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Thread: Final Fantasy XIII?

  1. #1

    Default Final Fantasy XIII?

    If this topic has been made, sorry. Is there gonig to be a Final Fantasy XIII? If so, I hope they do a better job than what they're doing to Final Fantasy XII. If they're making another Final Fantasy, tell me where I can get information on it. Thanks.

    VoodooChild, thanks for this awsome signature!

  2. #2
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    Yes they are, Red XIII is the main character of it and it takes time 500 years after ffvii, like in the end of ffvii when red runs around and sees midgar and all that..

    Nah, just lying!!!!!! I read somewhere that square is stoppin after ffxii

  3. #3

    Default ???

    I don't think they'd stop making ff games... That'd be like throwing millions of dollars in a fire place.

  4. #4
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    I tought exactly the same way, but I think that it takes a lot of resources to make new ff games. Think about it, all ff games have always been made with the newest graphics and when technology just keeps upgrasing, I think that it will be kinda hard to make new games with latest graphics

  5. #5
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    Better job than what they're doing on XII? Gimme a break. At least wait until you've played the game to bitch about it.

    As for the cost of making games, yes it can take a lot, but that's nothing compared to the revenue it generates. Just like a movie, but FF is pretty much garunteeed financial gain.

    And, as for the main question at hand, yes there will be a XIII, and no Square has not announced they're stopping. Every game that comes out is swamped with rumors that it'll be the last.People on the internet love to spread those ridiculous rumors. FF is one of the three 'pillars' of the SquareEnix company (according to an interview with Square, it can be found at RPGamer among other places) along with Dragon Warrior/Quest and Kingdom Hearts. They arent stopping FF anytime soon.
    Last edited by TheAbominatrix; 04-23-2005 at 10:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    Really glad to hear that

  7. #7


    I dont care how it turns out as all FF games are good
    With the exception of X-2

  8. #8


    yea... Final Fantasy is the game series that put Squersoft on the map... and the fact that every game is in a completely diferent world with a completely diferent story makes the production not repetitive at all.

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