View Poll Results: Best 'football'

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  • American Football (Gridiron)

    17 38.64%
  • What the rest of the world calls football (soccer)

    27 61.36%
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Thread: American Football vs Real Football

  1. #76
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    That's one of the reasons I can't watch soccer - you just NEVER have scoring, and the time in between scoring is about as repetitive as life gets. You kick the ball down to one end, at some point a defender gets in the way, and kicks it to the other end. At least, in hockey, guys get hit all the time.

  2. #77
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's my main beef with it too. Unless you have a keen understanding for the game it is hard for a fringe fan or the low attention span of today's youth to get into it.

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  3. #78
    Doc Sark's Avatar
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    On the flip side you could say the same about practically any sport. In most sports there is one goal that it's participants attempt to achieve over and over again so there is bound to repetetiveness. I don't find a bunch of guys running up and down a court doing nothing BUT scoring very stimulating.

    Horses for courses.

  4. #79
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomamar04
    Fact: The Football (soccer) World Cup is the most watched single sport event in the world.

    Fact: Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in most European, South American, Asian and Afrian countries.

    Fact: Football (soccer) is the most played team sport in the world.

    Fact: The 2002 World Cup final was watched by over 1 billion people world-wide, the biggest ever worldwide audience for a sporting event.

    Fact: Football (soccer) is a fast paced, exciting game.

    Fact: Football (soccer) has international teams, something American football doesn't have. You'll never experience the glory and the patriotism when you beat another country in a world-wide event.

    I could go on forever...
    theres a NFL Euro league dude now slap yourself.

  5. #80
    Doc Sark's Avatar
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    Why is that significant? It's a crap league and no-one watches it. It was popular for about 1 season and then it got boring and no-one paid attention to it anymore. It's just washed up American Footballers ending their careers playing with second rate European players. It's about as popular in Europe as Hitler (slight exaggeration).

    I don't even know if the London Monarchs still exist..!!!

  6. #81
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Sark
    Why is that significant? It's a crap league and no-one watches it. It was popular for about 1 season and then it got boring and no-one paid attention to it anymore. It's just washed up American Footballers ending their careers playing with second rate European players. It's about as popular in Europe as Hitler (slight exaggeration).

    I don't even know if the London Monarchs still exist..!!!
    it doesnt have to be significant its still an international league a legit one

  7. #82
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    The Germans have an infatuation with NFL Europe. They're the only country that has managed to like it. It's no coincidence that they've been long thought of to be the smartest country in Europe.

    I turned the TV onto Fox Sports World today, and there was a soccer game on. One of the most boring things ever. WHY do they just randomly kick the ball out of bounds FOR NO REASON? The players just do random things, like kicking it directly at an opposing player. It's just a horrible sport. ;_;

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Shoden
    i find it easy same with alot of ppl i know all you need is good throw and speed and thats it while in football there's kicking heading deflecting saving corner taking throw in taking & tackling.
    Sweet, Yer an idiot!

    Every sport is hard Dont try to compare between others

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Kirobaito
    The Germans have an infatuation with NFL Europe. They're the only country that has managed to like it. It's no coincidence that they've been long thought of to be the smartest country in Europe.

    I turned the TV onto Fox Sports World today, and there was a soccer game on. One of the most boring things ever. WHY do they just randomly kick the ball out of bounds FOR NO REASON? The players just do random things, like kicking it directly at an opposing player. It's just a horrible sport. ;_;
    You are also an idiot and I hope you die

  10. #85
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirobaito
    The Germans have an infatuation with NFL Europe. They're the only country that has managed to like it. It's no coincidence that they've been long thought of to be the smartest country in Europe.

    I turned the TV onto Fox Sports World today, and there was a soccer game on. One of the most boring things ever. WHY do they just randomly kick the ball out of bounds FOR NO REASON? The players just do random things, like kicking it directly at an opposing player. It's just a horrible sport. ;_;
    it wasn't broing last year when Mexico owned USA Man team.But the USA's female soccer team is pretty impressive.But yeah I like footbll better because of the tatics.TRust me I bet none of yall couldn't doo what a quarterback has to do.He has to remember every single play then once he actually has standing and isn't a rookie at what he does.He must start making some plays himself.Also you have to add int he facotor of 300+ muslce bound men.The pads are just there to keep those players alive trust me it hurts so bad that you don't want to get up the first time your tackled.also respect each others opinion socer and football ar eboth excelent sports.HEre in american its Soccer vs. Football vs. BAseball vs. Basketball vs. Hockey and golf adn teenis left the war a long time ago lol.

  11. #86
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    yeah and I get sickl of seeeing them lay on the ground for 3 hours when they get puched over. In American football most of the time the players breakbones or are seriously hurt when they lay on the ground. Most get up and you don't hear about them being hurt until efter the game. I've played both soccer and football. I love football and only played soccer becasue my mom said I was too small and would be killed . I played soccer form pre-school until 4th grade then in 5th grade I started playing football until I was done with school. I almost played in college but was too assed to. IMO American football > all other sports but that;s me

  12. #87
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    The only reason I played soccer was because a lot of my friends who are hispanic.Showed me some tricks and I wanted to learn how to do them.So I joined the schols indoor soccer team.they kick hard and the players ltierally try to kick each other like idiots.But its fun and tiring.Never play indoor soccer.Aytleast in american football it teaches you to get tough the world isn' gonna slow down for you.
    IMO Jim Thorpe still remains the best athelete to have ever lived.

  13. #88
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordblazer
    .Aytleast in american football it teaches you to get tough the world isn' gonna slow down for you.
    In my 4 years of high school football I think I learned more of being a man and a true gentalmen then anything. Yes we learned how to catch, tackle, carry a ball and all that good stuff but, we also learned about family and how you always have someone there for you. We learned about pride, and about sportsmanship. If you say that theres more emotion in soccor then in football then you've never played American football. I've seen some of the stongest toughest guy cry after we lost a big game to a rival town. I mean we put everythin into it and to have it all taken away with 1 game.

    In highschool football atleast up here in the NE we only play 9 regular season games then playoffs. SO really if you loose 3 games you may not make it the playoffs and will be dropped down to a lower division.

    I've had so many friggin concussion that if I get one more I won;t be able to anything that could even remotly hurt my head(excluding drivin a car ect.) and everyone of those cuncussions was form football. Yeah we wear pads but we still get beat to hell every game.

  14. #89
    Doc Sark's Avatar
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    If you say that theres more emotion in soccor then in football then you've never played American football.
    This is the most circular debate ever.

    Obviously to you theres going to be more emotion in American Football but to Europeans and South Americans there is far far more emotion in playing football. If you go to Brazil, its part of their national culture, they live and breathe football, its intertwined with their history and the progress of their national team hinges the mood of the entire nation. There isn't a single other sport in the world that has that effect on an entire country like soccer does on Brazil. If you don't believe me then ask a Brazillian what the greatest disaster in their history is and see what they say.

    The Germans have an infatuation with NFL Europe. They're the only country that has managed to like it. It's no coincidence that they've been long thought of to be the smartest country in Europe.

    I turned the TV onto Fox Sports World today, and there was a soccer game on. One of the most boring things ever. WHY do they just randomly kick the ball out of bounds FOR NO REASON? The players just do random things, like kicking it directly at an opposing player. It's just a horrible sport. ;_;
    Well you don't understand football. I rarely see the ball kicked out of play for no reason, there is always a reason. To clear the lines, to allow treatment for injured player, to give the defence a breather etc, they don't just go "oooh I fancy giving the other team a throw-in." I rarely see the ball kicked at an opposing player unless out of frustration, that is called a foul, every sport has them, some are tactical fouls, some are petulant, silly fouls that wind a player up in trouble. And don't even try and tell me that NFL Europe is more popular in Germany than Football is, becuase you would be very very wrong.

    yeah and I get sickl of seeeing them lay on the ground for 3 hours when they get puched over. In American football most of the time the players breakbones or are seriously hurt when they lay on the ground. Most get up and you don't hear about them being hurt until efter the game.
    Although this is clearly an exaggeration, I can see your point. A lot of players in football play act to try and make the referee penalise the opposition. Diving and gamesmanship are plague on the International game and need to be stamped out. However, in general footballers are not all wooses who lie down every time they take a knock. I watched Terry Butcher play the entire 90 minutes with a head wound that caused him to lose over a pint of blood, I watched Paul Ince captain England into the 1998 world cup with a broken ankle, there was the famous case of the welsh goalkeeper in the 1950 World Cup who played with a broken spine and many other examples of injuries being overcome in the face of adversity. Football is a wonderful game, at the end of the day, if it wasn't, it wouldn't be the worlds most popular sport.

  15. #90
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JunotDe

    Soccer... who-oh I'm not gonna die...

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