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Thread: Gay Main Character

  1. #181
    Banned Destai's Avatar
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    In Walmart when you're looking for supplies to get picked by corneo in the honey bee inn Cloud gets in a hot tub with a group of muscle men assuming you choose the group room.

  2. #182
    Banned Lord Xehanort's Avatar
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    So... are some of you saying that people who act flamboyant are a bad thing? I act pretty flamboyant and always have. I don't lisp or anything, but I don't hide my sexuality. I openly flirt with guys, I wear a feather-esque boa on a daily basis, I skip, sing, or anything else I feel like doing whenever I like as long as I'm not hurting anyone. I don't do it just to be a stereotypical gay, I just do what I like to do and I don't care what anyone says, that's not changing.

    Also, why is everyone making a big deal out of gays? It's segregation of the 1940's-1960's USA all over again. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT YET WE ARE ALL EQUAL! Here comes the clue train, next stop, you! Get over it!

  3. #183
    Banned Destai's Avatar
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    Are you responding to me?

  4. #184
    Banned MecaKane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ansem
    So... are some of you saying that people who act flamboyant are a bad thing? I act pretty flamboyant and always have. I don't lisp or anything, but I don't hide my sexuality. I openly flirt with guys, I wear a feather-esque boa on a daily basis, I skip, sing, or anything else I feel like doing whenever I like as long as I'm not hurting anyone. I don't do it just to be a stereotypical gay, I just do what I like to do and I don't care what anyone says, that's not changing.
    Anyone who acts like that, straight, gay, bi, asexual, it's a bad thing.
    Unless your name's Jack McFarlin, of course.

  5. #185
    Banned Lord Xehanort's Avatar
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    No, I'm just responding to the discussion in general.

  6. #186
    Grimoire of the Sages ShunNakamura's Avatar
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    Sexual orientation while not completely driven by genetics has shown some connections with genetics, mainly that many homosexuals use thier brain differently the thier straight conterparts. Also there are some signs that the brain in homosexuals develops deverently then in heterosexuals.

    That is paraphrased from my college Pyscology course as well as from the book. The book lead to believe that while these differences are present they aren't a guarentined diagnosis.

    Basically like many mental illnesses homosexuality appears to have multiple causes.. .some that can be followed to genetics, some to psycological effects, and others to social and parental involvement. Many disorders have that ... no actually cause but many things that lead up to it.

    And Sexuality in no less complex then a mental illness.

    As a disclaimer I will mention that the book isn't brand new so perhaps the information in it has been proven false... but it seems unlikely since the teacher did not mention, nor have I seen anything concrete about it.

    STILL Updating the anime list. . . I didn't think I was that much of an anime freak! I don't even want to consider updating the manga list!

  7. #187


    im pretty flamboyant myself... ansem i totally get it... if it makes you feel good.. do it!

  8. #188
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ansem
    So... are some of you saying that people who act flamboyant are a bad thing? I act pretty flamboyant and always have. I don't lisp or anything, but I don't hide my sexuality. I openly flirt with guys, I wear a feather-esque boa on a daily basis, I skip, sing, or anything else I feel like doing whenever I like as long as I'm not hurting anyone. I don't do it just to be a stereotypical gay, I just do what I like to do and I don't care what anyone says, that's not changing.

    Also, why is everyone making a big deal out of gays? It's segregation of the 1940's-1960's USA all over again. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT YET WE ARE ALL EQUAL! Here comes the clue train, next stop, you! Get over it!
    It's not bad in and of itself. It's just... what's the word I'm looking for here? It invites mockery. If you're fine with that, that's cool, but to me a gay man acting flamboyant is like black people buying spinning rims, white rich kids talking about how much they hate their parents, and fangirls talking about how "hawwwwwwt <3<3<3<3<3" Cloud is. Go ahead and do it, just don't be shocked if you get scoffed at.

    We absolutely are all different yet equal, but unfortunately, as much as has changed, some things haven't. Racism, sexism, and discrimination of all varieties still exist. Their only enablers are these fake walls we keep building to divide ourselves. THAT is what I have a problem with. I've had very flamboyant friends who are tons of fun to hang around. That's not what bugs me. What bugs me is when people cling to these barricades as their identity. Labels? Sure, we all use 'em. It's when people BECOME these labels that it causes harm. Unfortunately I see far too much labelling and far too many people who are more than willing to become those labels.

  9. #189

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    I'll just lay down some ground lines, again... homosexuality is NOT a mental disease. Or, if it is, it behaves unlike any other disorder ever recorded in the communal history of the psychological and psychiatric disciplines. Homosexuality isn't even like other sexual deviations, which have clear causes and obvious symptioms.

    Nor is it caused by any known form of psychological condition, although certain disorders exist that can emulate/induce behaviors that could be called homosexual. Sexual abuse not least of the examples.

    No known chemical, biological, genetic, or anatomical conditions appear to have any relationship to homosexuality. If being gay is a genetic condition, it's one that strait people also possess. The only known way to make a person no longer gay is either chemical or physical castration- which shuts down the entire sex drive. Doesn't matter WHAT your sexual preferences are, when you cross that bridge.

    There are no biological traits that all homosexuals possess, yet aren't a part of the human overall genome. Yes, you can find gays that have any given abnormality you want to name, you can also find many gays who don't, and plenty of heterosexuals who also have whichever abnormality you want to name. All within statistically insignificant differences.

    Every up-to-date, reliable, study of homosexuality has come to one conclusion: whatever determines our sexual preferences is entirely unknown. You can no more determine why someone is gay than you can determine why someone likes brunettes more than redheads. On occasions, the answer actually is obvious, but most often, it's not even close. Coupled with the fact that people can actually change their minds, or have them changed by powerful emotional events.

    Even the studies by groups that are intent to find a cure for being homosexuality (yes, they exist, and some are ethical). They are trying to discover the cause, so that they might be able to reverse or prevent it. Whatever you might say about them, you do have to acknowlege that when THEY say "umm... we have no freakin' clue what the hell is wrong with gays that makes them the way they are", it means they honestly don't know.

    Ultimately, no ethical, impartial, and educated member of the clinical and research communities would acknowlege any known cause of any "normal" sexual preferences. Including hetero/homo/bi, and most forms of basic fetishes such as favorite races or colors or even scents. And yes, the sence of smell is a very real erotic influence.

    Abnormal sexualities are different, as predictable and diagnosable (if not as easily treated) as any other mental disease. And include nymphomaniacs, child molesters, serial rapists, and a few others that are too disturbing to mention. Some are incurable without a method of castration, but all are the result of some kind of abuse.

    Oh, and I never said flamboyance is necessarily a "bad" thing. Just that most of the normal people in the gay communities consider them to be jokes. Worthy, mostly, of contempt. Same way that most people feel about braggarts and narcissists. Just an extension of that image. But, this is a different subject entirely, a matter of pure opinion, and should be treated as such.
    Whore since '04. Selling my skills as an artist and writer.

  10. #190


    wait ansem u openly flirt with guys?! umm..u might wanna be more careful about who u flirt with, cuz i mean, gay people get killed for that. like that guy who got tied to a fence and burned to death, and then stupid christian extremists (as a christian, let me say that real christians are NOTHING like these extremists) came to his funeral with signs saying hes burning in hell. and i may think gay people are kinda gross, but i certainly dont hate gay people, and that was pretty messed up.

  11. #191
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    That makes as much sense as, well, this.

    wait susan u openly flirt with guys?! umm..u might wanna be more careful about who u flirt with, cuz i mean, women get killed for that. like that woman who got raped and killed, and then stupid christian extremists said it happened becuz she didnt believe in god enough.

  12. #192


    yeah but the difference is theres probably alot mroe guys that hate gay people then there are rapists. now, whether or not those said guys would take it to the extreme and then do something like that, i dont know. and even if they wouldnt go so far as say, lighting him on fire, it seems like eventually someone would like hit him or something. and besides, i was just trying to give advice anyway.

    and i didnt mean stop flirting with guys, im just saying u should probably try to be careful (if u just go up to any guy and start hitting on him)
    Last edited by Excelsior; 03-17-2005 at 05:03 AM.

  13. #193


    Quote Originally Posted by Destai
    In Walmart when you're looking for supplies to get picked by corneo in the honey bee inn Cloud gets in a hot tub with a group of muscle men assuming you choose the group room.
    Oh yeah, that part. Yeah, I guess so. Heh, Walmart.

  14. #194


    Oh, and I never said flamboyance is necessarily a "bad" thing. Just that most of the normal people in the gay communities consider them to be jokes. Worthy, mostly, of contempt. Same way that most people feel about braggarts and narcissists. Just an extension of that image. But, this is a different subject entirely, a matter of pure opinion, and should be treated as such.
    a few flaws in that paragraph...
    Just that most of the normal people in the gay communities consider them to be jokes.

    what the hell is normal.. who r u to say what constituted normalcy in a community u dont belong to eh>? not to mention, how do you know what people thing in majority..? people never consider me a joke or worthy of contempt.. all i find amongt my gay peers and community is love and support..

    this is getting way beyong the gay main character ideal and more into something that is more debatable and i beg for people to stop posting on this now because it really has lost alot of its original purpose.. it has turned into more of a grounds for people to dispel beliefs and rants about things that dont relate to the subject at hand ...

    Edit by Kishi: Don't double-post.

  15. #195
    Banned Lord Xehanort's Avatar
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    Sorry Alice, it got a little out of hand.

    So, as it has been said, a gay main character would have little bearing on the game's quality, far less than the storyline and overall character development. If it were done tastefully, it could add an entirely new level of characters never before seen in RPGs and even make the character development better.


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