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Thread: make-a-story

  1. #136
    Make love not lust Yew-Yevon's Avatar
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    Kimari-how is every one?

    *kimari is holding a large cheast he found full of 1200 year old dress sphears*
    Kimari-I found nice dresses for the girls.

  2. #137
    Deed lulusgirl's Avatar
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    yuna-um,i'm sorry khimari.but we already have a dress.
    khimari-oh.ok then.
    *khimari leaves*
    paine-but what about lenne?
    yuna-i thought she was going to wear her outfit right now...
    lenne-no,i'm not.
    *rikku screams*
    rikku-STOP POPPING UP LIKE THAT! ! ! ! ! ! !
    lenne-ok sorry.
    auron-yuna,about your puppy.i think that you should name him jecht.
    yuna-I LOVE THAT NAME! ! ! ! ! ! !
    tidus-NOOOOO WAY... i am not going to have a puppy named after my father that i hate.
    yuna-once again tidus,he's NOT your puppy.

    give lulusgirl more *HUGS*

    Get hugs of your own

    Emily, Dark Goddess, and I Don't Need A Name are my best friends I could ever wish for.

  3. #138


    Tidus: But aren't you going to share it?
    *Yuna glares at Tidus* *Tidus shivers*
    Yuna: Yay!!! It still works!!!!!!
    Lulu: It always does. Execpt for Auron. Don't overuse it.
    Yuna: Ok.
    Paine: So what are you going to name him?
    Cid: I'm an animal expert. Let me see the puppy.
    Yuna: Ok.
    Tidus: Why can't I hold the puppy?
    Yuna: You never asked.
    Tidus: For the love of...
    *Yuna gives Cid the puppy*
    Cid: Huh. Intristing.
    Yuna: What?
    Cid: No boy names.
    Yuna: Why?
    Cid: Cause its a girl!

  4. #139


    I read all the posts from pg 1-5,it's my only entertainment :laughing:
    Keep it up

  5. #140


    Quote Originally Posted by yuna_x2
    I read all the posts from pg 1-5,it's my only entertainment :laughing:
    Keep it up
    Lol same here

  6. #141
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Yuna: Really? A girl?
    Cid: Hey, that means you can call it Tidus!
    *Tidus sulks*
    Tidus: Why's everyone always picking on me?
    Lulu: It's our only form of entertainment
    Tidus: Why only ME though?
    Lulu: Hey, I pick on Wakka too!
    Tidus: No, you -
    *Lulu glares*
    Tidus: I'll be quiet

  7. #142


    Lulu: Thats much better!
    Yuna: I know! Why don't we name it after me?
    Rikku: Um.......
    Yuna: Thats a good idea, isn't it Tidy-poo?
    Paine: Tidy-poo? Oh no, Yuna is going crazy. Whats going on with the world?
    Tidus: I remember. Its not my puppy.
    Yuna: Ooh!!!!! Now it is our puppy. Now pick a name!!!!
    Yuffie: Sorry to come so late.
    Tidus: Whats your name?
    Yuffie: The names Yuffie!
    Rikku: Forget Shinra. Your my new best friend.
    Yuffie: Yay!!!!!
    Yuna: Now pick a name.
    Yuffie: How about Cutie? It is cute.
    Yuna: Thanks! My doggies name will now be Cutie!
    Tidus: Cid, could you please pass my dog back?
    Cid: Oh, sorry. Forgot I was holding her.
    *Cid passes the puppy over*
    Yuna: Its a puppy!!!! Not a dog!!!
    Tidus: Sorry.
    Yuna: Its not your puppy anymore!!
    *Yuna snatches Cutie away from Tidus*
    Tidus: But I just....
    Auron: There is a saying called shut up and wait. Do it.
    Tidus: Excuuuuuuse me.
    Paine: Don't get an additude with my dad.
    Tidus: I ain't afraid of you or your dad.
    *Lulu slaps Tidus*
    Tidus: Ow!!!!!!!!!!! That left a mark!!!
    Lulu: Don't make fun of Sir Auron.
    Tidus: *pheticly says* Yes maam.
    Lulu: I can't hear you!!!!!
    Tidus: *tidus shouting* Yes Maam!!!!
    Lulu: Thats a lot better.
    Yuffie: She treating you like dogs. I ain't trying to be mean or nothing.

  8. #143
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Tidus: Lulu treats everybody like dogs... except Yuna... and Rikku... and Auron... and - maybe it's just me and Wakka.
    Lulu: Yes, it is. Something about both of you just reeeally bugs me.
    Yuna: I think maybe it's their voices? And what they say?
    Tidus: Hey!! What'd I do to you??
    *everybody ignores him*
    Yuna (continuing): You know, the constant "ya"s?
    Tidus: I never say ya!
    *everybody ignores him*
    Lulu: Yeah, why on earth does he say "ya" so much?
    Yuna: It's all his vocabulary extends to.
    Wakka (just walked up): Yeah?? Well what about Rikku with the "you know"s, ya?
    Lulu: Rikku can pull off constant repetition. You and Tidus can't.
    Tidus: What do I ever repeat? Huh huh huh?
    *is ignored*
    Wakka: I can so pull it off, YA!
    Tidus: WHAT DO I REPEAT?????
    Lulu: ...... *ignores*
    Tidus: Ha! I proved you wrong! I am the best! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha... I am so smart! La la la la!
    *Auron slaps Tidus, who falls over*
    Auron: Your dog is smarter than you.
    Yuna: IT'S NOT A DOG IT'S A PUPPY - sorry. Hey, to change the subject, when are you and Gippal getting married, Rikku?

    EDIT: Just changed last question 'cause it was already answererd before.
    Last edited by Spiffing Cheese; 04-30-2005 at 12:04 AM.

  9. #144
    Deed lulusgirl's Avatar
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    guy's,this is a ffx-2 forum.if we bring yuffie in here,the thread will be closed.and remember we don't want that because we want to get this story published.

    tidus-lulu...what did i ever do to you for you to try to kill me?
    lulu-ummm,i don't know.
    *lulu starts crying*
    wakka-i have to agree with shouldn't do that.
    *lulu stops crying long enough to say this*:
    lulu-tidus,i'm so sorry.i just have been so stressed out with all the three weddings that are going to happen.
    yuna-three???i know me and rikku are getting married...but who's the third???
    lenne-did you forget about us?
    *yuna blushes*

    give lulusgirl more *HUGS*

    Get hugs of your own

    Emily, Dark Goddess, and I Don't Need A Name are my best friends I could ever wish for.

  10. #145
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Ummmm this is too hard!

    Lenne: Good! 'Cause I want to get married next!
    Rikku: Hey, that's not fair! It's our turn, right Gippal?
    Gippal: Um... yes?
    Lenne: Fine! But when ARE you getting married??
    Tidus: Wasn't there supposed to be a month between each wedding?
    Rikku: Yeah! 'Cause Lulu was getting stressed and -
    Lulu: I don't care. At least SOME people will have happy marriages.
    Wakka: Hey! We're happy!
    *Everybody snorts, Wakka sulks*
    Lenne: Ok, Rikku! YOU can get married tomorrow and then me and Shuyin can get married -
    Shuyin: The day after.
    *Runs off screaming*
    Yuna: What's with her? She forgot Trouble! Riiiikkuuuuuuu!!!!
    *Yuna runs after her with Trouble*
    Lenne: Well, I'm going shopping!
    Shuyin: What for?
    Lenne: A wedding dress, of course!
    *She runs off and Lulu goes with her*
    Lulu (as she runs off): Hey, who's your maid of honour?
    Shuyin: I don't understand girls.
    *Tidus and Wakka shake their heads*

  11. #146


    *The next day*
    Lenne: La la la la la. Today's the wedding day for Rikku and Gippal. La la la la la.
    Shuyin: I haven't seen you any happier about anything.
    Lenne: Well of course!
    Shuyin: I hope your happy about our wedding.
    Lenne: I'll be even happier!
    Shuyin: Yay me.
    *At the hut*
    Lulu: So did you choose your maid of honor, Rikku?
    Rikku: I think its going to be Yuna.
    Lulu: Aww.
    Rikku: But maybe you can be Lenne's Maid of Honor.
    Lulu: That's a possibility.
    *Gippal walks in*
    Gippal: Hello sweetie.
    Rikku: Hello darling.
    Lulu: Um, I think I'll leave.
    Gippal: Don't! I want to talk to you about something Lulu.
    Rikku: What do you wanna talk to her about?
    Gippal: Something you'll never know.
    Rikku: Aww.
    *Rikku leaves the room*
    Lulu: So what did you want to talk to me about?
    Gippal: Wakka.
    Lulu: What about him?
    Gippal: No. I mean Wakka.
    *Wakka comes in*
    Wakka: Hey. What ya'll talking about, ya?
    Gippal: That ya is irratating!!! Just leave!!!
    Wakka: You could have just asked me to leave, ya?
    *Wakka leaves*
    Gippal: Now anyway...
    Lulu: Yes?
    Gippal: Are you still going to stay with Wakka?
    Lulu: I don't know. The person I was going to marry died, so...
    Gippal: Why don't you ask Dona's dad to bring him back to life?
    Lulu: I never thought of that. Thanks!
    Gippal: Your welcome.

  12. #147
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    *Wakka comes back in*
    Wakka: Hey, I heard all of that!!
    Lulu: Good for you! I want a divorce!
    Wakka: What about Spencer? Or... you know, whatever his name is...
    Gippa *shakes head* Wakka, that's disgusting! You don't even know the name of your own child!!
    Wakka: But -
    Gippal: DISGUSTING!!!
    Wakka: Hey -
    Gippal: SICK!!!
    Wakka: Whatever, ya? Lulu -
    Gippal: Hey, where is... umm... your son, anyway?
    Lulu: Oh crap.
    *Runs off*
    Wakka: You ruined my marriage, £$%&£$*&!!!
    *Punches Gippal*
    Rikku (just appeared): MY FIANCE!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!
    *Attacks Wakka*
    Rikku: I never did like you!!
    Yuna (just appeared): Hey, guys!! The wedding starts in - what happened here?
    *everybody speaks at same time*
    Gippal: He punched me!
    Wakka: He ruined my marriage! She attacked me!
    Rikku: He hit my boyfriend!
    Yuna: Okay............... *looks around* Hey, where's Lulu?
    Everyone: She lost the baby.
    Yuna: I thought there was someone missing!
    Yuna: Where's your wedding dress, Rikku?
    Rikku: Yay! Wedding dress time again! Yay! Get out, Wakka and Gippal! Girls only!

  13. #148
    Make love not lust Yew-Yevon's Avatar
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    I'v run out of ppl seem to be doing good........but I could use some help with my story in the art forum....its called Creating a story and it about a war between kingdoms adding caracters helps as long as the posts follow the silly runins with games charactors everything is made up, ideas from other medium can be used but dont overdo it thanks =)

  14. #149


    Yuna: How about this dress?
    Rikku: Too Paineish.
    Yuna: This one?
    Rikku: Too Luluish.
    Yuna: This one?
    Rikku: That one's yours!
    Yuna: Whoops!
    Rikku: How about this one?
    *Points to all alone dress*
    Yuna: Um, sure.
    *Rikku goes into changing room. Then changes and comes back inside the tent*
    Rikku: What do you think?
    Yuna: It looks so good on you!
    Rikku: You think so?
    Yuna: Yeah! I'm going to get Lulu and Paine to see it.
    Rikku: Ok.
    *Yuna leaves the tent to come back in later with Paine and Lulu*
    Yuna: You ready?
    Paine and Lulu: Ready!
    Yuna: Come on out Rikku!
    *Rikku comes out of the changing room*
    Lulu: Aah!!!!
    Rikku: Too revealing?
    Lulu: No. I just love it! Where did you find this?
    Rikku: On the bed.
    Lulu: Oh. That one. What do you think Paine?
    Paine: I'm speechless.
    Rikku: Well thank you.
    Paine: You're welcome.
    Yuna: We should show the boys!
    Paine: No. They'll see it at the wedding.
    Yuna: True, True.
    Rikku: They'll just have to wait until then, won't they?
    Lulu, Paine, and Lulu: Yup.

  15. #150
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    *Tidus appears*
    Tidus: Hey guys! What are you -
    Rikku: AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! GET OUT!!!!!
    *Throws shoe at his head*
    Tidus: Oof! (knocked unconscious)
    Rikku: Whoops...
    Yuna: Rikku, how hard are your shoes?
    *Lulu walks over and picks up the shoe*
    Lulu: I think it's the smell that did it *holds out shoe*
    Yuna, Paine: Ewwww, Rikku!!!
    *Rikky pouts*
    *Yuna throws a Phoenix Down at Tidus*
    Yuna: There!
    Rikku: WAAAAAAKKA!!!
    *Wakka comes in*
    Wakka (confused): Whaaaaat, ya????
    *Rikku points at Tidus, who is still on the floor*
    Rikku: Get rid of him! And make sure Gippal doesn't come in!!
    *Wakka drags Tidus out by the foot*
    Yuna: Oh my god!!!! LOOK at the time, guys!!!
    Rikku: The wedding starts in two hours!!! We have to get ready!!

    An hour and a half later...

    Wakka: Gippal!!! Who's your best man??
    Gippal: Hmmm...
    Tidus: Meee!!
    Everyone: WHY would it be you??
    *Tidus pouts*
    Tidus: 'Cause who else am I gonna be best man for??
    Wakka: You can be best man for... Shuyin, ya?
    Shuyin: Yes, why not.
    Tidus: Yay!
    Wakka: So childish, ya? How old are you, ya?
    Tidus: Errrrrrm...
    Wakka: Forget it, ya?
    Gippal: Wakka, if I made you best man, would you forgive me for wrecking your marriage?
    Wakka: Yes, ya??
    Gippal: Fine.
    Tidus: Who's Rikku's maid of honour?
    Gippal: Yuna.
    *All the girls except Rikku appear*
    Yuna: Come on, guys!!! Time to go!! Wedding in half an hour!!

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