yeah this thread lost its purpose now.

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