Just curious.....I mean, I've been looking around the forum here (I'm a newbie ) and I was surprised at how many people seem to totally HATE the game, and write out long, long, LOOOOOONG (but vastly entertaining) explanations on why it sucks, and debate its suckiness, and the ugliness of the hair, and.......why do so many people hate Cloud??? I just came off a forum where they were bashing him so badly that I flinched a few times.

Greatest game ever + greatest villain of all time + most beloved character death scene + best soundtrack ever = THE LAMEST FF OF THE SERIES

Mind you, that whole equation is not necessarily MY opinion, merely what I garnered was the general consensus of planet earth BEFORE seeing this forum (but I've heard plenty of ppl call it the lamest FF). But still, it doesn't add up. What gives??? Why does everyone seem to love it, yet be annoyed by it??? It's......weird.