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Thread: FF9- Best FF? or Worst?

  1. #76


    im playing it while im playing 7 and i like 7 nd 8 better but im not far in 9 so ill probaly change my mind like i did with 7 and im not a big fan of trance but i havent even made it to burmecia so i might get used to it though i like how it changes what you look like like i said i havent gotten far becuase of 7,ive been playing that one alot

  2. #77


    IX is my all time fav..

    im tired of people saying 9 has none of the good ff featres that 7 has when it does and they are all better..

    9 is the best in my opinion, its just so much fun and 9 is the first one i have beaten and thats why i like it, its fun, cool, and it has all the best features outa 7 and 8..i didnt like 8 very much tho, i only played a few hours into it and i didnt like it, all the stuff was so different from 7

    but yeah, 9 is awesome

  3. #78
    ~Pucca~ YasuKaida's Avatar
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    its not the best. But its ok.
    Kiss the cocobo. ---->
    If you don't....
    he will cry...

  4. #79


    i think it's the best along with VI

  5. #80

  6. #81


    I have not played I-V so I cant really base mY judgement on all Final fantasies, but it is my favorite out of the ones I've played

  7. #82
    Ste's Avatar
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    for me, IX is the best. IT showed all the best parts of final fantasy, brilliant story, interesting characters, good and fun gameplay, and even had some comedy in there with Quina.

    i guess everything fitted nicely in its right place for me. just love the game.

    Phew, for a minute there, i lost myself

  8. #83


    FFIX is the best game in the FF series for me.

    The truth within other mostly lies within your own
    truth wich only can be discovered by yourself wich
    means you have to discover your own truth to get to
    the truth within other that only the bearer himself can
    discover to let other people know about his/her truth
    wich means I'm not talking any sense now.

  9. #84


    I dont know you guys are talking about people are saying they like FF7 or FF8 Better BUT FF7 freaking sucked it was probably the worst FF game i own. Final Fantasy 8 comes pretty close to Final Fantasy 9 i like both of them but i gotta say i like FF9 the best. All those retards who liked FFX or FFX-2 Go screw yourself. I dont like how square is try to get rid of the battle systems in the new games but i dont like it all that dont say so. lol...

  10. #85
    Banned ThroneofDravaris's Avatar
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    What? Right now?


    Quote Originally Posted by Compactfury
    All those retards who liked FFX or FFX-2 Go screw yourself.
    Hey, what a coincidence, I was screwing myself when I read this…

    Care to elaborate on why you hated FFX so much?

  11. #86
    thinking of names is hard's Avatar
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    let me get my compass and ill tell you..


    Quote Originally Posted by Compactfury
    All those retards who liked FFX or FFX-2 Go screw yourself.
    I prefer the term special.
    my grandmothers been walking 6 miles a day since she was 63. Now, at the age of 90 shes as fit as an ox....unfortunatly we dont know where she is...

    Are you one of those people who never have enough space on their computer? Do what i did-delete windows!!!!

  12. #87


    ya because it just didnt have the great storyline it seems every other FF had. It just ticks me off to see such a great company produce such a horrible game. they graphics were great and i liked how the characters talked instead of having us read them, but all that effort i think personally was wasted. this is just my opinion but i still think it is most possibly the worst 2 Final Fantasy games made, storywise. Has anyone noticed how close the FFXII storyline is a lot like the beginning of FFIX??? How Brahne attacks and gains control of her neighboring lands. And how ???? attacks neighboring countries in ivalice? peace

  13. #88

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    I'd say IX is my favourite out of all the ones I've played (VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2).

    X-2 is awful. I've managed to get to the last boss, but I can't be bothered actually finishing the game. Its a massive disappointment compared to the rest of the series.

  14. #89
    Fire_Drake's Avatar
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    Default FFVI and IV?

    I've only played II, VII, VIII, IX, X & X-2. Everybody keeps raving on about 4 and 6, tho. What was so good about them? (Ps. My fave was VII.)

  15. #90
    Fire_Drake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hroth
    Gosh, i'm sorry you're so ignorant. Did you see how much FF7 had advertising? FF7 sold so many copies because of it's advertising that it almost single-handedly made S-E what it is now. Ever looked at the facts? FF7 released at the beginning of the PS run. It was one of the only RPGs. It came from a successful SNES franchise. It had [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img] loads of advertising. Now, why do you think FF8 didn't sell as well, because it was worst? No, because people were disappointed with FF7 so they didn't bother buying more. PERIOD. People say FF7 is the best because it's the only one they have or the only one they have played or also the only one they heard about. People who don't know [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img] about games say it's the best, it is clearly an overrated statement. Get your facts right. You can like it for your opinion, but don't say it's the best just cause you think so.
    Man, you're a spaz.Seriously Calm down. Getting all worked up about it just makes you look like an arse. If you aren't gonna debate the point SENSIBLY, why don't you go starta flame war at or sometjing, k?

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