Did I get to my PC quicker then the others...? Weird.

Before you read this, picture this: A bunch of alcohol-fuelled people walking through Birmingham singing songs. (If you live in a city, it’s quite typical). Now add in the fact they all met each other through 11111010101010101010101 (typing) to each other. Then add in the fact they all frequent a very special place: Eyes on Final Fantasy. Pictured it? Good, then you’ll appreciate it was a pity that YOU (yes you!) missed out on the greatest meet-up from this forum (If not the Internet!).
And best of all? It was 10,000 miles from Mills, U.S.A. GET IN THERE!

BoB, you should be pround we actually found time in the day to even THINK of you and prank you. I mean, it "perhaps" be a privilage to someone like you

Firstly, I’d like to say YAH to all those that came to this meet-up, each one of you added to an unforgettable time LOL. Secondly, BOO to all those that said THEY WERE GONNA COME AND THEN DIDN’T (Can’t imagine WHO I’m talking about here…). Thirdly, I love all you guys and thus offer you some huggles/cookies/Giga Points/Vodka/sex/breakfast to all that came. (Choose the one that you love the most). For a very odd experience, it was extremely fun.
Anyway, to the facts.

I turned up late. Can anyone say what happened before my appearance? Anyway, I met up with them in Birmingham Station and we went shopping… Or at least Boris no no, Baloki, Amaritas did. Indeed, Boris no no bought (apparently) the GREATEST shirt with Japanese People on it EVER. The others bought games to play on the PS2 that was in the hotel. The hotel, to be fair looked dodgy, but what you expect for us EoFFs? It’s substance, not style for us (apparently). I mean, McDonalds probably made a good £100 in food bills alone from this meet. We signed a T-shirt (mine actually) concerning the greatest words and phrases of the meet for you lucky EoFFers to buy (upcoming).
Then we trekked (‘Tis was a valiant voyage) to the Sea Life Centre. This was where we had to cast farewell (Farewell! *waves*) to one of us.(Who you ask! WHO) Why Lady Fidela Of Confide! So 8 became 7. (The Secret Seven?) And we thus plunged the Sea Life Centre into mad-cap chaos with our kerazy ways (IT’S A EEL!!!!!!) There were fish, sharks (same things I know) Otters, Frogs, Starfish (Of the Red Knobbed variety… or is that Psychotic?) And some Octopus AND HUGE CRABS! We’re talking about Crabs that grow up to the size of a car. (Did they do that in Mills? Thought not. ) Boris no no managed (I mean Zorander and I both tried but it wouldn’t work for us… conspiracy) to get the best badge in the world. Or at least in Birmingham Sea Life Centre. Anyway, to the end where there was the underwater tunnel where we walked UNDERWATER. (Luna- Did you see Maloki and Gulliver? Kinda hard to miss) when we reached the gift-shop, more craziness in a overabundance of cool fish straws were purchased. We all decided to not to go on the Big Wheel. (You know the London Eye, Imagine a smaller one “I’ve only got a little twanger but I like playing with it. Ready kids? Remember, if you haven’t got any balls, play with your friends….)
What did we save our money on?

Alcohol of course! Courtesy of Tesco Metro (Thanks stupid checkout people of which I am one!) Going back to the hotel, we then started with the intoxication of us EoFFers. (Drunk EoFFers!) While playing on our PS2. And if he’s said otherwise, Boris kicked his ass on Tekken 4 FIRST, and second time she was starting to get pissed. We all were actually… (P.S. I beat Baloki’s with Tae Kwon Do. IRL? No, in game. BUT IT SURE FELT LIKE A GOOD KICKING) Then Timesplitters Future Perfect went on and Amaritas and Baloki were given those Timesplitters a good shoeing, whipping out their pistols and firing their load (HOHOHOHOHOHO…oh). Then Star Wars Battlefront. At this point, we’re all smurfing around in a room. As you do. But then we got ready to go clubbing and also to cast our farewells to Psychotic (Farewell *waves*) at the trains station. Like Casablanca but in colour. And then we went clubbing… Actually we went and got some more drinks (except be cause I was swindled by the craftiness of Baloki and Zorander. Crafty people, watch what they are doing at all times. *watches* (They bought me coke and NOT vodka and coke.) Watched Zoolander too.
THEN we went clubbing, we went to Snobs. As expressed by my favourite™ Nod, “it’s all bravado” so I went acted macho (difficult I’m aware) and got in. (I normally get asked for I.D) Quick toilet break (where the guy was very very keen I washed my hands and made me smell good, all for a quid. I mean, if that’s all it cost for me to look quite sharp, I’d buy him to be in my bathroom) And thus we clubbed. Actually, Boris and Zorander hit the dance-floor and shook all others off it, Nod and Amaritas went off (Oz?) and Baloki and me chilled. Every attempt by moi to show my stuff was stunted. And then, when I finally got something going, Boris popped up. (You know like Zeebeedee in The Magic Roundabout) and said something like “I only met him on the internet, he’s alright (I thought was quite pleasant, but considering she was out of it, I’m passive) . Either way, that was when her friend ran in, barged me out the way (on the dancefloor) and thrust his tongue down her throat. (Or was that one of the 4 men who Boris got? I’m impressed with her even if she’s not. Anyways, Baloki and me chilled for the rest, except when I danced with Zorander.
Then we went back to the hotel, and thus back to the image I warned you about at the beginning. Leaping bins, pole dancing and singing all events of ours. Gotta clear something up here, Nod and Amartis had gone back early. Of course, this meant that our teenage minds thought sex and thus the alcohol addled boris moaned all evening. Tried to watch 28 Days Later but then we all went bed, with I with face cream all over my hands and face.

MORNING arose and…I dunnoooooooooh it was a bit of a haze. Baloki left very early. Zorander, boris and I slept together, some showers… and I went at about 10am. Came back and intended to stay longer but couldn’t be arsed since all were clearing up so I left. And thus, was Jack’s tale of Birmingham.
Oddly enough, I got home (Broughton Astley) 24 hours after I first met these EoFFers in Birmingham (13:00 approx) It must have been fate, or destiny. Or just coincidence. Anyway, it was such a cool meet that while we were all aware that we knew each other through EoFF, that was never the most important thing. The most important thing was that it was an enjoyable hook-up. These people feel more then EoFF members now.

They feel like friends.... (Altogether now... AWWWW)

(Sugar coated ending © Jack 2005)

EDIT: Photos should be coming behalf of Baloki and Boris, and there is a picture of us loving Nemo (Of Finding Nemo fame) all over.