Once again, the EoFF Community is hosting their 2005 elections. What does it all mean?! With party's such as #eoff, and Fabio, it's no wonder why EoFF holds these things, they are notoriously popular.

But the truth is, it is a way to manipulate the world (IE: The EoFF community) that the way of democracy is the moral right... If you look at the subtext, that is, the underlying meaning of the event, one quickly realizes that EoFF supports a democracy that is run by a small, tightly-knit web of administrator and moderators, and that the winners of the elections are given no power! I tell you, It's worse than Iraq!

EoFF doesn't establish a puppet government, oh no. As a member of this bored and a democratic country, looking at this from an objectional standpoint of bias, I can honestly say that I have no training in the knowledge of my claims, but that doesn't make them false!

While the masses of the community campaign in sigs, and small tags at the ends of posts, we, the un-accounted for members who act as swing votes are key. Many members have already made up their minds, and now time will only tell..

More on this story at another time.


Comments? Please leave all comments below, as ways to express yourself to the editor. Please be aware that these claims, while humorous and absolutely rediculous are completely unfounded, and have no basis for accusation.