Ok heres what happen.I'm terying to get my SAM to lvl 12 before tomorrow night for a static.SOem friends helped PLed me ot lvl 10 ok.Now I goto valkruma nd i PT there right
I made a PT there right.Since i was the only guy who could tank i did that.Ok this is what happened.the first tiem our WHM didnt care to cure me and i had 16 HP left instead he cured someone with 40 HP left.I died.THenthe second time the WHM left we got two backup healers and it worked out fine.But heres what happened.THey both cured other people while i had 6 HP left and I had hate on me.I was pissed I smurfing dlevel and it just caused a big delay..SO I did what every mad Party leader did.I left the bastards and disbanded the whole PT.Yeah yeah maybe it was an overeaction.But we had this inpantient bitch who was a WHM going if we dont start im leaving blah blah blah and all this other bull.And it always seem to only be in valkrum.Everytime i PT here I deal with incompetence.HEck this were veteran players htis time they had rank 3 rank 4 and rank 5 like I ahd rank 5.THere was no accidents in this I dont believe.Maybe the first time it was but the second time is just bull.Plus I'm not tanking for people who dont care to heal there only damn tank I mean wtf.