the #eoff party
Defending champions, The Newbie Party, with a new goal!

Last year, The Newbie Party won the elections against all odds. We strived for the equal treatment of newbies and by golly I think we've done it - Newbies have been coming in en masse this year and have been treated fairer than ever! While The Newbie Party will this year change its party name and its #1 priority, equal treatment for newbies will remain one of its four chief goals. We won't just sit back, having achieved our first goal, to let it slide away from us once again. We'll continue to maintain EoFF's welcoming spirit and generally awesome atmosphere and reputation.

The four main things that the #eoff party will stand for are as follows:

#eoff - Two or so years ago, #eoff started to get less and less regular chatters. Over this time, The Newbie Party has recognised such matters and thus the chat stats were brought into play - causing a surge of activity in the chatroom. We plan to further raise chatroom awareness throughout the year and would love for anyone and everyone to get into that chatroom and have themselves a good ol' chat with the people there.

Newbie Rights - and more recently, Oldbie Rights - Newbies and Oldbies both have one thing in common - they're often misunderstood. Newbies can feel left out, unwelcome, neglected and/or looked down on, while Oldbies can often be labelled unfairly as elitists, "staffers pets", etc. We wish to show that newbies and oldbies are just as cool as each other. We have a dream that one day, the newbies and oldbies of EoFF will not be judged by how long they have been posting here, but by the content of their posts. We have a dream. We have a lot of other dreams, but they're not really important, although some of them are a lot more arousing.

Stats - I'll openly admit that this is a personal addition, but hey, in the past month or so I've been updating the #eoff stats and also posting stats on newbies and such things, so it can't hurt to add it in. I love stats, and if you do too, then awesome! If you wish to find out some kind of stat and I have the time and ability (and am allowed) to get it for you, then by golly I will.

Hats - Chat, Stat, Hat. Hats are cool. You can't go far wrong with a hat.

Other things that the #eoff party supports include...
tGA - where newbies and oldbies can all have loads of RP'ing fun. There is even a #tga chatroom, which can be accessed through the #eoff chatroom by typing /join #tga Most #tga chatters are #eoff chatters, and most tGA posters are EoFF posters.
repo man - the guy who took The Newbie Party to a whole new level.
Spanners - in honour of repo man.
'e names' - as noted in chat last night, 'e names' include enano, eestlinc, eternalshiva, eternal essence and edczxcvbnm. If the 'e names' were to become 'E names', the world would be lesser for it. #eoff, naturally, is in favour of using the lower case 'e' if one feels it appropriate.
Donkeys - There's just something about #eoff that reminds me of donkeys, and vice versa.
Aiyon - Because Aiyon is sexy, and also because Aiyon sponsors the #eoff party.
The word 'cahoots' - It's just so fun to say.
Improvements - Improving the FanArt section on the frontsite, as well as the news.
frig7 - Because everyone should read this story by Citizen Bleys.
The Attack! Button - If the #eoff party wins, I will do everything in my power to bring back the Attack! button.
Weedwhackers - Quite arguably the greatest things in existance.
The Goomba - Fighting the fight for the Goomba right!

the #eoff party is copyright 2005 The Newbie Party
The Newbie Party is copyright 2000-2005 The Newbie Party

1. Loony BoB
2. fire_of_avalon
3. Jebus
4. Bert
5. enano
6. Chibi Youkai
7. Mindflare
8. Endless
9. Kirobaito
10. frunk
11. RSL
12. MecaKane
13. Chickencha
14. Squally Leonharty
15. WarZidane
16. Ichimonji
17. Samuraid
18. DoomAntenna
19. Flying Mullet
20. SonicYouth
21. Meghan
22. Lord Krang
23. Heath
24. Spaceman Spiff
25. Mirage
26. TheAbominatrix
27. Dragon Ash
28. Chris
29. black orb
30. K-Chan
31. Shadow Wolf
32. Award Guy
33. Cloud_Strider
34. Del Snizz
35. stefan

Mascot: Ragnarok (The Esper from FFVI)
Slogan Guy: Roogle
Slogan: #eoff - That's You!

1. General Chat - fire_of_avalon
2. Eyes on Each Other - Jebus
3. World Events - Chickencha
4. The Lounge - Kirobaito
5. General Gaming Discussion - Endless
6. Arts and Writing - black orb
7. Site Staff - Loony BoB
8. Help Forum - Samuraid
9. Feedback Forum - RSL
10. General Archive - Lord Krang
11. FF I-IV - TheAbominatrix
12. FF V - frunk
13. FF VI - Flying Mullet
14. FF VII - Mindflare
15. FF VII:DoC - DoomAntenna
16. FF VII:AC - Cloud_Strider
17. FF VIII - Squally Leonharty
18. FF IX - Meghan
19. FF X - SonicYouth
20. FF X-2 - Dragon Ash
21. FF XI - Bert
22. FF XII - Mirage
23. FF Tactics - enano
24. FF Tactics Advance - Heath
25. FF CC - Chris
26. General FF - Ichimonji
27. Video Game Music/The Spirits Within - Chibi Youkai
28. Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross - MecaKane
29. Kingdom Hearts - WarZidane
30. General Square Enix - Del Snizz

* PM me (Loony BoB) if you want to run for this forum, as I have already had someone express interest in this position and I'm yet to confirm their joining.