In a little more than 8 months, I'll have a little bundle of joy running around.

That's right. DeBlayde Jr. or Mrs. DeBlayde Jr.'s on his or her way.

Daunting prospect, really. I mean, yeah I'm plenty able to care for a child, but will I make a good father? more than that, will I be a good Daddy?

There's going to be a little person wholly dependant on me and my wife which our world will now need to revolve around who will look up at me and hopefully think I'm the best thing since sliced bread. I mean, when I was a kid, my dad was my hero. Still is, even though I've gotten to know him now as a man and his humanity makes him all the more the hero to me. The fact that he looked like Harrison Ford when they were both younger and I thought that I was watching my Dad as Indiana Jones and Han Solo didn't really have all that much to do with it.

I mean, if he's a boy, I'd like his name to be Bryson Allen IV, and Bryson means "son of a Noble Man," am I really the kind of person that a small child will look up to and respect?

Hard questions come to mind and lots of soul searching with this kind of announcement.

what do you think?